2 research outputs found
Design of the “Hello Maggot” Program E-book For Pesan Trend Educational Area Visitor Age 18-24 Years
Pesan Trend is a non-formal education area for young people, Pesan Trend has a goal to convey good messages to become a trend in the midst of society. One of the focuses movement of Pesan Trend is on environmental issues, with the amount of waste currently available, making Pesan Trend moved to breed BSF (Black Soldier Fly) fly larvae to be able to decompose organic waste. The use of media in the form of E-books is considered to be able to help the teaching and learning activities at Pesan Trend which use the concept of tours and simulations in their teaching and learning activities. So it requires flexibility in the learning process and requires media that is easy to use and not easily damaged. The method used in this design is a qualitative method. Data collection techniques in this design use interview techniques and direct observation to the Pesan Trend education area. The design of this E-book educational media is based on theories related to editorial, visual communication design science, AISAS, icons, photography, and other theories related to design. The design of the E-book with the title "HELLO MAGGOT pocket book BSF fly larvae breeding for organic waste solutions" aims to make people, especially teenagers, more concerned about the environment in which they live
Media Presentation Design of Railroad Crossing Discipline for Teenagers 15-18 Years Old by Indonesian Edan Sepur Community in Bandung
A railroad crossing is an intersection where a railway line crosses a road that can become an accident-prone point. The high number of accidents on a railroad crossing is due to the low level of society’s discipline in traffic. One of the communities who cares about this phenomenon is Edan Sepur Indonesia Community. There were 16.111 violations on 5 railroad crossings in Bandung for the last 6 months of the Crossing Discipline Event 2022. The purpose of this design is to make an interesting media presentation related to railroad crossing discipline that will be socialized to the teenagers aged 15-18 years old in Bandung. The method used on this design is a qualitative method by doing observation, interview and questionnaire. This media presentation design is aimed to provide knowledge and early education concerning the awarness of railroad crossing discipline to prevent accidents