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    This study is under a psycholinguistic umbrella. The aim of this study is to analyze linguistic phenomena of dyslexia suffered by Brian, the main character in Backwards: The Riddle of Dyslexia. This study has three objectives: (1) to identify and explain the types of linguistic errors experienced by the main character in Backwards: The Riddle of Dyslexia; (2) to examine the environmental factors which occur in the movie; and (3) to describe the kinds of teaching approaches used to recover the main character in the movie from dyslexia. This study employed a descriptive qualitative method since it emphasized on describing the phenomena of dyslexia in Backwards: The Riddle of Dyslexia. Moreover, the findings were presented in narrative or textual description. However, number was also used to support the analysis of the data. Some steps in analyzing the data were: identifying the raw data, classifying each datum into the categorization, analyzing each datum, interpreting each datum based on its contexts, reporting the findings, and drawing the conclusion. Finally, the data findings were triangulated by two linguistics students who were keen on psycholinguistics. This study reveals three findings. First, of eight types of miscues, only six types occur in Backwards: The Riddle of Dyslexia. They are substitution, hesitation, omission, non-response, addition, and self-corrections. Meanwhile, the absent types are repetition and reversal. Substitution is the most common error made by a dyslexic who has problems in extracting printed letters into sounds. Meanwhile, the other types have only small occurrences since they are not common errors made by a dyslexic. Second, all types of environmental factors occur in the movie, i.e. social interaction and communication, physical environment, cognitive modality preference, emotional motivation, and children’s behavior. Social interaction and communication as well as physical environment become the highest in rank because Brian works well with another and needs a suitable condition and situation to read. Finally, each type of environmental factors supports successful teaching approaches for a dyslexic. Third, types of teaching approaches which occur in the movie are language experience, teacher modeling, self-questioning, phonological approach, and engaging parents. Meanwhile, the absent types are creative writing and critical literacy. Those present types of teaching approaches have represented successful treatments for Brian to recover from dyslexia. Key words: psycholinguistics, dyslexia, Backwards: The Riddle of Dyslexi


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    English is an International language that has important role in the world of knowledge and it is used for communication. In Indonesia, English belongs to a foreign language and it is taught from elementary school to university. In language teaching process, writing is a subject which gets least attention from the teacher and the learner. Whereas, writing, especially in English, is an important subject to master. To solve that problem, one of the efforts which can be done is through writing diaries. This study investigated can diaries be used to improve the students’ writing skill for the third year students of SMPN 1 Lamongan and how effective can the diaries improve the students’ writing skill for the third year students of SMPN 1 Lamongan. The purpose of this study was to find the answer whether the use of diaries can improve the students’ skill or not and to describe how effective the diaries can improve the students’ writing skills for the third year students of SMPN 1 Lamongan. In conducting the study, the writer employed a quasi-experimental design. The subject of this study was one class which consists of 44 students. The instruments used to collect the data were pretest and posttest, then the scores were calculated by using t-test formula. The result of this study showed that there was a significant different between the scores of pretest and posttest. Besides, the result of the calculation of t-test showed that the pretest and posttest already make a significant progress. It means that the end of the study the both tests were significantly different. So, it can be concluded that the diaries can be used to improve the students’ skills in writing and effective to be used to improve the students’ skills in writing

    Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Keberhasilan Program Pelatihan Keterampilan Kerja pada Loka Latihan Kerja (LLK) Selong Kabupaten Lombok Timur (Studi Kasus Alumni Pelatihan Tahun 2011)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap tingkat keberhasilan pelatihan keterampilan kerja pada alumni pelatihan LLK Selong dana APBN tahun 2011. Selain itu untuk menganalisis: 1) pengaruh langsung latar belakang pendidikan formal peserta, kemampuan instruktur, dan dukungan sarana prasarana terhadap proses pembelajaran dalam pelatihan; 2) pengaruh langsung proses pembelajaran terhadap prestasi belajar peserta dalam pelatihan; 3) pengaruh langsung prestasi belajar peserta terhadap keberhasilan pelatihan keterampilan kerja; 4) pengaruh tidak langsung latar belakang pendidikan formal peserta, kemampuan instruktur, dan dukungan sarana prasarana terhadap prestasi belajar peserta melalui proses pembelajaran dalam pelatihan; 5) pengaruh tidak langsung latar belakang pendidikan formal peserta, kemampuan instruktur, dan dukungan sarana prasarana terhadap keberhasilan pelatihan keterampilan kerja melalui proses pembelajaran dan prestasi belajar peserta dalam pelatihan; dan 6) pengaruh tidak langsung proses pembelajaran terhadap keberhasilan pelatihan keterampilan kerja melalui prestasi belajar peserta dalam pelatihan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah ex-post facto. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian populasi dengan subjek penelitian sebanyak 85 orang alumni pelatihan LLK Selong. Pengumpulan data menggunakan instrumen angket dan dokumentasi. Uji validasi instrumen menggunakan korelasi product moment dan uji reliabilitas menggunakan rumus Alpha Cronbach. Analisis data menggunakan statistik deskriptif, analisis regresi ganda, dan dilanjutkan dengan analisis jalur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tingkat keberhasilan pelatihan keterampilan kerja alumni LLK Selong dana APBN tahun 2011 berada dalam kategori tinggi. Hasil uji hipotesis menunjukkan bahwa; 1) terdapat pengaruh langsung yang positif latar belakang pendidikan formal peserta (32,7%), kemampuan instruktur (30,9%), dan dukungan sarana prasarana (26,7%) terhadap proses pembelajaran dalam pelatihan; 2) terdapat pengaruh langsung yang positif proses pembelajaran (27,8%) terhadap prestasi belajar peserta dalam pelatihan; 3) terdapat pengaruh langsung yang positif prestasi belajar peserta (25,0%) terhadap keberhasilan pelatihan keterampilan kerja; 4) terdapat pengaruh tidak langsung yang positif latar belakang pendidikan formal peserta (9,0%), kemampuan instruktur (8,5%), dan dukungan sarana prasarana (7,4%) terhadap prestasi belajar peserta melalui proses pembelajaran dalam pelatihan; 5) terdapat pengaruh tidak langsung yang positif latar belakang pendidikan formal peserta (2,3%), kemampuan instruktur (2,1%), dan dukungan sarana prasarana (1,9%) terhadap keberhasilan pelatihan keterampilan kerja melalui proses pembelajaran dan prestasi belajar peserta dalam pelatihan; dan 6) tedapat pengaruh langsung (27,6%) dan tidak langsung (6,9%) yang positif proses pembelajaran terhadap keberhasilan pelatihan keterampilan kerja melalui prestasi belajar peserta dalam pelatihan

    Improving Listening and Speaking Skills by Using Animation Videos and Discussion Method

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    Listening and speaking are the important skills that have to be mastered by the students. By having these skills, the students can communicate with others easily. There are many strategies that can be used to teach listening and speaking skills. One of the strategies is by using animation videos. Many students of all ages still like watching animation videos for they are interesting. Animation videos can help the students more understand because they present visual context aids that assist the students comprehend and improve their learning skills. Animation videos can be integrated with discussion method. This paper aims at providing required information about the advantages of animation videos and how to use them in the teaching and learning English activity


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    The dynamics of the process is something that occurs in a system, with the rapid process variables change with the opening control valve. On the dynamics of the process qualitatively capacity and delays are used as standard (size), while the transfer fuction is expressed asa a standard dor quantitative dynamics process. On the order of two non-interacting, the second levelin the tank will not affect the size of the flow rate out of the first tank. As in the first order, second order transfer fuction process non-interacting is also a function of the differential equation of time. The larger the aperture control valve in each tank, teh higher the altitude level. Keyword : dynamics of the process, order two non-interacting, control valv

    Improving Listening and Speaking Achievements of the Eighth Grade Students of SMP Negeri 6 Metro by Using Videos Plus Discussion Method

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    Listening and speaking are the important skills that have to be mastered by the students. By having these skills, the students can communicate with others easily. However, the teaching and learning of listening and speaking skills are still problematical. The objectives of this study were to find out whether or not videos plus discussion method was effective in improving the students\u27 listening and speaking achievements.  This study involved one hundred and ninety six of the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 6 Metro and forty of them were selected as the sample by using purposive sampling technique. The results of this study showed that the videos plus discussion method was considered as one of the effective ways to improve the students\u27 listening and speaking achievements

    The Use of Translation Tool in Efl Learning: Do Machine Translation Give Positive Impact in Language Learning?

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    Translation tools are commonly used for translating a text written in one language (source language) into another language (target language). They are used to help translators in translating big numbers of translation works in effective time. There are three types of translation tools being studied in the article entitled Machine Translation Tools: Tools of the Translator's Trade written by Peter Katsberg published in 2012. They are Fully Automated Machine Translation (or FAMT), Human Aided Machine Translation (or HAMT) and Machine Aided Human Translation (or MAHT). Katsberg analyzed how each translation tool works, the naturality and approriateness of its translation and the compatibility of using it. In this digital era, translation tools are not only popular among translators but also among EFL learners. Beginning with the use of portable dictionary such as Alfalink and expanding to the more sopisticated translation tool such as Google Translate. Some novice learners usually use this translation tools in doing their task without recorrecting the translation result. This happens perhaps because they do not have enough background knowledge to evaluate the translation result. Thus, it will be better when the learners have good mastery in basic English and train them to be aware in evaluating the result from translation tools. On the other words, Human Aided Machine Translation may be the wise choice to do translation task effectively and efficiently particularly in managing the time


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    Competition in the hotel business in Indonesia is getting tighter from year to year, in fact almost no hotel runs alone without having competitors. Competitive advantage is important for companies to achieve success and maintain their sustainability in a competitive market. Therefore, diversification strategies have an important role in realizing the success of a hotel. This research aims to determine the role of food and beverage diversification strategies to increase competitive advantage at Rayz Hotel UMM. The type of research used in this research is descriptive research with a qualitative approach. The data collection techniques used were observation, interviews and documentation. The informants taken for data analysis were internal parties at Hotel Rayz UMM and customers. The data analysis method used in this research is the Miles and Huberman interactive data analysis model, namely data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results of the research show that the food and beverage diversification strategy plays a role in increasing competitive advantage at Rayz Hotel UMM, but its implementation is still not optimal and there needs to be improvements such as rotate food and drinks every day, carry out selection in the F&B team recruitment process, program regular F&B team training, create attractive food and drink themes, procure air conditioning and bread baking equipment

    Penggunaan Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid Pada Proses Kloning Embrio Manusia Dalam Perspektif Hukum Islam

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    The use of the Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid (DNA) in the human embryo cloningis definitely a great invention of the centuries, yet the impact of its utilization bringsmore complicated problems. It is because the DNA can be taken from desired persons.It surely will lead to the problematical issues due to future offspring pedigree. It will behard to find out whose kids these cloning babies? Therefore, the law will be messed upwith things related to birth certificate and inheritance right. Even though the cloninguses the similar method with the IVF, it uses other cells but sperm. These cells bringother people\u27s DNA information with them therefore the children produced by thismethod will copy all the characteristics of the owners even without the help of penetrationbetween their parents. Hence it can be said that, in making a baby, woman does notneed man and marriage anymore. The reasons behind this human cloning inventionare to make perfect offspring that are far more intelligent, good looking, healthier,stronger, and perfectly same with the owner of the DNA. Embryo cloning, however, isthe sort of intervention of Allah creation. It means that people who involving in cloningprocess deny the Almighty of Allah. Is this the playing of Allah\u27s creation? How theIslamic laws see this phenomenon and give legal fatwa on the utilization of DNA incloning human embryo? How the National Laws of Indonesia sees this case? Because itseems that the national regulation in Indonesia is still not firm against the geneticengineering problems.Key words: cloning, deoxyribonucleic acid, embryoPenggunaan Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) pada kloning embrio manusiaadalah penemuan besar sepanjang masa, namun masalah penggunaan DNA pada proseskloning embrio, merupakan masalah yang rumit, karena DNA bisa diambil dari siapasaja yang diinginkan. yang bisa membuat permasalahan bagi silsilah keturunannyakelak. Anak siapa?Keturunan siapa?hingga mempersulit dalam pembuatan aktekelahiran, hak waris, sehingga dapat mengacaukan hukum yang telah berlaku. Denganmetode yang hampir sama dengan bayi tabung, cloning menggunakan sel selain sperma.Sel ini yang berisi informasi DNA dari makhluk yang lain, kemudian hasilnya jugadimasukkan kembali ke induknya. Sehingga menciptakan anak tanpa membutuhkanlaki-laki,tanpa perkawinan juga. Kloning manusia diciptakan untuk alasan memperbaikiketurunan; supaya lebih cerdas, rupawan lebih sehat, lebih kuat dan menyamai dariDNA yang di kloning tersebut. Kloning embrio dengan mengambil DNA orang lainadalah bentuk intervensi dari penciptaan Allah, padahal Allah adalah Sang PenciptaIndoyangmaha sempurna. Apakah ini termasuk mempermainkan Ciptaan Allah?BagaimanaHukum Islam memberikan fatwa hukum pada penggunaan DNA untuk cloning embriomanusia dan bagaimana tinjauan dari Hukum yang berlaku di Indonesia yang hinggasekarang belum tegas terhadap banyak permasalahan rekayasa genetika
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