34 research outputs found
AbstrakPencahayaan dalam bangunan adalah faktor penting bagi kelangsungan aktivitas di dalam bangunan. Dengan tetap memperhatikan kesehatan indera penglihatan, sangatlah penting kiranya dipikirkan jumlah cahaya yang mencukupi untuk beraktivitas, tidak terlalu redup dan tidak terlalu terang (iluminasi). Sumber pencahayaan alami yang dibutuhkan serta dipercaya mampu meningkatkan kesehatan manusia adalah matahari. Kata kunci: pencahayaan, alami, aman, sehat AbstractLighting in buildings is an important factor for the continuity of activities in the building. By still paying attention to the health of the sense of sight, it is very important to think about a sufficient amount of light for activities, not too dim and not too bright (illumination). The source of natural lighting needed and believed to be able to improve human health is the sun.Key words: lighting, natural, safe, health
Currently, train stations are still busy for train passengers, parking capacity requirements are also being considered. This research is motivated by the problem of parking capacity, where there are several points that cause congestion and the direction of the parking lane is less than optimal at Poncol Semarang Station. In overcoming this problem, it is necessary to analyze parking capacity, evaluate problems and alternatives that can be used to solve existing problems. The method used in this research is a descriptive approach. This means that the data collected is not in the form of numerical data, but rather data originating from interview scripts, field notes, personal documents, researcher notes or memos and other official supporting documents which aim to enable researchers to describe the empirical reality behind the conditions that occur at train stations. Poncol Semarang. This research produces parking capacity at the station where the parking area can accommodate 554 SRP for cars and 241 SRP for motorbikes with the most parking accumulation getting the most results on Sunday, August 20 2023, namely in the morning at 06.00-09.00 WIB. Amounting to 157 motorbikes and 100 cars. Alternatives for handling traffic jams during peak parking hours are: moving the motorbike taxi post, improving the direction of the parking lane and moving entrance 2.Keywords: parking, capacity, alternative, statio
Public transportation acts as a sustainable mode of transportation to reduce the increasing level of pollution and traffic congestion. Public transportation has many types, in Jakarta, for example, online transportation and Transjakarta buses. This study aims to analyze the characteristics of online transportation travellers and Transjakarta buses, analyze the chances of choosing between the two modes of public transportation, and determine the level of service according to the community. Data collection using questionnaires distributed at Gambir station. Characteristics of travelers were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The probability of choosing a mode is analyzed using the binary logit difference model with the help of multiple linear regression equations. The level of service of the two modes of public transportation was analyzed using a Likert scale. The results showed that the characteristics of online transportation travellers are dominated by female, of productive age, highly educated, worked as an employee, earned quite a lot of money, traveled for vacation or recreational purposes, and the reason for choosing the mode was getting to the destination quickly. The characteristics of Transjakarta bus travellers are dominated by male, productive age, highly educated, work as an employee, earn quite high, travel for vacation or recreational purposes, and the reason for choosing the mode is the low price. The dominant choice of public transportation mode is online transportation. The level of online transportation services for the security and convenience aspects is in the good category, and the ease and reliability aspects are in the very good category.Keywords: characteristics of travellers, transportation mode, likert scal
The development of transportation in Demak Regency has an impact on increasing the movement of people, goods, and services. This is also very demanding for the improvement of transportation facilities and infrastructure in Demak Regency. This study aims to determine the performance of the uncited intersection of field conditions based on the 1997 MKJI guidelines, from the results of research in the field and the calculation of the Karangawen interchange interchange km 18 that the busiest traffic occurred on Sundays at 17.30-17.45 with a total traffic flow value of 1269 smp / hour, and obtained analytical data With an intersection capacity value of 1372.8 width of the interchange approach 2,821 fak tor road median adjustment with value 1, faktor city size adjustment with value 1, faktor road environment type adjustment by 0.85 faktor left turn adjustment by 1.170 faktor turn right adjustment by 0.233 Minor road ratio misrepresentation factor of 0.726 with a saturation degree of 0.924 interchange traffic delay of 56.54 seconds/smp, main road traffic delay of 13.66 seconds/smp, minor road traffic delay of 61.67 seconds/smp, interchange geometry delay of 4, interchange delay of 60.54 Seconds/smp and queue opportunity for lower limit of 21.26 And queue opportunity for upper limit of 34.249.So the Karangawen km 18 intersection needs improvement at the intersection because it is seen from the value of the degree of saturation based on MKJI guidelines if the saturation value > 0.75 then there is a need for interchange improvement
Aktivitas pasar mempengaruhi kondisi lalu lintas di sekitarnya. Karakteristik lalu lintas pada ruas jalan dan lingkungan pada kasus penelitian ini adalah interaksi pengendara dari pelaku aktivitas Pasar Godong. Dengan letak pasar yang berada di pusat kota, Pasar Godong menjadi pusat kegiatan bagi pelaku aktivitas yang memunculkan sirkulasi kendaraan antara pengunjung pasar dengan pengguna jalan.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui volume, LHR, kepadatan arus lalulintas dan kinerja ruas jalan Godong untuk 5 tahun yang akan datang dengan metode pengambilan data cara survei volume lalu lintas, LHR, dan kepadatan arus lalu lintas, metode analisis data menggunakan MKJI 1997. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan dan analisis segmen jalan tersebut jam puncak terjadi pada hari senin 27 Desember 2021 dengan periode jam 16.30 – 16.45 didapatkan volume jam puncak sebesar 318,6 smp/15 menit dan dikonversikan menjadi 1274,4 smp/jam, LHR 1522 smp/jam. Dengan hasil kapasitas (C) sebesar 2755 smp/jam dan derajat kejenuhan (DS) = 0,46 yang masih dibawah nilai yang disyaratkan dalam MKJI 1997 yaitu 0,75 untuk jalan perkotaan, kecepatan tempuh (V) = 35,18 km/jam, waktu tempuh rata – rata (TT) = 13,30 detik, Tingkat pelayanan (Level of Service/LOS) dikategorikan tingkat C bedasarkan hasil analisa prediksi kinerja ruas jalan tersebut untuk 5 tahun yang akan datang didapat hasil (F) = 1540 smp/jam dan derajat kejenuhan (DS) 0,59 dengan laju pertumbuhan kendaraan bermotor yang mencapai 3,86% pertahun. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan yang terjadi pada tahun 2021, maka perlu mempertahankan nilai arus lalu lintas dan selalu memantau volume kendaraan yang melewati ruas jalan tersebut.Kata kunci: volume, lalu lintas harian rata-rata, kepadatan, kinerja lalu linta
Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh adanya kekurangan lahan parkir disalah satu tempat wisata yaitu Taman wisata air panas guci, kabupaten Tegal yang tepatnya ada di tempat ruang parkir mobil B desa Bojong,bumijawa, kabupaten Tegal. Pada tempat ruang parkir mobil B sudah dilakukannya perubahan pengaturan manajemen perpakiran dengan menambah kantong – kantong parkir yang telah disediakan namun belum maksimal.Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui hasil survei lapangan sebagai berikut akumulasi parkir, durasi parkir, volume parkir, pergantian parkir, indeks parkir, kapasitas statis, dan serta kapasitas dinamis di tempat ruang parkir mobil B pada Taman Wisata Air Panas Guci kabupaten Tegal. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif yang bertujuan untuk menunjukkan adanya pengaruh dalam perhitungan yang dilakukan dengan cara umum ke khusus dengan pengumpulan data baik secara data primer maupun data sekunder. Data primer dengan cara pengamatan secara langsung di lapangan dengan metode observasi dan dokumentasi di Taman Wisata Air Panas Guci kabupaten Tegal, sedangkan data sekunder yaitu data penujang seperti kabupaten Tegal, peta lokasi, dan jumlah penduduk kabupaten Tegal 2021. Teknik pengambilan data primer dengan cara mengambil perhitungan jumlah akumulasi parkir, durasi parkir, volume parkir, pergantian parkir, indeks parkir, kapasitas statis, dan serta kapasitas dinamis di tempat ruang parkir mobil B pada Taman Wisata Air Panas Guci kabupaten Tegal. Berdasarkan penelitian didapatkan akumulasi parkir sebesar 51 mobil, durasi parkir sebesar 59 mobil, volume parkir sebesar 129 mobil, pergantian parkir sebanyak 1 – 2 kali, indeks parkir sebanyak 72,9 %, kapasitas statis sebesar 70 SRP dan serta kapasitas dinamis sebesar 350 mobil.Kata Kunci: ruang parkir, karakteristik parkir, kapasitas parki
Ruang yang tersedia untuk memarkir kendaraan pada tepi jalan di kawasan pusat kota dan sepanjang jalan raya utama yang dilakukan dengan tetap ada pembatasan dan pengendalian serta pengaturan atau sering disebut on street parking (Clarkson Grg Lesby dan Bary Hicks, 1988). Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh masalah kinerja lalu lintas yang kurang optimal disebabkan oleh adanya on street parking pada jalur sepeda di Jalan Kartini Kota Salatiga. Dalam mengatasi permasalahan tersebut diperlukan adanya analisis tentang perencanaan on street parking, dan estimasi retribusi parkir disepanjang ruas Jalan Kartini Kota Salatiga. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu metode pendekatan deskriptif kuantitatif. Pengumpulan data yang diperoleh dari hasil wawancara, catatan lapangan, dokumentasi pribadi, catatan peneliti, dan dokumen pendudukung lainnya. Alternatif simulasi parkir yang digunakan yaitu posisi sudut parkir roda empat 0o dan roda dua 30o dikarenakan simulasi tersebut tidak melebihi batas maksimal bahu jalan, kapasitas jalan, kecepatan arus bebas dan derajat kejenuhan. Lalu, digunakan pula penarikan retribusi parkir dengan metode Tarif Flat dengan tarif kendaraan Roda 2 (dua) Rp. 2000,-/kendaraan sedangkan kendaraan Roda 4 (empat) Rp. 4000,-/kendaraan. Maka proyeksi total pendapatan parkir pada area lokasi survey tersebut yaitu sebesar Rp. 51.830.000,- pertahun.Kata kunci: parkir, on street parking, retribus
Penggaron Terminal is a type B terminal in the Pedurungan District area which serves departments such as Mangkang, Karang Ayu, Solo, Wonosobo, Kebumen, Cepu, Purwodadi, and cities or regencies within the province of Central Java. This research aims to determine the level of service at the Penggaron terminal using the importance performance analysis (IPA) method. This research was conducted at the Penggaron type-B terminal for two weeks, the first week the questionnaires were distributed to respondents on Mondays and Sundays in the morning at 07:00-10:00 WIB and in the afternoon at 16:00-18:00 WIB. This research is included in the quantitative research with a descriptive research approach. Data collection uses primary data, namely data obtained from the answers of the respondents to the questions posed by the researcher. Secondary data from literature study in the form of documents, laws and regulations, journals, scientific papers, supporting data relating to the problem under study. Based on the results of data analysis and processing using the Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) method in the Cartesian diagram, the service facilities at the Penggaron bus terminal are dominant in quadrant 2, which shows high expectations and reality, and quadrant 4, which means expectations of low use and high reality. However, there are a small number of service facilities that are in the quadrant, which means that the expectations from users are high but the reality is low. So, based on user evaluation, the service at the Penggaron terminal is quite good
AbstractThe space are available for parking vehicles on the roadside in the downtown area and along main highways is carried out with still restrictions and controls and arrangements or is often called on-street parking (Clarkson Grg Lesby and Bary Hicks, 1988). This research is motivated by the problem of less than optimal traffic performance caused by the presence of on street parking on the bicycle lane on Jalan Kartini, Salatiga City. In overcoming these problems, it is necessary to analyze the characteristics of parking and the effect of on street parking along Jalan Kartini, Salatiga City. The method used in this study is a quantitative descriptive approach. Collecting data obtained from interviews, field notes, personal documentation, researcher notes, and other resident documents. This study shows that parking characteristics and the effect of on street parking on traffic performance on Jalan Kartini, Salatiga City, for parking duration are categorized as Category I and high turnover which means short duration, generally parking vehicles are less than one hour with short parking durations. for parking in shopping centers, with a road capacity of 2489.22 smp/hour, a free-flow speed of 37.665 km/hour and a level of service belonging to the Level Of Service (LOS) B category (0.20-0.44) with stable flow characteristics, speed is slightly limited by traffic, driver can still freely choose his speed.Keywords: parking, on street parking, characteristic
Abstrak Kondisi persampahan Kota Mojokerto yang terdiri dari 2 kecamatan dan 18 kelurahan, pelayanan persampahan mencakup di 67% kelurahan, dengan kemampuan mengangkut 78,2% dari timbulan sampah kota sebesar 349 m3/hari dan dihasilkan dari 135.024 jiwa. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengembangkan strategi pengelolaan sampah yang berkelanjutan dengan metode diskriptif kualitatif. Pengambilan data dengan metode studi dokumen,diskusi kelompok terfokus, wawancara dan observasi pada proses pengelolaan sampah. Kondisi pengelolaan sampah ditinjau dari aspek teknis operasional, kelembagaan, peraturan, pendanaan, peran serta masyarakat dengan mengacu pada teori dan analisis Strength, Weaknesess, Opportunity, dan Threath (SWOT). Pengelolaan sampah Pemerintah Kota Mojokerto dengan sistem kumpul-angkut-buang mengakibatkan timbulan sampah yang tidak terkendali di TPA serta biaya operasional tinggi, dilakukan uji coba pengurangan sampah dari sumber, pengolahan sampah skala kawasan dan skala kota tetapi belum memberikan hasil optimal, sampah masuk ke TPA sebesar 273 m3 per hari. Pemrosesan sampah di TPA dengan sistem control landill dan laju timbulan sampah sebesar 1,6% pertahun dengan biaya pengelolaan sampah yang belum cost recovery.Pengembangan strategi pengelolaan sampah diprioritaskan pada optimalisasi pengurangan volume sampah dari sumber dengan melibatkan peran aktif masyarakat skala rumah tangga dan kawasan atau kelompok, peningkatan kualitas pengelolaan TPA sebagai tempat pemrosesan bukan pembuangan, peningkatan cakupan pelayanan persampahan, peningkatan kerjasama dengan pihak swata,pengembangan sistem penghargaan dan sangsi, pemulihan biaya pengelolaan sampah, kerjasama regional dalam pengelolaan sampah, optimalisasi pemanfaatan sarana dan prasarana persampahan. Strategi bertumpu pada perubahan pola pikir untuk mengelola sampah kota bersama antara pemerintah masyarakat dan swasta dengan penerapan pengurangan, pemakaian kembali, daur ulang dan pembuangan yang aman bagi lingkungan.Katakunci : persampahan, analisis SWOT, strategi pengelolaan sampahAbstract Mojokerto City consists of 2 districts and 18 villages, and the waste services cover 67% of the villages, with the capability of transporting 78.2% of the waste generated by 349 m3/day produced by 135,024 inhabitants. The research aims to develop a sustainable waste management strategy with qualitative descriptive method. Data collection was done through documentation, focused group discussion, interviews, and observations on the process of waste management. Waste management was seen technically from the operational, institutional, regulatory, funding, community participation aspects with reference to the theory and analysis of Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunity, and Threat (SWOT). Waste management inMojokerto Cityuses the collection, transportation, and disposal system leading to uncontrolled waste generation at the landfill as well as high operational cost. Trials on waste reduction in terms of sources as well as waste management at the regional level were done, yet they had not provided optimum result as waste disposed at the landfill amounting to 273 m3 per day. Waste management in the landfill with landfill control systems and solid waste generation rate of 1.6% per year lead to failure in cost recovery.Developing waste management strategy to reduce the volume of waste sources by involving the active participation of domestic and community scale or regional groups, improving the quality of the management of the landfill as a processing site instead of disposal, increasing waste services coverage, increasing cooperation with individuals, developing the system of rewards and sanctions, recovering costs of waste management, regional cooperation in waste management, optimizing the utilization of solid waste infrastructure are all necessary. The strategy relies on a change of mindset for managing solid waste between the public and private sector with the implementation of reduction, reuse, recycling and environmentally safe disposal.Keywords : waste management, SWOT analysis, waste management strateg