4 research outputs found


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    Pesawat angkat dan angkut adalah pesawat atau alat yang digunakan untuk mengangkat atau memindahkansebuah barang dengan jarak, besar dan berat tertentu yang sulit untuk dilakukan ataupun tidak mungkin dilakukandengan tenaga manusia. Berdasarkan hasil observasi di PT. PAL telah ditemukan beberapa ketidak sesuaian danditemukan beberapa crane yang tidak dilakukan pemeriksaan secara berkala dan juga terdapat forklift yang sudahtidak layak pakai. Perancangan aplikasi pengingat masa inspeksi berbasis android sebagai bahan proses inspeksisekaligus pengingat jadwal inspeksi merupakan solusi yang tepat dan bertujuan untuk mengurangi pelanggaranpelanggaran,kecelakaan, serta membuat perusahaan tersebut siap siaga jika terjadi sesuatu yang tidak diinginkan.Pembuatan cheklist inspeksi mengacu pada Peraturan Mentri Tenaga Kerja No: PER.05/MEN/1985 tentangPesawat Angkat dan Angkut dan dokumen terkait dari perusahaan. Data diolah dalam database di MySQL danaplikasi ini menggunakan software XAMPP, PHPMyAdmin, dan Android Studio. Hasil penelitian dari perusahaanyang mengalami kesulitan saat melakukan inspeksi karena banyaknya jumlah crane dan forklift di perusahaantersebut dan terbatasnya jumlah safety officer menyebabkan beberapa crane dan forklift tidak dilakukan inspeksisecara berkala. Kemudian dirancang sebuah program berbasis android yang dapat dioperasikan secara online. Halini membuat safety officer dapat dengan mudah melakukan inspeksi crane dan forklift di perusahaan. SehinggaSupervisor juga dapat dengan mudah melakukan pemantauan inspeksi. Terdapat notifikasi pada aplikasi ini yangberfungsi sebagai reminder untuk mengingatkan waktu inspeksi selanjutnya. Pengguna juga dapat melihat hasilinspeksi di menu report, dan juga dapat langsung di cetak sebagai dokumen

    Socialization Related to the Dangers of Kites, Laser Beams, Hot Air Balloons, and Drones Around Silampari Lubuklinggau Airport

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    The implementation of socialization in the Tridharma of Higher Education framework is by conducting research and compiling Scientific Journals within the Palembang Aviation Polytechnic, South Sumatra. In addition, this activity aims to increase the knowledge and awareness of the general public around the Silampari – Lubuklinggau Class III Airport Operator Unit. This activity also informs about the dangers of kites, laser beams, hot air balloons, and drones around the air space in Silampari – Lubuklinggau as well as the safe distance of building construction, especially in the Flight Operation Safety Area, especially people who live close to the Flight Operation Safety Area (KKOP). The method used for socialization is a participatory Focus Group Discussion (FGD) by resource persons and discussions with communities living around the Silampari – Lubuklinggau Class III Airport Operator Unit that the results are expected so that participants know the results of socialization related to activities that can endanger flights. Then, the results of the socialization were published on the social media of the Palembang Poltekbang

    Global Practice Patterns and Variations in the Medical and Surgical Management of Non-Obstructive Azoospermia: Results of a World-Wide Survey, Guidelines and Expert Recommendations

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    Purpose: Non-obstructive azoospermia (NOA) is a common, but complex problem, with multiple therapeutic options and a lack of clear guidelines. Hence, there is considerable controversy and marked variation in the management of NOA. This survey evaluates contemporary global practices related to medical and surgical management for patients with NOA. Materials and methods: A 56-question online survey covering various aspects of the evaluation and management of NOA was sent to specialists around the globe. This paper analyzes the results of the second half of the survey dealing with the management of NOA. Results have been compared to current guidelines, and expert recommendations have been provided using a Delphi process. Results: Participants from 49 countries submitted 336 valid responses. Hormonal therapy for 3 to 6 months was suggested before surgical sperm retrieval (SSR) by 29.6% and 23.6% of participants for normogonadotropic hypogonadism and hypergonadotropic hypogonadism respectively. The SSR rate was reported as 50.0% by 26.0% to 50.0% of participants. Interestingly, 46.0% reported successful SSR in <10% of men with Klinefelter syndrome and 41.3% routinely recommended preimplantation genetic testing. Varicocele repair prior to SSR is recommended by 57.7%. Half of the respondents (57.4%) reported using ultrasound to identify the most vascularized areas in the testis for SSR. One-third proceed directly to microdissection testicular sperm extraction (mTESE) in every case of NOA while others use a staged approach. After a failed conventional TESE, 23.8% wait for 3 months, while 33.1% wait for 6 months before proceeding to mTESE. The cut-off of follicle-stimulating hormone for positive SSR was reported to be 12-19 IU/mL by 22.5% of participants and 20-40 IU/mL by 27.8%, while 31.8% reported no upper limit. Conclusions: This is the largest survey to date on the real-world medical and surgical management of NOA by reproductive experts. It demonstrates a diverse practice pattern and highlights the need for evidence-based international consensus guidelines

    Global Practice Patterns in the Evaluation of Non-Obstructive Azoospermia: Results of a World-Wide Survey and Expert Recommendations

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    Purpose: Non-obstructive azoospermia (NOA) represents the persistent absence of sperm in ejaculate without obstruction, stemming from diverse disease processes. This survey explores global practices in NOA diagnosis, comparing them with guidelines and offering expert recommendations. Materials and methods: A 56-item questionnaire survey on NOA diagnosis and management was conducted globally from July to September 2022. This paper focuses on part 1, evaluating NOA diagnosis. Data from 367 participants across 49 countries were analyzed descriptively, with a Delphi process used for expert recommendations. Results: Of 336 eligible responses, most participants were experienced attending physicians (70.93%). To diagnose azoospermia definitively, 81.7% requested two semen samples. Commonly ordered hormone tests included serum follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) (97.0%), total testosterone (92.9%), and luteinizing hormone (86.9%). Genetic testing was requested by 66.6%, with karyotype analysis (86.2%) and Y chromosome microdeletions (88.3%) prevalent. Diagnostic testicular biopsy, distinguishing obstructive azoospermia (OA) from NOA, was not performed by 45.1%, while 34.6% did it selectively. Differentiation relied on physical examination (76.1%), serum hormone profiles (69.6%), and semen tests (68.1%). Expectations of finding sperm surgically were higher in men with normal FSH, larger testes, and a history of sperm in ejaculate. Conclusions: This expert survey, encompassing 367 participants from 49 countries, unveils congruence with recommended guidelines in NOA diagnosis. However, noteworthy disparities in practices suggest a need for evidence-based, international consensus guidelines to standardize NOA evaluation, addressing existing gaps in professional recommendations