5 research outputs found
Suatu Kajian Tentang Lapangan Kabur dan Ruang Vektor Kabur
. 2017. . Skripsi. Jurusan Matematika. Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam. Universitas Negeri Makassar (dibimbing oleh Muhammad Abdy dan Syafruddin Side).
Penelitian ini mengkaji definisi dan teorema pada lapangan kabur dan ruang vektor kabur. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian abstrak dan menggunakan metode studi literatur. Adapun literatur yang digunakan sebagai acuan utama adalah artikel yang ditulis oleh Nanda (1986), Biswas (1989) dan Wenxiang & Tu (1992). Hasilnya, dapat diberikan perbaikan pada definisi lapangan kabur dan ruang vektor kabur, serta dapat diturunkan beberapa teorema lapangan kabur dan ruang vektor kabur dari teorema pada lapangan klasik dan ruang vektor klasik. Selain itu, disimpulkan bahwa sebagian teorema dapat berlaku pada kedua konsep lapangan dan ruang vektor (konsep kabur dan klasik), sementara sebagian teorema hanya berlaku pada salah satu konsep lapangan dan ruang vektor saja (konsep kabur atau klasik saja).
Kata Kunci : Himpunan Kabur, Lapangan, Ruang Vektor, Lapangan Kabur, Ruang Vektor Kabu
The amount of garbage that pollutes the oceans can be reduced by sorting garbage on the beach. Waste sorting is the initial key to waste management activities. With the process of sorting waste on the beach, it will make it easier for waste managers in the next stage and can provide economic value to the surrounding community. Sorting can be done by doing basic sorting, namely separating organic and inorganic waste and separating wet waste and dry waste. Information about the importance of sorting waste and types of waste is something that is not widely known to the community in Sapeken district. It is proven by the large amount of mixed waste (organic and non-organic) in one bag of plasty k in the same plastik. In addition, knowledge about the adverse impacts of litter thrown into the sea will affect the diversity of fish species and the sustainability of coastal ecosystems in the future is also not widely known by residents in Sapeken district. With the above problems, it is necessary to hold counseling activities on how to sort and manage household waste so that it does not pollute the marine ecosystem to the community in Sapeken district. Pagerungan Besar Village is taken as a pilot project for this Community Service (PkM) activity. The implementation method that will be carried out in the activitiesn PkM for the communityof Pagerungan Besar Village is socialization and practice. This socialization is carried out in order to provide knowledge about the importance of sorting marine debris and direct practice of waste sorting. Inthis activity, 50% of participants who do not understand the dangers of marine debris are produced to 100% better understand and understand the dangers of marine debris for the sustainability of coastal and marine ecosystems. There were 75% of participants who participated in the garbage cleaning activity directly on the pagerungan Besar port beach
Univariate imputation methods are defined as imputation methods that only use the information of the target variable to estimate missing values. While univariate imputation methods are convenient and flexible since no other variable is required, multivariate imputation methods can potentially improve imputation accuracy given that the other variables are relevant to the target variable. Many multivariate imputation methods have been proposed, one of which is Vector Autoregression Imputation Method (VAR-IM). This study aims to compare imputation results of VAR-IM-based methods and univariate imputation methods on time series data, specifically on long lag seasonal data such as daily weather data. Three modified VAR-IM methods were studied using simulations with three steps: deletion, imputation, and evaluation. The deletion step was conducted using six different schemes with six missing proportions. The simulations were conducted on secondary daily weather data collected from meteorological station of Citeko from January 1, 1991, to June 22, 2013. Nine weather variables were examined, that is the minimum, maximum, and average temperatures, average humidity, rainfall rate, duration of solar radiation, maximum and average wind speed, as well as wind direction at maximum speed. The simulation results show that the three modified VAR-IM methods can improve the accuracies in around 75% of cases. The simulation results also show that imputation results of VAR-IM-based methods tend to be more stable in accuracy as the missing proportion increase compared to the imputation results of univariate imputation methods
Suatu Kajian Tentang Lapangan Kabur dan Ruang Vektor Kabur
Abstrak. Penelitian ini memberikan beberapa perbaikan pada definisi lapangan kabur dan ruang vektor kabur. Selain itu, juga ditunjukkan beberapa teorema yang berlaku pada kedua konsep lapangan dan ruang vektor (konsep klasik dan kabur).Kata Kunci: Himpunan Kabur, Lapangan, Ruang Vektor, Lapangan Kabur, Ruang Vektor KaburAbstract. This research redefine fuzzy fields and fuzzy linear spaces. Furthermore, we show some theorem that applies to both concepts of fields and linear spaces (classic and fuzzy concept).Keywords: Fuzzy Set, Fields, Vector Spaces, Fuzzy Fields, Fuzzy Vector Spaces
Analisis Data Penelitian Kualitatif
Analisis data dalam penelitian kualitatif adalah proses
sistematis melacak dan mengatur catatan lapangan yang
dikumpulkan dari wawancara, observasi, dan sumber lain untuk
memungkinkan peneliti melaporkan temuan mereka. Analisis
data melibatkan kegiatan pelacakan, pengorganisasian,
penyelesaian, dan sintesis, pencarian pola, dan penentuan
bagian mana yang akan dilaporkan tergantung pada fokus
penelitian. Analisis data dilakukan secara terus menerus, terus
menerus, dan berulang-ulang. Analisis data dilakukan selama
proses pengumpulan dan setelah seluruh data terkumpul.
Sejalan dengan pengumpulan data, analisis (interpretasi)
dilakukan dengan tujuan memperjelas fokus pengamatan dan
pendalaman masalah terkait. Analisis data selama proses
akuisisi data sangat penting bagi peneliti untuk melakukan
pengamatan yang fokus pada masalah yang ditelit