46 research outputs found
Epistimologi Pendidikan Islam Perspektif Hasan Langgulung
Signifikansi tulisan ini adalah pemikiran konsep pendidikan Islam Hasan Langgulung. Hasan Langgulung sendiri merupakan sosok pemikir modernis pendidikan Islam yang lahir pada abad 21. Sosok Hasan Langgulung memiliki concern tersendiri dalam upaya islamisasi ilmu pengetahuan. Islamisasi pendidikan yang ia harapkan juga merupakan wujud kegelisahannya melihat realita perkembangan peradaban umat Islam khususnya pada abad 21 ini. Dalam perspektif Hasan Langgulung konsep pendidikan Islam hendaknya berorientasi pada pengembangan fitrah manusi yang telah dianugerahkan oleh Allah Swt. Hal ini juga didasarkan pada tujuan besar (ultimate goal) pendidikan Islam itu sendiri yang mengkehendaki lahirnya sosok khalifah di permukaan bumi yang dapat memberikan dampak rahmatan lilialamin. Untuk melahirkan pola kehidupan madani dalam konteks pendidikan Islam, Hasan Langgulung menitikberatkan tujuan lain dari pendidikan Islam sebagai upaya melahirkan lulusan yang memiliki kategori insan saleh yang pada sisi lainnya juga akan mewujudkan masyarakat saleh. Untuk mewujudkan itu semua maka Hasan Langgulung mengkehendaki konsep pendidikan Islam yang mengacu pada prinsip integralistik, kesesuaian, keaslian, ilmiah, praktikal dan holistik sehingga tercermin distingsi dengan pendidikan lainnya secara umum
Deteksi Perkembangan Kompetensi Motorik Anak di Paud Nadila Kec. Bebesen Kab. Aceh Tengah
Penenlitian bertujuan untuk melakukan deteksi terhadap perkembangan motorik anak di PAUD Nadila Kec. Bebesen Kab. Aceh Tengah. Adapun yang menjadi subjek penelitian ini adalah kepala sekolah, guru dan anak Kelompok B sejumlah 15 orang. Untuk mendapatkan data tersebut peneliti menggunakan Tes, Observasi dan Wawancara Terstruktrur. Kemudian data yang diperoleh diolah dengan cara mereduksi, menyajikan data dan menarik kesimpulan. Khusus pada data yang diperoleh dari Tes diolah dengan cara membagikan jumlah perolehan nilai dalam kegiatan motorik kasar dan motorik halus berdasarkan skala 1-5 kemudian dibagi dengan jumlah jenis kegiatan yang dinilai. Selanjutnya untuk mengukur perkembangan motorik anak secara keseluruhan digunakan rumus persentase dimana jumlah anak yang berkembang dibagi dengan jumlah keseluruhan di kali 100. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tingkat perkembangan fisik motorik anak di Taman Kanak-kanak Mustika Bunda berkembang dengan baik dengan jumlah persentase perkembangan sebesar 65, 95% sesuai dengan batas minimum sebesar 65 % yang ditentukan dalam penelitian ini. Hasil lainnya menunjukkan bahwa kegiatan yang dilakukan dalam pengembangan motorik anak berupa senam disetiap awal pembelajaran pada pagi hari, permainan melopat tali karet, bermain halang rintang dan berjalan pada papan titian
Speech acts are actions that are displayed through speech. This means that something like that contains an assumption that the utterances we speak are not really empty speeches without any action content in them, or empty of the current context. Speech acts are divided into three types, namely speech acts of locus, illocution and perlocution. The problems discussed in this research are 1) What are the forms of speech acts between the seller and the buyer at Sumberayu Market, Muncar Banyuwangi? 2) It is included in the category of speech acts whether the utterances uttered by sellers and buyers at Sumberayu Muncar Banyuwangi Market. This study aims to determine the forms of speech acts between sellers and buyers at Sumberayu Muncar Banyuwangi Market, and to find out the meaning contained in the the form of speech acts and including the category of speech acts whether the utterances spoken by the seller and the buyer at Sumberayu Market Muncar Banyuwangi. Researchers here use a qualitative approach. A qualitative approach is an approach based on a natural or naturalist background. Research data collection techniques using observation techniques and note-taking techniques, data analysis techniques flow analysis methods which include data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions / verification. The results of the study were speech acts which consisted of 19 forms of conversation consisting of 86 locusive speech acts, 20 illocutionary speech acts, and 14 perlocutionary speech acts which were spoken between sellers and buyers consisting of vegetable sellers, fruit-fruit sellers, ampok rice sellers, traditional hawker sellers, soybean sellers and others
Factors Related to the Active Role of the Volunteer in the Crawl Probable Case of Diphteriae
Diphtheria is caused by Corynebacterium diphteriae. Children aged 2-10 years are a vulnerable group contracting. Diphteri crawl probable case is difficult, so there are still children who died from diphteri every year. Cadres holds a very important role in the field of public health services so that its presence should be maintained. Level of activity the role of cadres is very dependent on the LKMD role as a manager, and also the public community. This study aims to analyze the factors which associated with a cadres active role in detecting diphteri probable case in Sidoarjo health center. Type of this study is an observational analytic with cross sectional design. Population of this research was all cadres in Sidoarjo health center as much as 516 people. Samples are taken by simple random sampling of 103 respondents. The data was collected using a questionnaire research instruments (questionnaire). The variables of this study is the role of an active cadre to crawl probable case of diphtheria, internal factors (knowledge, attitudes of cadre), external factors (community support, support for community health centers, training of cadres). Techniques of data analysis was done by logistic regression.The results showed 75% of cadres in Sidoarjo health center is active in detecting diphteri probable case. Statistical analysis showed that the internal factors that affect the active role of cadres is the attitude of p = 0.024, external factors are affecting the support of community leaders with p = 0.022, p = 0.042 support community health centers, training of cadres p = 0.041. The advice that can be given is expected that the cooperation between the cadres, community leaders, health center personnel, in support of efforts to increase the capacity and activity of cadres in helping in the field of public health services
Fenomena Cosplay di Kota Medan dalam Perspektif Akidah Islam
This study aims to determine the phenomenon of cosplay and hijab cosplay in Muslim communities in Medan, cosplay according to contemporary religious experts and scholars, and how to overcome the development of cosplay and hijab cosplay in Medan. The research methodology used is descriptive qualitative method, which is obtained from the results of direct research that goes into the field by expressing words and writing, conducting observations and interviews by conducting question and answer discussions with the subject of cosplay actors in Medan. The findings obtained in this study are that the development of cosplay in Medan City, especially among teenagers, is familiar, where previously, teenagers in Medan City knew about cosplay through various media, both magazines, television, internet, and from various of other social media. At first, cosplay was known among Medan youth through the Bunkasai activity, which was organized by students of the Department of Japanese Literature at the Universitas Sumatera Utara in the implementation of the annual “Japanese Culture Festival” (Bunkasai) in 2008. Cosplay in the lives of teenagers in Medan City has become a habit. And has become a common practice in festival events in the city of Medan, both in Muslim fashion events for female cosplayers and male cosplayers for schools and at the festival level in Medan City which is often carried out at Carefour by using robot costumes or using anime from animated cartoons
Keabsahan Perkawinan Via Video Conference
This study aims to determine and analyze the validity of marriages and the application of marriage registration via video conference in Indonesia’s positive law which regulates marriage, namely Law Number 1 of 1974 concerning marriage. The issues raised are how the legality of marriage via video conference is in Indonesian positive law and how to apply marriage registration via video conference in Indonesian positive law. The method used is a normative juridical research type, using the Statute Approach, Conceptual Approach, and Case Approach. From the results of research on the validity of marriage via video conference in Law Number 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage, for the validity of a marriage, the State has left it entirely to every religion. So that if a marriage via video conference is declared valid according to religious law, then the marriage is declared valid under positive Indonesian law as long as it does not conflict with the provisions of the applicable legislation. Marriage registration via video conference for Muslims prefers marriages remotely by being represented using a power of attorney. Registration of marriages via video conference for non-Muslims must be legal according to the laws and regulations. That is, if the marriage is religiously legal (Article 2 paragraph (1) of the Marriage Law). so that those who marry by video conference are declared valid according to their religion, they are entitled to a marriage registration by the Civil Registry Office.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis keabsahan perkawinan dan penerapan pencatatan perkawinan via video conference dalam hukum positif Indonesia yang mengatur mengenai perkawinan yaitu Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1974 Tentang Perkawinan. Permasalahan yang diangkat yaitu bagaimana keabsahan perkawinan via video conference dalam hukum positif Indonesia dan bagaimana penerapan pencatatan perkawinan via video conference dalam hukum positif Indonesia. Metode yang digunakan adalah tipe penelitian yuridis normatif, dengan menggunakan Pendekatan Perundang-Undangan, Pendekatan Konseptual, dan Pendekatan Kasus. Dari hasil penelitian mengenai keabsahan perkawinan via video conference dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1974 tentang Perkawinan, untuk keabsahan suatu perkawinan Negara telah menyerahkan sepenuhnya kepada setiap agama. Sehingga apabila perkawinan via video conference dinyatakan sah menurut hukum agama maka perkawinan tersebut dinyatakan sah secara hukum positif Indonesia selama tidak bertentangan dengan ketentuan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. Pencatatan perkawinan via video conference bagi yang beragama Islam lebih menghendaki perkawinan secara jarak jauh dengan cara diwakilkan menggunakan surat kuasa. Pencatatan perkawinan via video conference bagi yang beragama non muslim pelaksanaannya harus sah menurut Peraturan Perundang-undangan. Maksudnya apabila perkawinan tersebut sah secara agama (Pasal 2 ayat (1) Undang-Undang Perkawinan). sehingga bagi mereka yang menikah secara video conference dinyatakan sah menurut agamanya berhak mendapatkan pencatatan perkawinan oleh Kantor Catatan Sipil
Design of a planar wideband patch antenna for UHF RFID tag
In this article, a planar wideband microstrip patch antenna for ultrahigh frequency (UHF) radio identification (RFID) tag is presented. By incorporating two resonating C-shape patches, two resonances are excited close to each other to create wide impedance bandwidth to cover the entire operating frequency of UHF RFID system between 860 and 960 MHz for universal mental mountable tag. For complex impedance matching between the antenna input terminal and the references microchip whose impedance is Zchip = (31-j212) Ω, a small rectangular loop feed structure was utilized where both of the resonating patches are magnetically coupled. The antenna design and simulation were carried out using finite element method based software, Ansoft HFSS v13. The simulated and measured radiation patterns at operating frequency of 915 MHz are in good agreement. the simulated and measured impedance bandwidth (Return Loss >_3 dB) of 159 and 155 MHz were obtained that are well above the required 100 MHz bandwidth