273 research outputs found
Pelecehan dan Kekerasan terhadap Perempuan dalam Siaran Radio Spfm Serta Dampaknya terhadap Perempuan Pendengar di Kota Makassar
Mass media well-known can influence public. This study aimed to describe and assess the impact of listening to broadcast “Derap Perempuan” in SPFM Radio against women listeners in Makassar City, which in terms of knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors. Data sourced from 16 female listeners, broadcast host and resource person who were selected through a purposive sample. The results showed that in terms of knowledge, there are some listeners who had understood from the start, half-understood, and there is even clueless about the fourth issue. In terms of attitude, there are listeners who showed preventive attitude, anxious, but there are also normal like usual days. In the terms of behavior, there are listeners who behave disseminate the information obtained, but there are also do not. In addition, the behavior shown, especially listeners who are single, is more selective in choosing a candidate companion of life. Thus, it was concluded that the impact of broadcast “Derap Perempuan” in SPFM Radio against women listeners in Makassar city is very variated
The purposes of this research are to analyze the influence of export product price, total production, and distribution cost on export volume of RK95-1-NB Diesel Engine simultaneously and partially and to find out how many contribution of each variable. The variables mentioned in this research are export product price, total production, and distribution cost as the independent variable and export volume as the dependent variable. This research uses secondary data in the form of time series data annually starting from 2010 to 2016. The analysis methods in this research are classic assumption test (which are includes normality test, heterocedasticity test, multicollinearity test, and linearity test), T test, F test, and coefficient determination (R2). The result of structural equation is Export Volume=0,602 Export Product Price+0,402 Total Production+0,299 Distribution Cost. There is a partial influence among export product price and total production toward export volume. There is no partial influence between the distribution cost variables on export volume. The result of F test shows that there is a simultaneous influence among export product price, total production, and distribution cost on export volume RK95-1-NB Diesel Engine. The coefficient determination value (Adjusted R2 value) of the model is 0.943 (94.3%). It means that the contribution of export product price, total production, and distribution cost give contributions toward export volume RK95-1- NB diesel engine is 94.3% and the rest 5.7% is affected by other variables that are not described in this research
Kajian Efesiensi Proses Produksi Kapal dengan Pendekatan Konsep Manufacturing Cycle Effectiveness (MCE) Studi Kasus PT. PAL
Era globalisasi menuntut industri galangan kapal terus meningkatkan efektivitas dan efisiensi proses produksinya, sehingga mampu bersaing dari segi quality, cost dan on time delivery (QCD).Dalam proses produksi, dikenal dengan adanya istilah Manufacturing Cycle Effectiveness (MCE), yaitu seberapa efisien suatu aktivitas memanfaatkan sumber daya dalam menghasilkan keluaran. MCE dapat diterapkan sebagai alat ukur dan dilaksanakan pada Perusahaan galangan kapal dalam pengendalian awal terhadap aktivitas yang bukan penambah nilai. Penelitian ini bertujuan memahami analisis MCE, Non value added activities dan value added activities pada proses produksi kapal. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan MCE pada proses produksi DKN (Divisi Kapal Niaga) PT. PAL Indonesia saat ini adalah sebesar 85 persen. Pada proses perbaikan dengan penerapan konsep MCE, kemampuan dan efektivitas Perusahaan dapat ditingkatkan dengan mencapai MCE yang optimal sebesar 90 persen
Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Matematika Berorientasi Model Pembelajaran Creative Problem Solving (Cps) Pada Materi Turunan Untuk Siswa Kelas IX IPA Program Akselerasi
The purposes of this study were: (1) to develop a valid mathematics learning set which is oriented to Creative Problem Solving (CPS) learning model in the topic of derivative on XI Acceleration grade, and (2) to determine which learning model produces better learning achievement, the developing CPS or the conventional model in the topic of derivative on XI Acceleration grade. The development of learning set in this study were observed from five aspects, they are: (1) the expert's validity, (2) the students' activity, (3) the teacher's capability in managing teaching and learning process, (4) the students' response to the learning process, and (5) the students' mathematics learning achievement. This study was a development study of learning set done by applying a modified 4-D Thiagarajan model. There were three phases involved in this study; i.e. defining, designing, and developing. The subjects of the study were the students of SMA N 1 Pati grade XI acceleration year 2013/2014 as the experiment class and the students of SMA 1 Kudus grade XI acceleration year 2013/2014 as the control class. The data was collected by using validation sheet of learning set, observation sheet of teacher's capability in managing teaching and learning process, observation sheet of students' activity, students'response questionnaire, and test of students' learning achievement. Data analysis was done by descriptive and inferential statistics. The learning set produced is valid, because it has been validated with high score, that is 4.41 and after finishing the experiment, the results fulfill the pre-requirements, defined as follows: it leads to productive students' activity with average score of 4,25 having a positive effect, teacher's capability in managing teaching and learning process is very good with the score above 4,20, students' response toward the teaching and learning process is positive with the precentage above 80%, and learning achievement test is proven to be valid, reliable. Moreover, the teaching and learning process with CPS model with developing learning set is effective, because the experiment showed that the average score of learning achievement of the student is better than the conventional model
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