37 research outputs found

    Banking Financial Performance Before and During the Covid 19 Pandemic in Indonesia: Analysis of Comparison Between Islamic and Conventional Banking

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    Banking is one of the financial institutions that is very influential on the economic conditions of a country. The level of banking liquidity is a reflection of the condition of the national economy. This study examines the differences in the financial performance of conventional banking and Islamic financial performance before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia. The variables used to measure banking financial performance are risk profile, earnings, and capital.The data used are financial reports published by Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK). The analysis used is the Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA). The results of the analysis found that there was no difference in the financial performance of Islamic banking on risk profile, earning, and capital indicators before and during the COVID-19 pandemic; there is no difference in the conventional financial performance of earning indicators before and during the Covid 19 pandemic; and there is no difference in the financial performance of conventional banking earning indicators during covid 19 and Islamic banking financial performance indicators of earning before covid 19. This analysis shows that the performance of Islamic finance is still able to deal with the impact of the COVID 19 pandemic in Indonesia

    The Quality of Boer Goat Semen Preserved with Sugar Palm Juice

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    The objective of this study was to examine the effect of seminal plasma on viability of Boer goat spermatozoa and effectiveness of sugar palm juice as an alternative extender during preservation at 5ºC. Semen of two Boer goats were collected using an artificial vagina. Fresh semen were evaluated and divided in equal volume into four tubes. Semen in the first and second tubes diluted with 80% sugar palm juice + 20% egg yolk (P1) and Andromed (P2), respectively. Semen in the third and fourth tubes were centrifuged with 3,000 RPM for 20 minutes, and the supernatant removed. diluted with 80% sugar palm juice + 20% egg yolk (P3) and Andromed (P4), respectively. Diluted-semen were preserved in refrigerator at 5oC, and quality of the spermatozoa including motile spermatozoa (MS), live spermatozoa (LS), and intact plasma membrane (IPM) were evaluated every day for four days. Results of this study showed that at day-2 preservation, mean percentages of MS, LS, and IPM for P2 (72, 83.4, and 83.4%), P3 (72, 82.6, and 82.2%), and P4 (72, 83, 83.8%) were significantly (P<0.05) higher than P1 (3, 24.8, and 25.2%). At day-3 preservation, mean percentages of MS, LS, and IPM for P2 (57, 65.6, and 69.6%) was significantly (P<0.05) higher than P3 (21, 34.8, and 31.8%), P4 (22, 33.6, and 31.2%), and P1 (0, 0, and 0%). In conclusion, semen of Boer goat to be preserved with extender containing egg yolk should be removed seminal plasma. Sugar palm juice containing egg yolk could be used as an extender for Boer goat semen, but should be applied in the AI program immediately after the semen is diluted


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    This research was conducted to investigate the effect of various concentrations of lactose supplementation in Tris extender for maintaining the quality of Etawa crossbreed goat epididymal spermatozoa stored at 3-5° C. Semen in the control group was diluted with a tris extender containing 20% egg yolk without lactose. Semen in the test groups was diluted with a tris extender containing 20% egg yolk and added with 0.3% (0.3 g per 100 mL extender) and 0.6% lactose for group TL1 and TL2, respectively. Parameters evaluated of the fresh epididymal spermatozoa were motility, concentration, percentage of live, and abnormality of spermatozoa, while for diluted-spermatozoa were motility and percentage of live spermatozoa. Spermatozoa observation was conducted until it reaches 40% motility. The results showed that the mean percentage of motility, live sperm, concentration, and abnormality of epididymal spermatozoa were 70%; 81%; 3,220x106 cells/mL; and 4.30%, respectively in all group. After dilution, the percentage of motility and live spermatozoa were also 70% and 81.00±1.58%, respectively in all groups. The decreasing of spermatozoa motility was observed on day 4 of storage, in which percentage of spermatozoa motility in control group (40.00±0.00%) was significantly lower (P0.05) than those in TL1 (44.00±2.24%) and TL2(45.00±0.00%) groups. Percentage of live spermatozoa in control (63.20±2.68%) was not significantly different (P0.05) than TL1(65.40±1.95%) and TL2 (65.60±1.95%). In conclusion, the supplementation of lactose into Tris extender could maintain the epididymal spermatozoa of Etawa crossbreed for 3 days of storage at 3-5° C


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    Pelestarian sebagai kegiatan atau yang dilakukan secara terus menerus, terarah dan terpadu guna mewujudkan tujuan tertentu yang mencerminkan, adanya sesuatu yang tetap dan abadi, berisifat dinamis, luwes dan selektif. Menjadi sebuah ketentuan dalam pelestarian sesuatu akan adanya wujud yang dilestarikan, dimana artinya bahwa sesuatu yang dilestarikan memang masih ada dan diketahui, dalam hal ini adalah olahraga tradisional. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melestarikan olahraga tradisional melalui sebuah festival olahraga yang sekarang sudah jarang di lakukan dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode penyebaran angket kuesioner sebagai pengambilan data penelitian. Metode penyebaran angket dipilih untuk mendapatkan data premier. Penyebaran angket akan difokuskan kepada para pengunjung festival yang berkaitan dengan masalah penelitian, yaitu mengenai pelestarian olahraga tradisional. Populasi penelitian ini adalah pengunjung yang sedang dan sudah menyaksikan festival olahraga tradisional di bukit hambalang. sedangkan pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik nonprobability sampling yaitu dengan purposive sampling. Temuan dalam penelitian ini bahwa festival olahraga berpengaruh besar dalam pelestarian olahraga tradisional di masa sekarang. * Preservation is an activity or activity that is carried out continuously, directed and integrated in order to realize certain goals that reflect the existence of something that is permanent and eternal, dynamic, flexible and selective. It becomes a stipulation in the preservation of something that there will be a preserved form, which means that something that is preserved does still exist and is known, in this case it is a traditional sport. This study aims to preserve traditional sports through a sports festival which is now rarely done using quantitative descriptive methods. Data collection techniques in this study used the method of distributing questionnaires as research data retrieval. The method of distributing the questionnaire was chosen to get premier data. The distribution of questionnaires will be focused on festival visitors related to research issues, namely the preservation of traditional sports. The population of this study are visitors who are currently watching the traditional sports festival in the hills of Hambalang. while taking the sample using a non-probability sampling technique, namely by purposive sampling. The findings in this study are that sports festivals have a major influence on the preservation of traditional sports today

    Convolutional Neural Network on Brain Concentration and Art of Reading the Qur'an

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    In Islam there is a belief that reading the Qur'an can increase one's concentration power in doing something. Concentration can be influenced by several factors, to be able to identify or characterize individuals, it is necessary to measure brain wave activity. Brain waves are one of the biometric properties that can be used to identify individuals based on their physical. An electroencephalogram (EEG) can be used to measure and capture brain wave activity. To be able to naturally record brain wave activity requires constant and emergent brain activity. The activities needed are in the form of giving assignments to get the thinking process and concentration needed for the Basic Cognitive Test. The object of this research is the students of the University in Yogyakarta. EEG data recording was carried out in two stages, the first stage the respondents were given 10 minutes to work on the test questions without reading the Qur'an before working on the questions, the second stage the respondents were given 10 minutes to work on the test questions by reading the Qur'an before doing the work. about. When the respondent was working on the test, the researcher recorded the EEG signal using Neurosky Mindwave Mobile 2, so that the data in the form of brain signals was obtained. The data acquisition will undergo a preprocessing process in the form of a domain transformation signal using Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). Then enter the labeling process and after that the next process will be carried out the classification process using the CNN algorithm. The results of this study showed that 10 of 30 students' concentration levels experienced an increase, with an accuracy rate of 85% and a significant F test is 0.00

    Viabilitas Spermatozoa Cauda Epididimis Kerbau Rawa dalam Berbagai Konsentrasi Pengencer Air Kelapa Muda dan Kuning Telur

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    Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui viabilitas spermatozoa cauda epididimis pada berbagai konsentrasi pengenceran menggunakan air kelapa muda dan kuning telur yang disimpan pada  temperatur 3-5oC.  Pengencer Tris 80% + 20% kuning telur digunakan sebagai kontrol (P1), selanjutnya perlakuan menggunakan pengencer air kelapa muda 90% + 10% kuning telur (P2), air kelapa muda 85% + 15% kuning telur (P3) dan air kelapa muda 80% + 20% kuning telur (P4). Viabilitas  spermatozoa yang diamati setiap hari meliputi persentase motilitas dan persentase hidup sampai mencapai motilitas minimum 30%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan persentase motilitas tertinggi pada hari ke-4 terdapat pada perlakuan P4 sebesar 31.8 %, berbeda nyata (P&lt;0.05) dengan P3 sebesar 10.5 % dan P2 sebesar 2.5 % serta dengan P1  sebesar 4.2 %.  Pada persentase hidup spermatozoa, perlakuan P4 juga menunjukan nilai 50.3 %, berbeda sangat nyata (P&lt;0.05) dengan perlakuan P1, P2 serta P3 berturut-turut adalah 27.8 %, 26.4 %, dan 32.9 %.  Kesimpulan dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengenceran dengan perlakuan P4 (80% air kelapa dan 20% kuning telur) mampu mempertahankan viabilitas spermatozoa cauda epididimis kerbau rawa selama proses penyimpanan hingga empat hari di dalam refrigerator dengan suhu 3–5oC

    Motilitas Dan Daya Hidup Spermatozoa Asal Epididimis Sapi Persilangan yang Diencerkan dengan Air Tebu

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    ABSTRAKAir tebu diketahui mengandung sukrosa yang dapat meningkatkan energi bagi motilitas spermatozoa.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan air tebu dan kuning telur dalam mempertahankan kualitas spermatozoa asal kauda epididymis sapi persilangan.  Penelitian ini menggunakan epididimis sapi persilangan dari rumah pemotongan hewan (RPH) Basirih Kotamadya Banjarmasin.  Spermatozoa yang dikoleksi ditempatkan ke dalam empat tabung reaksi masing-masing terdiri dari: 80% pengencer laktosa + 20% kuning telur ayam ras (kontrol), 45% air tebu + 45% akubidestilata + 10% kuning telur ayam ras (ATKT10), 42,5% air tebu + 42,5% akubidestilata + 15% kuning telur ayam ras (ATKT15), dan 40% air tebu + 40% akubidestilata + 20% kuning telur ayam ras (ATKT20). Parameter pengamatan adalah motilitas, daya hidup, dan membran plasma utuh.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan motilitas pengencer kontrol (65%), berbeda nyata (P0,05) perlakuan ATKT 20 sebesar 76%, akan tetapi persentase MPU kontrol masih lebih baik (P0,05) to ATKT20 (76%). Both treatments have higher of IPM than ATKT10 (71.80%) and ATKT15 (74.20%).  The sugarcane juice was able to maintain spermatozoa motility for up to two days.Keywords: crossbred cattle, spermatozoa from cauda epididymis, sugarcane juic


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    The purpose of this research was evaluate the quality of spermatozoa concentration in the caput, corpus and cauda of the swamp buffalo epididymis (Bubalus bubalis carabanensis).  Method of this research was to exploration to 13 epididymides of eight swamp buffaloes were obtained from Banjar and Banjarmasin slaughterhouses,evaluated the quality of spermatozoa in caput, corpus and cauda of epididymis.  Quality of collected-spermatozoa including spermatozoa motility, percentage of live spermatozoa, spermatozoa concentration and percentage of abnormality.  Result of this study showed that mean of each of caput spermatozoa motility, percentage of live spermatozoa, spermatozoa concentration and percentage of abnormality; 0%, 45.43% (31.87–72%), 189,62 x106 (40–480 x106) and 56.16 %(44.34–66.53%), corpus ;2.77% (1–9%), 58.73% (45.14 –76%), 152.31 x106 (45 – 345x106), and 47.61 %(23.92 – 60.15%), cauda;53.46% (20 – 70%), 74.32 % (56.68 – 83%), 1,459.62 x106 (825 – 2,340x106), and 34.60%(15.89 –50.04%). In conclusion, spermatozoaofcaudaepididymis could be used in artificial insemination program.Keywords: Spermatozoa, epididymis, swamp buffalo