3 research outputs found

    Estructura factorial y consistencia interna de la Escala de Severidad de Fatiga en poblaci贸n colombiana con enfermedades cr贸nicas

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    El presente estudio de corte psicom茅trico, tuvo como objetivo analizar la estructura factorial y la consistencia interna versi贸n en espa帽ol del cuestionario Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS) en poblaci贸n colombiana de enfermos cr贸nicos. Para ello se aplic贸 el cuestionario a 52 enfermos cr贸nicos de la ciudad de Villavicencio. El an谩lisis factorial denota tres factores: el factor 1 denominado como afectaci贸n f铆sica, el factor 2 denominado afectaci贸n social y finalmente el factor 3 denominado afectaci贸n motivacional de la fatiga, que explican el 76,324% de la varianza total acumulada, y un alfa de Cronbach de 870. Los resultados muestran una alta confiabilidad y concordancia en la estructura factorial con la versi贸n original, lo que implica adecuada validez de la prueba en poblaci贸n colombiana de enfermos cr贸nicos.The present study has a psychometric design, with the objective of analyzing the factorial structure and the internal consistency for the Spanish version of the Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS) Questionnaire for Colombian population with chronic disease. Was applied the questionnaire to 52 people with chronic disease in Villavicencio city. The factorial Analysis indicates three factors: Factor 1 named physical affectation, Factor 2 named social affectation and Factor 3 named motivational affectation of the fatigue, where they explain the 76.324% of the total cumulative variance with .870 of Cronbach's Alpha. The results present a high reliability and concordance for the factorial structure with the original version which indicates an adequate validity of the test for Colombian population with chronic disease. 漏 Servicio de Publicaciones - Universidad de Murcia

    Escala de Dificultades de Regulaci贸n Emocional (DERS): Evidencia de validez y fiabilidad en muestras colombianas

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    9 p谩ginasDifficulties in emotion regulation are associated with anxiety and problems in social relationships, among others, which supports evaluating them and having scales adapted to each context. The objective of the present study was to determine the validity and reliability of the Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS) in Colombian community samples and provide qualification standards for assessment in Colombia. 1435 participants were included in two studies. In the first (n = 724, Mage = 21.00, SDage = 2.98) reliability and exploratory factor analyses were conducted, whereas in the second (n = 711, Mage = 21.56; SDage = 3.68) a confirmatory factor analysis was performed. The results showed a fivefactor structure, similar to the original version, which explained 64.1 % of the total variance. The confirmatory analysis revealed adequate adjustment and reliability indicators greater than .80. Results suggest that the DERS is valid and reliable to assess emotional dysregulation in Colombian sample

    Validaci贸n colombiana de la Escala de Funcionamiento Familiar en Situaciones de Crisis (F-COPES)

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    17 p谩ginasThe objective was to determine the psychometric properties of the F-COPES in the Colombian population. Cross-sectional study, with 1373 people, aged between 18 and 84 years. Data were analyzed in Jasp, exploratory factor analyzes were performed using the weighted least squares estimation method and a promax-type oblique rotation. Confirmatory factor analyzes with diagonalized weighted least squares estimators and robust analysis methods. Internal consistency analysis using Cronbach's Alpha indices, McDonald's Omega, and the highest lower limit index. A structure of five factors was found, four original ones: finding social support, cognitive restructuring, finding spiritual support and passive evaluation, and a new one: neighbor support. The scale evaluates family functioning in crisis situations in the Colombian context