1 research outputs found

    Dise帽o de una l铆nea de producci贸n de jab贸n en forma de pastillas a escala industrial

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    The objective of the research was to design an in-plant production line for the development of a soap in bar form on an industrial scale. The research was carried out at the RRFARMA laboratory premises. The acceptance of the best formulation was determined through the application of validation tests where the parameters performance, fragrance, color, similarity, satisfaction of use and purchase intention were evaluated. Compliance with quality requirements was determined through sanitization tests on Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli and Salmonella. A production line was developed taking into account the waste generated in soap production. Validation tests showed that the sample meets the acceptance parameters, which in turn is associated with a purchase intention. The physicochemical results showed a pH of 5.8 and a solubility time of 15 minutes. The results of the performance of the bar-type soap through sanitization tests showed an effectiveness of 99.99%. In the establishment of the production line, a cost per unit of 8.5 grams equivalent to 0.9484wasobtained,whichconsiderstheexpensesgeneratedbythecostsofmaterialsandinputs,peopleinvolvedinthework,indirectmaterialandproductioncosts.Keywords:Effectiveness,soaps,sanitation.Lainvestigaciontuvocomoobjetivoeldisen~odeunalneadeproduccionenplantaparaeldesarrollodeunjabonenformadepastillaaescalaindustrial.LainvestigacionsedesarrolloenlosprediosdellaboratorioRRFARMA.Sedeterminolaaceptaciondelamejorformulacionmediantelaaplicaciondepruebasdevalidacionendondeseevaluaronlosparametrosdesempen~o,fragancia,color,similitud,satisfacciondelusoeintenciondecompra.SedeterminoelcumplimientodelosrequisitosdecalidadpormediodepruebasdesanitizacionsobreStaphylococcusaureus,Pseudomonasaeruginosa,EscherichiacoliySalmonella.Sedesarrollounalneadeproduccionconsiderandolosegresosgeneradosenlaproducciondeljabon.Laspruebasdevalidaciondemostraronquelamuestracumpleconlosparametrosdeaceptacion,loqueasuvezseasociaconunaintenciondecompra.LosresultadosfisicoqumicosdieroncomoresultadosunpHde5.8yuntiempodesolubilidadde15minutos.Losresultadosdeldesempen~odeljabontipopastillapormediodelaspruebasdesanitizacionmostraronunaefectividaddel99.990.9484 was obtained, which considers the expenses generated by the costs of materials and inputs, people involved in the work, indirect material and production costs. Keywords: Effectiveness, soaps, sanitation.La investigaci贸n tuvo como objetivo el dise帽o de una l铆nea de producci贸n en planta para el desarrollo de un jab贸n en forma de pastilla a escala industrial. La investigaci贸n se desarroll贸 en los predios del laboratorio RRFARMA. Se determin贸 la aceptaci贸n de la mejor formulaci贸n mediante la aplicaci贸n de pruebas de validaci贸n en donde se evaluaron los par谩metros desempe帽o, fragancia, color, similitud, satisfacci贸n del uso e intenci贸n de compra. Se determin贸 el cumplimiento de los requisitos de calidad por medio de pruebas de sanitizaci贸n sobre Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli y Salmonella. Se desarroll贸 una l铆nea de producci贸n considerando los egresos generados en la producci贸n del jab贸n. Las pruebas de validaci贸n demostraron que la muestra cumple con los par谩metros de aceptaci贸n, lo que a su vez se asocia con una intenci贸n de compra. Los resultados fisicoqu铆micos dieron como resultados un pH de 5.8 y un tiempo de solubilidad de 15 minutos. Los resultados del desempe帽o del jab贸n tipo pastilla por medio de las pruebas de sanitizaci贸n mostraron una efectividad del 99.99%. En el establecimiento de la l铆nea de producci贸n se obtuvo un costo por cada unidad de 8.5 gramos equivalente a 0.9484, en la que se consideran los gastos generados por los costos de materiales e insumos, las personas que intervienen en el trabajo, material indirecto y los gastos de producci贸n. Palabras clave: Efectividad, jabones, sanitizaci贸n. Abstract The objective of the research was to design an in-plant production line for the development of a soap in bar form on an industrial scale. The research was carried out at the RRFARMA laboratory premises. The acceptance of the best formulation was determined through the application of validation tests where the parameters performance, fragrance, color, similarity, satisfaction of use and purchase intention were evaluated. Compliance with quality requirements was determined through sanitization tests on Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli and Salmonella. A production line was developed taking into account the waste generated in soap production. Validation tests showed that the sample meets the acceptance parameters, which in turn is associated with a purchase intention. The physicochemical results showed a pH of 5.8 and a solubility time of 15 minutes. The results of the performance of the bar-type soap through sanitization tests showed an effectiveness of 99.99%. In the establishment of the production line, a cost per unit of 8.5 grams equivalent to $0.9484 was obtained, which considers the expenses generated by the costs of materials and inputs, people involved in the work, indirect material and production costs. Keywords: Effectiveness, soaps, sanitation. Informaci贸n del manuscrito:Fecha de recepci贸n: 29 de octubre de 2021. Fecha de aceptaci贸n: 08 de diciembre de 2021.Fecha de publicaci贸n: 11 de julio de 2022