The objective of the research was to design an in-plant production line for the development of a soap in bar form on an industrial scale. The research was carried out at the RRFARMA laboratory premises. The acceptance of the best formulation was determined through the application of validation tests where the parameters performance, fragrance, color, similarity, satisfaction of use and purchase intention were evaluated. Compliance with quality requirements was determined through sanitization tests on Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli and Salmonella. A production line was developed taking into account the waste generated in soap production. Validation tests showed that the sample meets the acceptance parameters, which in turn is associated with a purchase intention. The physicochemical results showed a pH of 5.8 and a solubility time of 15 minutes. The results of the performance of the bar-type soap through sanitization tests showed an effectiveness of 99.99%. In the establishment of the production line, a cost per unit of 8.5 grams equivalent to 0.9484wasobtained,whichconsiderstheexpensesgeneratedbythecostsofmaterialsandinputs,peopleinvolvedinthework,indirectmaterialandproductioncosts.Keywords:Effectiveness,soaps,sanitation.Lainvestigacio藠ntuvocomoobjetivoeldisen~odeunal谋藠neadeproduccio藠nenplantaparaeldesarrollodeunjabo藠nenformadepastillaaescalaindustrial.Lainvestigacio藠nsedesarrollo藠enlosprediosdellaboratorioRRFARMA.Sedetermino藠laaceptacio藠ndelamejorformulacio藠nmediantelaaplicacio藠ndepruebasdevalidacio藠nendondeseevaluaronlospara藠metrosdesempen~o,fragancia,color,similitud,satisfaccio藠ndelusoeintencio藠ndecompra.Sedetermino藠elcumplimientodelosrequisitosdecalidadpormediodepruebasdesanitizacio藠nsobreStaphylococcusaureus,Pseudomonasaeruginosa,EscherichiacoliySalmonella.Sedesarrollo藠unal谋藠neadeproduccio藠nconsiderandolosegresosgeneradosenlaproduccio藠ndeljabo藠n.Laspruebasdevalidacio藠ndemostraronquelamuestracumpleconlospara藠metrosdeaceptacio藠n,loqueasuvezseasociaconunaintencio藠ndecompra.Losresultadosfisicoqu谋藠micosdieroncomoresultadosunpHde5.8yuntiempodesolubilidadde15minutos.Losresultadosdeldesempen~odeljabo藠ntipopastillapormediodelaspruebasdesanitizacio藠nmostraronunaefectividaddel99.990.9484, en la que se consideran los gastos generados por los costos de materiales e insumos, las personas que intervienen en el trabajo, material indirecto y los gastos de producci贸n.
Palabras clave: Efectividad, jabones, sanitizaci贸n.
The objective of the research was to design an in-plant production line for the development of a soap in bar form on an industrial scale. The research was carried out at the RRFARMA laboratory premises. The acceptance of the best formulation was determined through the application of validation tests where the parameters performance, fragrance, color, similarity, satisfaction of use and purchase intention were evaluated. Compliance with quality requirements was determined through sanitization tests on Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli and Salmonella. A production line was developed taking into account the waste generated in soap production. Validation tests showed that the sample meets the acceptance parameters, which in turn is associated with a purchase intention. The physicochemical results showed a pH of 5.8 and a solubility time of 15 minutes. The results of the performance of the bar-type soap through sanitization tests showed an effectiveness of 99.99%. In the establishment of the production line, a cost per unit of 8.5 grams equivalent to $0.9484 was obtained, which considers the expenses generated by the costs of materials and inputs, people involved in the work, indirect material and production costs.
Keywords: Effectiveness, soaps, sanitation.
Informaci贸n del manuscrito:Fecha de recepci贸n: 29 de octubre de 2021. Fecha de aceptaci贸n: 08 de diciembre de 2021.Fecha de publicaci贸n: 11 de julio de 2022