94 research outputs found

    Estimación de cobranza dudosa y su rentabilidad de la empresa Merkur Gaming Perú Sac, Periodo 2021

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    El desarrollo de esta investigación tiene como finalidad, establecer de qué manera las variables cobranza dudosa y rentabilidad se vinculan en la empresa Merkur Gaming Perú s.a.c. periodo 2021. Metodología de diseño no experimental, de tipo aplicada y correlacional, puesto que se obtienen datos que derivan de la realidad objeto de la investigación. Para la muestra se consideró a 20 colaboradores de las áreas involucradas de la empresa, se empleó como técnica a la encuesta y se utilizó como herramienta el cuestionario. Cuestionario sobre las variables cobranza dudosa y rentabilidad con 28 ítems en la escala de Likert. Se aplicó el Alpha de Cronbach de las variables obteniendo una confiabilidad de 0.903, luego se comprobó la hipótesis planteada a través de la correlación de Spearman la cual nos arroja una cifra de (Rho=0,933), según los criterios establecidos es positiva fuerte, llegando así a la conclusión de la existencia de una relación entre las variables, se admite la hipótesis alterna y se niega la hipótesis nula


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    El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el rendimiento, la composición química y la producción de gas in vitro de 17 variedades de híbridos de maíz (11 híbridos blancos: Aspros 723, Búho, CML 457/458, Cromo, H40, H47E, H51EA, H66, H70, Hit7 y Victoria; 6 híbridos amarillos: HIT13, CML460, PIONER, COBRE, CDMO80001 y CLO80902) y dos criollos locales: un blanco (CLB) y un amarillo (CLA) cultivados en valles altos de México, en fresco, heno y conservados por ensilaje, con tres tratamientos: control (CTR), ácido acético al 1 % (AAC), o enzimas (ENZ), Sil all ® 10g/ton. Para los maíces blancos se encontraron diferencias en el rendimiento (P˂0.05) en fresco y en heno, con rendimientos de 60 a 117 ton/ha para fresco y de 17 a 29 ton/ha para heno respectivamente, en cuanto a su composición química (g/kg MS) mostraron diferencias (P˂0.05) para proteína, donde su concentración vario de 44 a 62 g/kg MS, FND de 581 a 629 g/kg MS y FAD de 297 a 344 g/kg MS; la producción de gas in vitro mostro diferencias (P˂0.05) para las fracciones b, c y lag time. No se encontraron diferencias (P˃0.05) para la materia seca desaparecida (612 a 669 g /kg MS). Se concluye que de acuerdo con los resultados obtenidos, las variedades H51EA, H47E y CLB son superiores con respecto al resto de las variedades estudiadas. Para las variedades de maíz amarillo el rendimiento en fresco y en seco no mostro diferencias entre tratamientos (P˃0.05), en cuanto a su composición química (g/kg MS) mostraron diferencias (P˂0.05) para proteína, donde su concentración vario de 54 a 74 g/kg MS, FND de 512 a 699 g/kg MS y FAD de 287 a 338 g/kg MS; la producción de gas in vitro mostro diferencias (P˂0.05) en cuanto a tratamientos de las 3 a 18 h de incubación, no así (P>0.05) para las 24 y 30 h, por variedad mostro diferencias (P˂0.05) a las 12 h siendo superior la variedad CLO80902 e inferior la variedad CML460; Se elaboraron micro-silos de diez variedades (n = 90), con tres tratamientos Ácido acético al 1 % (AAC), o enzimas, Sil All®10g/ton(ENZ) y control (CTR); Después de 60 días, se abrieron las micro-silos. Una vez obtenidos los resultados la matriz de datos se analizó utilizando dos técnicas multivariantes ([i] Las variables consideradas para el análisis de componentes Principales y [ ii ] El análisis jerárquico de conglomerados). La primera técnica multivariante se usó parareducir la información y definir los factores importantes. El análisis de conglomerados muestra la presencia de cuatro grupos con características diferentes entre los grupos: G1 como ensilados con energía (variedades H47 y Pioneer), G2 ensiladoscon proteína (variedades Cromo, H66 y Victoria), G3 ensilados de fácil degradabilidad (variedades Cobre y HIT7), y G4 ensilados balanceados (variedades Búho, H40, H70). Los tratamientos AAC y ENZ en G2, y ENZ en G3 fueron más altos en el contenido de proteína cruda (PC) que el resto de los tratamientos. Los tratamientos con ENZ en G1, G2 y G3 tuvieron el contenido más alto de fibra neutro detergente (FND) (P<0,01). Los contenidos de energía metabolizable (ME) y energía neta para lactación (ENl) fueron mayores para G1 tratado con AAC, ENZ y CTR y G2 CTR que el resto de la tratamientos. El pH más bajo (P < 0,01) fue para G2 y G4 tratados con AAC y CTR, en comparación con G1 y G2 tratados con AAC y ENZ.La producción de gas in vitro (ml gas/gMS) fue mayor (P<0,05) para G3 y G4 tratados con ENZ en comparación con G1 CTR y AAC. No hubo diferencias (P > 0,05) en la digestibilidad de la materia seca in vitro, pero la digestibilidad de la FDN fue mayor (P < 0,01) para G1 tratado con CTR, AAC y ENZ , G2 tratado con CTR , y G4 tratado con ENZ que el resto de los tratamientos . Como conclusión, el estudio muestra que tenemos cuatro grupos, dependiendo de su concentración de nutrientes, ensilajes con energía (G1) , ensilajes con proteínas (G2) , ensilajes de fácil degradabilidad (G3) y ensilajes Balanceados (G4) que podemos usar como fuentes de alimentación para el ganado

    Experimental and computational studies of fatty acid distribution networks

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    [Abstract] Unbalanced uptake of Omega 6/Omega 3 (ω-6/ω-3) ratios could increase chronic disease occurrences, such as inflammation, atherosclerosis, or tumor proliferation, and methylation methods for measuring the ruminal microbiome fatty acid (FA) composition/distribution play a vital role in discovering the contribution of food components to ruminant products (e.g., meat and milk) when pursuing a healthy diet. Hansch's models based on Linear Free Energy Relationships (LFERs) using physicochemical parameters, such as partition coefficients, molar refractivity, and polarizability, as input variables (Vk) are advocated. In this work, a new combined experimental and theoretical strategy was proposed to study the effect of ω-6/ω-3 ratios, FA chemical structure, and other factors over FA distribution networks in the ruminal microbiome. In step 1, experiments were carried out to measure long chain fatty acid (LCFA) profiles in the rumen microbiome (bacterial and protozoan), and volatile fatty acids (VFAs) in fermentation media. In step 2, the proportions and physicochemical parameter values of LCFAs and VFAs were calculated under different boundary conditions (cj) like c1 = acid and/or base methylation treatments, c2 = with/without fermentation, c3 = FA distribution phase (media, bacterial, or protozoan microbiome), etc. In step 3, Perturbation Theory (PT) and LFER ideas were combined to develop a PT-LFER model of a FA distribution network using physicochemical parameters (Vk), the corresponding Box–Jenkins (ΔVkj) and PT operators (ΔΔVkj) in statistical analysis. The best PT-LFER model found predicted the effects of perturbations over the FA distribution network with sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy > 80% for 407[thin space (1/6-em)]655 cases in training + external validation series. In step 4, alternative PT-LFER and PT-NLFER models were tested for training Linear and Non-Linear Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs). PT-NLFER models based on ANNs presented better performance but are more complicated than the PT-LFER model. Last, in step 5, the PT-LFER model based on LDA was used to reconstruct the complex networks of perturbations in the FA distribution and compared the giant components of the observed and predicted networks with random Erdős–Rényi network models. In short, our new PT-LFER model is a useful tool for predicting a distribution network in terms of specific fatty acid distribution.Red Gallega de Investigación y Desarrollo de Medicamentos; Ref. R2014/039Instituto de Salud Carlos III; PI13/00280Red Gallega de Investigación y Desarrollo de Medicamentos; R2014/02

    Diagnóstico del personal branding de algunas de las principales Fashion Influencers peruanas del 2019

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    El estudio que se realiza a continuación tiene como principal objetivo describir y analizar las similitudes y diferencias que existen en la gestión del personal brand de las principales fashion influencers peruanas en el 2019, y su relación con su posición de liderazgo, esto dado el impacto empresarial mediante el aporte de crecimiento al rubro de la moda y social debido a la creciente demanda de muchas profesionales independientes que ven en ellas un caso de éxito y desean replicarlo en medios digitales. Para ello, en primer lugar, se contextualiza la problemática de la investigación y se exponen los objetivos de la misma, luego se presentan definiciones y conceptos teóricos sobre el Personal Branding y los fashion influencer, lo cual se complementa con información del contexto global, latinoamericano, y en el ámbito peruano de los influencers y su impacto en los medios sociales, por otro lado, se presentan los principales modelos académicos cuyas dimensiones proponen elementos que guían al posicionamiento de una marca personal, por lo que serán usadas para realizar un análisis comparativo entre los sujetos de estudio. Así mismo, se desarrolla una estructura metodológica con herramientas para obtener información y posteriormente realizar una triangulación entre la teoría, lo explorado y el levantamiento de la información que permita obtener el objetivo principal de este estudio. Por último, se presentan las conclusiones y recomendaciones que se desprenden de los resultados obtenidos. Como resultado de este estudio se evidenció que el éxito de estas Fashion Influencers deviene de ciertas características de su Personal Branding, con lo que llegamos a concluir que la formación profesional, el tiempo de dedicación, el equipo de trabajo, el valor agregado de su contenido y la segmentación del público objetivo son algunos de los principales factores que las posiciona en los primeros puestos del ranking

    Effect of exogenous enzymes and Salix babylonica extract or their combination on haematological parameters in growing lambs

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    The aim of this study was to compare the use of exogenous enzyme preparations (EZ) and/or Salix babylonica extract (SB) or their combination as feed additives on some haematological parameters in growing lambs. Twenty Suffolk lambs of 6 to 8-months-old with 24±0.3 kg body weight were used in the study. Lambs were divided into 4 groups of 5 animals each in a completely randomized design and the treatments were: 1.control: fed a basal diet of concentrate (30%) and maize silage (70%); 2. EZ: fed the basal diet plus 10 g of enzyme; 3. SB: fed the basal diet plus 30 ml of S. babylonica extract, and 4. EZSB: fed the basal diet plus 10 g enzyme and 30 ml of S. babylonica extract. Lambs were housed in individual cages and the experiment was conducted for 60 days. The SB was given orally while the EZ was mixed with a small amount of the concentrate and maize silage and was offered ad libitum. Blood samples were collected from each animal on days 0, 15, 30, 45 and 60 of experiment and analysed for haematological parameters. The treatments of EZ, SB or EZSB did not affect any of the measured blood parameters. Day of sampling modified concentrations of red blood cells (P=0.001; linear effect), haematocrit (P=0.01; quadratic effect), haemoglobin (P=0.01; linear effect), mean corpuscular volume (P=0.01; linear effect), monocytes (P=0.004; quadratic effect) and plasma protein (P=0.0002; linear effect). It could be concluded that Salix babylonica extract, exogenous enzymes and their combination as feed additives had not a negative effects on the blood parameters measured and therefore on the health of the lambs

    All optical switching of a single photon stream by excitonic depletion

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    Single semiconductor quantum dots have been extensively used to demonstrate the deterministic emission of high purity single photons. The single photon emission performance of these nanostructures has become very well controlled, offering high levels of photon indistinguishability and brightness. Ultimately, quantum technologies will require the development of a set of devices to manipulate and control the state of the photons. Here we measure and simulate a novel all-optical route to switch the single photon stream emitted from the excitonic transition in a single semiconductor quantum dot. A dual non-resonant excitation pumping scheme is used to engineer a switching device operated with GHz speeds, high differential contrasts, ultra-low power consumption and high single photon purity. Our device scheme can be replicated in many different zero dimensional semiconductors, providing a novel route towards developing a platform-independent on-chip design for high speed and low power consumption quantum devices. Using semiconductor quantum dots as single-photon sources for application to quantum technologies is promising due to the high brightness and photon purity of the emitted light. Here, a method of optically switching their emission based on excitonic depletion is presented

    Effects of Exogenous Enzymes and Salix babylonica L. Extract on Cellular Immune Response and its Correlation with Average Daily Weight Gain in Growing Lambs

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    The aim of this study was to determine the effects of exogenous enzyme (EZ) and Salix babylonica L. (SB) extract on cellular immune response, and its correlation with average daily weight gain (ADG). Twenty Suffolk lambs, 6-8 months of age and average live weight of 24±0.3 kg, were used in a trial which lasted 60 days. The lambs were distributed into 4 groups of 5 lambs each and housed in individual 1.5x1.5 m cages in a completely randomized design. The treatments were: (i) Control; lambs consuming basal diet (BD) only; (ii) EZ; lambs consuming BD plus 10g of EZ (ZADO®); (iii) SB; lambs consuming BD plus 30 mL of SB, and (iv) EZSB; lambs consuming BD plus 10g EZ and 30 mL of SB. Blood samples were collected on days 0, 15, 30, 45 and 60 and analysed for helper T lymphocytes, cytotoxic T limphocytes, granulocytes and monocytes by flow cytometry. Treatments had no effect on parameters measured, but day of sampling had linear and cubic effects on helper T lymphocytes, granulocytes and monocytes (P<0.01) and cubic effects on cytotoxic T lymphocytes (P<0.01). The results suggest that EZ and SB have immunosuppressant effects in the first 15 days, after this effect were immunosuppressive on cytotoxic T lymphocytes and granulocytes, for monocytes the effect was immunostimulant. No there were correlation between ADG and cellular immune response in this experiment

    Effects of exogenous enzymes on in vitro gas production kinetics and ruminal fermentation of four fibrous feeds

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    This study was conducted to investigate effects of increasing doses: 0 (control), 6 (low), 12 (medium) and 24 (high) mg/g DM of ZADO® enzyme preparation mixture (ENZ) on in vitro gas production (GP) and some ruminal fermentation parameters of the fibrous feeds Saccharum officinarum (leaves), Andropogon gayanus (leaves), Pennisetum purpureum (leaves) and Sorghum vulgare (straw). Rumen liquor was obtained from two Brown Swiss cows fitted with permanent rumen cannulae fed a total mixed ration of a 500:500 commercial concentrate and alfalfa hay ad libitum. The GP was recorded at 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 24, 48, 72 and 96 h of incubation. After 96 h, the incubation was stopped and the pH of the mixture was determined and filtrate used to determine dry matter degradability (DMD), partitioning factor (PF96), gas yield (GY24), in vitro organic matter digestibility (OMD), metabolizable energy (ME), short chain fatty acids (SCFA), and microbial crude protien production (MCP). In general, the crude protein (CP) content of the fibrous feeds was low and ranged from 23 g/kg DM (S. officinarum) to 44 (A. gayanus). The fibre contents (i.e., NDFom and ADFom) were highest (P<0.05) in S. officinarum. Increasing ENZ dose linearly increased (P<0.05) GP of all fibrous feeds and had a quadratically increased (P<0.05) asymptotic gas production in P. purpureum and S. vulgare and rate of gas production in S. officinarum and S. vulgare. Addition of ENZ also quadratically increased (P<0.05) GP at all incubation times in S. officinarum and S. vulgare, and A. gayanus, but only at 72 h in A. gayanus. The parameters of ruminal fermentation of OMD, ME, GY24 and SCFA linearly increased (P<0.05) and MCP linearly decreased (P<0.05) with the ENZ addition. Addition of enzyme affected ruminal fermentation of our feeds differently, mainly dependent on their fibre content, although dosage of enzyme was also important as impacts generally increased at higher dosages of ENZ

    Model for High-Throughput Screening of drug immunotoxicity - study of the antimicrobial G1 over peritoneal macrophages using flow cytometry

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    Modelos matematicos y citometriaQuantitative Structure-Activity (mt-QSAR) techniques may become an important tool for prediction of cytotoxicity and High-throughput Screening (HTS) of drugs to rationalize drug discovery process. In this work, we train and validate by the first time mt-QSAR model using TOPS-MODE approach to calculate drug molecular descriptors and Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) function. This model correctly classifies 8,258 out of 9,000 (Accuracy = 91.76%) multiplexing assay endpoints of 7903 drugs (including both train and validation series). Each endpoint correspond to one out of 1418 assays, 36 molecular and cellular targets, 46 standard type measures, in two possible organisms (human and mouse). After that, we determined experimentally, by the first time, the values of EC50 = 21.58 μg/mL and Cytotoxicity = 23.6 % for the anti-microbial / antiparasite drug G1 over Balb/C mouse peritoneal macrophages using flow cytometry. In addition, the model predicts for G1 only 7 positive endpoints out 1,251 cytotoxicity assays (0.56% of probability of cytotoxicity in multiple assays). The results obtained complement the toxicological studies of this important drug. This work adds a new tool to the existing pool of few methods useful for multi-target HTS of ChEMBL and other libraries of compounds towards drug discovery.Conacy

    Time resolved emission at 1.3 micrometers of a single InAs quantum dot by using a tunable fibre Bragg grating

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    [EN] Photoluminescence and time resolved photoluminescence from single metamorphic InAs/GaAs quantum dots (QDs) emitting at 1.3 micrometers have been measured by means of a novel fibre-based characterization set-up. We demonstrate that the use of a wavelength tunable fibre Bragg grating filter increases the light collection efficiency by more than one order of magnitude as compared to a conventional grating monochromator. We identified single charged exciton and neutral biexciton transitions in the framework of a random population model. The QD recombination dynamics under pulsed excitation can be understood under the weak quantum confinement potential limit and the interaction between carriers at the wetting layer and QD states.G Munoz-Matutano appreciates valuable help from Professor Miguel Andres (University of Valencia) and thanks the Spanish Juan de la Cierva program (JCI-2011-10686). We acknowledge the support of the FEDER actions UPVOV08-3E-008 and UPVOV10-3E-492, the PROMETEO2009/74 project from Generalitat Valenciana, the Spanish projects TEC2011-29120-C05-01-02-05, the Italian FIRB Project ‘Nanotecnologie e Nanodispositivi per la Societa` dell’Informazione’ and ‘SANDiE’ Network of Excellence of EC, Contract No. NMP4-CT-2004-500101.Muñoz Matutano, G.; Rivas, D.; Ricchiuti, AL.; Barrera Vilar, D.; Fernández Pousa, CR.; Martínez Pastor, J.; Seravalli, L.... (2014). Time resolved emission at 1.3 micrometers of a single InAs quantum dot by using a tunable fibre Bragg grating. Nanotechnology. 25(3):35204-1-35204-7. https://doi.org/10.1088/09574484/25/3/035204S35204-135204-725