30 research outputs found

    UNO Native Film Festival

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    This is the first year for the University of Nebraska at Omaha Native Film Festival. The Festival was presented Nov. 1-3, 2013, by the Native American Studies Program of the University of Nebraska at Omaha and Vision Maker Media. In addition to the movies reviewed below, the Festival included a program of children/family films, a program of short films, an acting workshop with Chaske Spencer (Lakota Sioux), and a workshop on how to use visual media in the classroom presented by Vision Maker Media. Vision Maker Media is a non-profit organization that shares Native stories with the world by advancing media that represents the experiences, values, and cultures of American Indians and Alaska Natives

    Report from Sundance 2006: Religion in Independent Film

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    This is the report from the Sundance Film Festival 2006

    Report from Slamdance 2007

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    This is the report from Slamdance Film Festival 2007

    Energy, Passion, Film: Report from Sundance 2007

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    This is the report from the Sundance Film Festival 2007

    The Lantern Vol. 53, No. 1, Fall 1986

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    • Living In-Sanity • Sentence of Dawn • Addict • Where Do They Come From? • Midnight Hags Astride • Escape • Here I Sit • A Minor Key • To Picasso\u27s Old Guitarist • Nothing More • Love or Futility • A Few Inches • My Only Gift • Reserved • A Message to a Disillusioned Friend • Doing it the Hard Way • The Wall • A Look Ahead at a Look Behind • Fantasy Secret • Lisa • Caesar\u27s Last Words • There\u27s a Grouse in My House • If You Want Me • The Education of a Samaritan • Death of Illusion • I Walked and Pondered • A Woman Walked Past Him and He Smiled • Betrayal • Blindness • Innocence Unveiled • Amandahttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/lantern/1129/thumbnail.jp

    The Lantern Vol. 53, No. 2, Spring 1987

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    • The One • Homecoming-1946 • Puff • Victory • The Prelude • Playtime • There\u27s a Killer in My Heart • Who is Keats? • Relationships • It\u27s OK • Rasping • Wearers of Underwear • Conjecture • Look Her in the Eye • Counterpoint • When the Air is Biting • A Stream of Consciousness • Bach\u27s Concerto in E • Tomorrow Morn • Ruminations on Bob Dylan • Last Night a Dream • Stephen • A Baseball Story • I Am Sorry • And Baby Makes Two • Next on Mr. Steinbeck\u27s Itinerary • Upon Visiting the Nursing Home • Taps for Ralph • Yes, I Believe • The Morning After • Conversation • Dear Man • Autumn Leaveshttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/lantern/1130/thumbnail.jp

    The Lantern Vol. 52, No. 2, Spring 1986

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    • The Cartoonist • Balance • Haiku • Moment of Truth • There Was a Man • Mad Song / Cassandra\u27s Song • Part I - The Descent • Political Thought • Beast • Questions Yet Unanswered • Aphrodite: A Lover\u27s Lament • The Most Limber Boy • Style And • Thoughts From My Confusion • Andy • Momma Wake Up • In The Suburbs • Tommy • When the Phone Rings • There\u27s Something Soothing • Starting Over • A Day in the Life of a Flower • Pretension • It Seems Like So Long Ago • I Walk Along • Insignificant Man • Variations on a Latin Theme • The Riddle • Roll the Dice - Its Your Turn • This Is Your Day • One Night Stand • Make My Day • You Really Can\u27t Expect • Medusa • Don\u27t Think • Broken Chain • Life...A Hammock? • To My Friend • Ode On a Grecian Keghttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/lantern/1128/thumbnail.jp

    Quantum algorithm and circuit design solving the Poisson equation

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    The Poisson equation occurs in many areas of science and engineering. Here we focus on its numerical solution for an equation in d dimensions. In particular we present a quantum algorithm and a scalable quantum circuit design which approximates the solution of the Poisson equation on a grid with error \varepsilon. We assume we are given a supersposition of function evaluations of the right hand side of the Poisson equation. The algorithm produces a quantum state encoding the solution. The number of quantum operations and the number of qubits used by the circuit is almost linear in d and polylog in \varepsilon^{-1}. We present quantum circuit modules together with performance guarantees which can be also used for other problems.Comment: 30 pages, 9 figures. This is the revised version for publication in New Journal of Physic

    Is there value in using physician billing claims along with other administrative health care data to document the burden of adolescent injury? An exploratory investigation with comparison to self-reports in Ontario, Canada

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    BACKGROUND: Administrative health care databases may be particularly useful for injury surveillance, given that they are population-based, readily available, and relatively complete. Surveillance based on administrative data, though, is often restricted to injuries that result in hospitalization. Adding physician billing data to administrative data-based surveillance efforts may improve comprehensiveness, but the feasibility of such an approach has rarely been examined. It is also not clear how injury surveillance information obtained using administrative health care databases compares with that obtained using self-report surveys. This study explored the value of using physician billing data along with hospitalization data for the surveillance of adolescent injuries in Ontario, Canada. We aimed i) to document the burden of adolescent injury using administrative health care data, focusing on the relative contribution of physician billing information; and ii) to explore data quality issues by directly comparing adolescent injuries identified in administrative and self-report data. METHODS: The sample included adolescents aged 12 to 19 years who participated in the 1996–1997 cross-sectional Ontario Health Survey, and whose survey responses were linked to administrative health care datasets (N = 2067). Descriptive analysis was used to document the burden of injuries as a proportion of all physician care by gender and location of care, and to examine the distribution of both administratively-defined and self-reported activity-limiting injuries according to demographic characteristics. Administratively-defined and self-reported injuries were also directly compared at the individual level. RESULTS: Approximately 10% of physician care for the sample was identified as injury-related. While 18.8% of adolescents had self-reported injury in the previous year, 25.0% had documented administratively-defined injury. The distribution of injuries according to demographic characteristics was similar across data sources, but congruence was low at the individual level. Possible reasons for discrepancies between the data sources included recall errors in the survey data and errors in the physician billing data algorithm. CONCLUSION: If further validated, physician billing data could be used along with hospital inpatient data to make an important and unique contribution to adolescent injury surveillance. The limitations inherent in different datasets highlight the need to continue rely on multiple information sources for complete injury surveillance information

    A harmonized meta-knowledgebase of clinical interpretations of somatic genomic variants in cancer

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    Precision oncology relies on accurate discovery and interpretation of genomic variants, enabling individualized diagnosis, prognosis and therapy selection. We found that six prominent somatic cancer variant knowledgebases were highly disparate in content, structure and supporting primary literature, impeding consensus when evaluating variants and their relevance in a clinical setting. We developed a framework for harmonizing variant interpretations to produce a meta-knowledgebase of 12,856 aggregate interpretations. We demonstrated large gains in overlap between resources across variants, diseases and drugs as a result of this harmonization. We subsequently demonstrated improved matching between a patient cohort and harmonized interpretations of potential clinical significance, observing an increase from an average of 33% per individual knowledgebase to 57% in aggregate. Our analyses illuminate the need for open, interoperable sharing of variant interpretation data. We also provide a freely available web interface () for exploring the harmonized interpretations from these six knowledgebases