2 research outputs found

    Skin-on-a-chip models: General overview and future perspectives-ERRATUM

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    Original article: Skin-on-a-chip models: General overview and future perspectives. In APL Bioengineering (Vol. 5, Issue 3, p. 030901). AIP Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0046376This work was supported by the Programa de Actividades de I+D entre Grupos de Investigaci贸n de la Comunidad de Madrid, S2018/BAA-4480, Biopieltec-CM, and C谩tedra Fundaci贸n Ram贸n Areces

    Generation of a Simplified Three-Dimensional Skin-on-a-chip Model in a Micromachined Microfluidic Platform

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    This work presents a new, cost-effective, and reliable microfluidic platform with the potential to generate complex multilayered tissues. As a proof of concept, a simplified and undifferentiated human skin containing a dermal (stromal) and an epidermal (epithelial) compartment has been modelled. To accomplish this, a versatile and robust, vinyl-based device divided into two chambers has been developed, overcoming some of the drawbacks present in microfluidic devices based on polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) for biomedical applications, such as the use of expensive and specialized equipment or the absorption of small, hydrophobic molecules and proteins. Moreover, a new method based on parallel flow was developed, enabling the in situ deposition of both the dermal and epidermal compartments. The skin construct consists of a fibrin matrix containing human primary fibroblasts and a monolayer of immortalized keratinocytes seeded on top, which is subsequently maintained under dynamic culture conditions. This new microfluidic platform opens the possibility to model human skin diseases and extrapolate the method to generate other complex tissues.This work was supported by the "Programa de Actividades de I+D entre Grupos de Investigaci贸n de la Comunidad de Madrid", Project S2018/BAA-4480, Biopieltec-CM. This work was also supported by the "Programa de excelencia", Project EPUC3M03, CAM. CONSEJER脥A DE EDUCACI脫N E INVESTIGACI脫N