51 research outputs found

    Fuzzy-neuro-genetic aerofin control

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    U ovom radu razmatrano je fazi-genetsko-neuro upravljanje elektromehaničkog aktuatora aerokrila za kontrolu leta projektila, pokretanim motorom jednosmerne struje sa četkicama i permanentnim magnetom koji je pogonjen drajverom sa konstantnom strujom. U naÅ”im prethodnim radovima, na osnovu razvijenog nelinearnog modela sistema, razvijena su i testirana različta konvencionalna i hibridna konvencionalno-inteligentna upravljanja. U ovom radu predloženo je fazi i neuro-fazi upravljanje sa genetskom optimizacijom. Predloženi inteligentni upravljački sistemi, koji obezbeđuju dobro ponaÅ”anje sistema, su verifikovani numeričkim simulacijima i upoređeni sa prethodnim rezultatima. .In this paper fuzzy-neuro-genetic control of an electromechanical actuator (EMA) system for aerofin control (AFC), with permanent magnet brush DC motor driven by a constant current driver, is investigated. In our previous papers, nonlinear model of the EMA-AFC system and different classical and hybrid classicalcomputationally intelligent control systems have been designed and tested. In this paper we have proposed fuzzy and neuro-fuzzy control with genetic optimization. Proposed intelligent control systems, providing good transient response and system behaviour, have been validated by various numerical experiments and compared to previous results.

    Experimental validation of improved performances of an electromechanical aerofin control system with a PWM controlled DC motor

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    U radu se istražuje upravljanje elektro-mehaničkog sistema za pokretanje upravljačkog krila izvedenog sa motorom jednosmerne struje sa četkicama i permanentnim magnetom. Motor jednosmerne struje je upravljan drajverom konstantne struje. Koristeći nelinearni model sistema izvrÅ”ena je sinteza pozicionog PID upravljačkog algoritma. Eksperimentalni rad sa sistemom dao je motivaciju za poboljÅ”anje prelaznog procesa i propusnog opsega sistema. Predložena je nelinearna modifikacija PID algoritma upravljanja. Predloženi upravljački sistem je eksperimentalno proveren na sistemu za ispitivanje. Prikazani eksperimentalni rezultati pokazuju da je prelazni proces i učestanosna karakteristika zatvorenog sistema znatno poboljÅ”ana sa modifikovanim PID algoritmom upravljanja.In this paper we investigate control of an electromechanical actuator (EMA) system for aerofin control (AFC) realized with permanent magnet brush DC motor driven by a constant current driver. Using nonlinear model of the EMA-AFC system, a PID position controller was developed. During the experimental work with the EMA-AFC system we found motivation to improve performances of the system in terms of transient response and bandwidth. We proposed nonlinear PID algorithm modification. Proposed control system is experimentally validated in a test bench. Presented experimental results show that the transient response and the closed-loop frequency response with modified PID controller are considerably better compared to those obtained with conventional PID position controller

    Achieving savings by implementation of efficient hybrid heating systems

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    Regarding to the structure of final energy consumption in buildings and National Action Plans, the paper gives a short overview of energy consumption in buildings in Serbia, showing that the greatest potential for achieving savings lies in the implementation of measures which improve energy efficiency. Considering that over 60% of energy requirements for buildings is related to thermal energy, particular attention should be paid to the centralized heating systems, both during the design of a new system, and in the reconstruction of the existing one. Further discussed are the heat sources for the heating systems. The seasonal heat load duration curve for winter conditions in accordance to the Typical Meteorological Year for Belgrade is constructed and displayed. The analysis of the conventional system with a fossil fuel source, as well as the analysis of a hybrid heat source are conducted. The savings achieved in the primary energy, heating bills and CO2 emission reduction, which are attained by the use of a hybrid system, are shown in comparison with the conventional systems. Collecting data on investment costs, as well as the prices of energy and fuels in Serbian market, enabled calculation of the payback period when replacing the conventional system by the new hybrid one

    Achieving savings by implementation of efficient hybrid heating systems

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    Regarding to the structure of final energy consumption in buildings and National Action Plans, the paper gives a short overview of energy consumption in buildings in Serbia, showing that the greatest potential for achieving savings lies in the implementation of measures which improve energy efficiency. Considering that over 60% of energy requirements for buildings is related to thermal energy, particular attention should be paid to the centralized heating systems, both during the design of a new system, and in the reconstruction of the existing one. Further discussed are the heat sources for the heating systems. The seasonal heat load duration curve for winter conditions in accordance to the Typical Meteorological Year for Belgrade is constructed and displayed. The analysis of the conventional system with a fossil fuel source, as well as the analysis of a hybrid heat source are conducted. The savings achieved in the primary energy, heating bills and CO2 emission reduction, which are attained by the use of a hybrid system, are shown in comparison with the conventional systems. Collecting data on investment costs, as well as the prices of energy and fuels in Serbian market, enabled calculation of the payback period when replacing the conventional system by the new hybrid one

    Modelling, simulation and control of desalination plant with a liquid jet ejector

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    U radu je prikazan metod modelovanja, simulacije i upravljanja postrojenja za desalinizaciju vode. Postrojenje za desalinizaciju vode spada u klasu postrojenja koje uparavaju slanu vodu korićenjem vodeno-parnog ejektora. U cilju validacije rezultata simulacije dinamičkog modela, razvijenog u cilju upravljanja, rezultati stacionarne simulacije postrojenja su koriŔćeni. Dodatno razvijen je PI kontroler koji dovodi sistem do željenih stanja pri uticaju poremećaja. Linearizovani model postrojenja je verfikovan pomoću nelinearnog dinamičkog modela. Pokazano je da navedeni pristup daje zadovoljavajuće rezultate.In this paper, modelling, simulation and control of water desalination plant is presented. The desalination plant is based on vapour compression method acquired utilizing a liquid jet ejector. Nonlinear steady-state model is developed in order to verify simplified dynamic model for control purposes. Furthermore, to design PI controller capable of guiding the system through desired states under the influence of disturbances, the linearized model of the plant has been developed and verified applying the nonlinear dynamical model. It is shown that presented approach can deliver satisfying model and tracking results

    Experimental determination of thermal conductivity of soil with a thermal response test

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    Optimal design of a borehole heat exchanger, as the outer part of a ground source heat pump heating system, requires information on the thermal properties of the soil. Those data, the effective thermal conductivity of the soil leff and the average temperature of the soil T0, enable us to determine the necessary number and depth of boreholes. The determination of thermal conductivity of the soil in laboratory experiments does not usually coincide with the data under in situ conditions. Therefore, an in-situ method of experimental determination of these parameters, the so-called thermal response test, is presented in this paper. In addition to the description of the experimental procedure and installation overview, the paper describes methods based on theory and presents their basic limitations, through the presentation of experimental data

    Enhanced control of radiator heating system

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    In this paper a radiator heating system of a building is considered. For the purpose of the heating system optimization, a mathematical model of the system is developed. The linear quadratic algorithm with integral action is proposed and analyzed. This solution has proven to be expensive. Further analysis of the model is done and a reduction of the order of the system is proposed. An inverse-based controller design approach for minimum phase first order system is used to provide realizable controller in the form of proportional integral controller. Optimal parameters of the control algorithm parameters have been chosen by integral of time absolute error criterion, and also by metaheuristic optimization. According to the real heating demand, a simulation of the plant is performed Proposed controllers were tested by numerical simulation for a typical winter day for geographical region of the building. It is shown that advanced performance can be achieved with optimized control systems, and that by controller optimization a significant reduction of the energy consumption is obtained without losing the indoor comfort. This has also proved to be more economical solution

    The performance of pip-cascade controler in hvac system

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    Primitive controllers used in the early version for HVAC systems, like the on-off (Bang-Bang) controller, are inefficient, inaccurate, unstable, and suffer from high-level mechanical wear. On the other hand, other controllers like PI and cascade controllers, overcome these disadvantages but when an offset response (inaccurate response) occurs, power consumption will increase. In order to acquire better performance in the central air-conditioning system, PIP-cascade control is investigated in this paper and compared to the traditional PI and PID, in simulation of experimental data. The output of the system is predicted through disturbances. Based on the mathematical model of air-conditioning space, the simulations in this paper have found that the PIP-cascade controller has the capability of self-adapting to system changes and results in faster response and better performance

    The performance of pip-cascade controler in hvac system

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    Primitive controllers used in the early version for HVAC systems, like the on-off (Bang-Bang) controller, are inefficient, inaccurate, unstable, and suffer from high-level mechanical wear. On the other hand, other controllers like PI and cascade controllers, overcome these disadvantages but when an offset response (inaccurate response) occurs, power consumption will increase. In order to acquire better performance in the central air-conditioning system, PIP-cascade control is investigated in this paper and compared to the traditional PI and PID, in simulation of experimental data. The output of the system is predicted through disturbances. Based on the mathematical model of air-conditioning space, the simulations in this paper have found that the PIP-cascade controller has the capability of self-adapting to system changes and results in faster response and better performance

    Design of electro-mechanical actuator for medium sized helicopter and a test platform for its testing and verification

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    This paper presents the design of an electro-mechanical actuator that is used for actuation of a medium sized helicopter. The designed actuator consists of a commercially available electro-mechanical cylinder EMC40 from Rexroth Bosch and a brushless DC motor EC45 from maxon motor. Cylinder and the motor are connected by a custom-made gearbox, which allows for their parallel axial mount. In addition to the actuator, the paper describes a test platform that can be used to emulate the forces generated by an actual helicopter. Designed test platform consists of a torsional spring and an AC motor with excentre. Frequency regulator is used to achieve the desired frequency of the force. Experimental results obtained by testing the designed actuator on the test platform are also given in the paper
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