54 research outputs found


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    Populasi penelitian adalah tenaga kerja di bagian pembungkusan, dengan pertimbangan bahwa kelompok ini terlibat langsung dalam proses produksi dan bias dihitung jumlah produktivitasnya. Jumlah sampel seluruhnya sebanyak 37 orang, diambil secara purposif. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan study deskriptif dan analitik menggunakan uji korelasi “product moment”. Untuk mendapatkan hasil dari uji ini dengan menggunakan komputer program mikrostat, dan untuk membuktikan hubungan antara variabel x dan y bermakna atau tidak, maka digunakan uji t. Hasil penelitian menggunakan sebagian besar responden (78,3%) mempunyai nilai “Body Mass Index” normal, 75,7% mempunyai kadar hemoglobin >= 12 gr/dalam yang berarti berada dalam keadaan status gizi yang baik, dan 64,8% responden sudah mencapai jumlah rata-rata produksi bungkus teh per orang/bulan. Dari hasil analisa dapat diambil kesimpulan bahwa ada hubungan yang bermakna antara “Body Mass Index” dengan tingkat produktivitas tenaga kerja. Hasil analisa antara kadar hemoglobin dengan produktivitas menunjukkan tidak terdapat hubungan. Keadaan tersebut berarti dalam penelitian ini tingginya hemoglobin tidak menyebabkan naik/turunnya produktivitas tenaga kerja. Kata Kunci: STATUS GIZ

    Dampak Dwelling Time Terhadap Kegiatan Impor Di Kppbc Tmp Tanjung Perak Jawa Timur

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    The purpose of the research is to directly determine the effect of dwelling time on import activities in import tax receipts at the Tanjung Perak Middle Type Customs and Excise Supervision and Service Office in East Java province. In this research, the method used is descriptive quantitative, while in determining the sample to be carried out is to use total sampling so that the sample in this research will be obtained with 5 years of observation data. The data in this study uses reports on dwelling time and import tax receipts for the 2016 – 2020 period. In this research, the data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression analysis. The results found in the research are that dwelling time has a significant effect on import activities on import tax receipts at KPPBC Type Madya Customs Tanjung Perak with a value of t = 7.529, meaning that the more effective dwelling time will determine the increase in import activities so as to increase the revenue side of import taxes. It can be said that time dwelling can directly have an impact on the level of fluency in carrying out trade globally, which is more specifically on imports, therefore to be able to maximize the level of import tax revenue, it can be classified into several parts, including taxes in the context of imports and import duty

    Evaluasi Pengelolaan Keuangan Dana Desa Pada Masa Covid-19 Di Desa Pandanlandung Kabupaten Malang

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    This study aims to evaluate how the Financial Management of Village Funds During the Covid-19 Period in Pandanlandung Village, Wagir District, Malang Regency using qualitative research methods, with Village Head informants and Pandanlandung Village Government officials whose research focus is planning, implementation, administration, reporting and accountability. The data collection used is by interview, document and observation. The results of research conducted by researchers indicate that the financial management of the Pandanlandung Village Government is in accordance with Permendagri Number 113 of 2014 namely planning, implementation, administration, reporting, and accountability which are very effective so that they are sufficient and beneficial for the community

    Pelatihan Manajemen Risiko pada Kegiatan Usaha Koperasi di Kawasan Perdesaan di Kabupaten Bandung Barat

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    To measure potential risks to cooperatives in rural areas, especially business activities with typical problems of producer farmers and micro, small, or processing industries in seeking potential risks and their solutions, Risk Management Training is held. Risk management includes risk management steps, namely identifying (diagnosing) risk, risk measurement (measuring, analyzing, and evaluating), and risk control. The purpose of this training is to explain risk management and solutions to typical agricultural problems and typical processing industry problems using the lecture approach, and discussion in workshops. For both types, there are similarities in the type of risk thatis trading risk and the solution is hedging (pattern of risk protection) cooperative. Hedger is ideal if its members are farmers both producers and consumers

    Analisis fasilitas tarif pajak penghasilan terutang ditinjau dari penghasilan bruto

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    National development is a sustainable development related to the whole life of society, nation, and state. National development is supported by several supporting aspects, one of which is tax revenue. This research aims to find out the facility of income tax rate payable in terms of gross income. The type of research used in this research is Interpretive Qualitative data. This Study uses data collection techniques, namely interview techniques, documentation, and observation. The types of data used in this stud are primary data and secondary data. The data analysis technique used is the descriptive analysis technique. The government issued tax law number 36 of 2008 by providing an incentive for tax reduction facilities for taxpayers, as stated in article 31E. The research results show that KPRI Universitas Brawijaya Malang has implemented Article 31E of the PPh Law Number 36 of 2008

    Penguatan Anggota Dengan Usaha Koperasi Produsen Berbasis Multiple String Cooperatives Pada Koperasi Produsen Mitra Kelapa (KPMK) Kabupaten Pangandaran

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    Koperasi Produsen Mitra Kelapa beranggotakan para petani, pengepul dan pengusaha yang menghasilkan produk dari bahan baku kelapa dalam skala ekonomi yang kecil atau secara terbatas.  Mereka menyadari bahwa usahanya tidak dapat memenuhi kebutuhannya bila dilakukan secara individual dan akhirnya bergabung menjadi Anggota Koperasi sehingga dapat membentuk kekuatan bersama, mengelola dan mengendalikan bersama. Keputusan mereka menjadi untuk menjadi Anggota sudah tepat karena sudah menerima manfaat ekonomi dan sosial yang secara bertahap dapat mencapai kesejahteraan bersama.   Terlebih lagi koperasi menerapkan penguatan multiple string dalam strategi skala ekonomi, keunikan produk dan efisiensi biaya produksi dan biaya transaksi sehingga koperasi dapat bersaing.  Koperasi mampu mengekspor cocofiber ke negara China dan cocopeat  (media tanam) ke negara Jepang. Sementara produk dari daging kelapa berupa tepung kelapa (Discreated Coco) masih terbatas pada pemenuhan kebutuhan perusahaan kue terbesar di Indonesia seperti PT. Mayora

    ANALISIS PENGUKURAN RETURN ON INVESMENT MELALUI AKUNTANSI SUMBER DAYA MANUSIA DI KOPERASI: (Studi Komparatif Neraca Konvensional dan Neraca dengan Akuntansi SDM di KPRI Sasakadana Kab. Garut)

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    Cooperative Human Resources consists of Management / Supervisors, Employees and Members who are consistently involved in the process of achieving the goals of the cooperative, namely improving the welfare of Members in particular and society in general. Cooperative HR through its skills is a Human Intellectual / Human Asset for cooperatives that can be measured in costs (investment) and its value in Accounting is the same as measuring the assets / other assets owned by cooperatives. As a form of appreciation for the existence of cooperative human resources as human capital, it is hoped that special treatment will be assessed economically and presented in the Financial Statements (Balance Sheet) which will then be compared to Return on Investment (ROI) to measure cooperative performance with the HR Accounting approach as a solution to overcome weaknesses ROI measurement if done conventionally

    Peran Zakat Dan Wakaf Sebagai Alternatif Meningkatkan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat

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    This research aims to eksplained about zakat role  and waqf especially money waqf as the alternative to improving social welfare. This research conducted is a descriptive qualitative study with the literature study. Based on research result state that to effect the zakat and waqf toward poored increasing to ower.given but on micro level,because  that date limited and zakat and waqf  contribution is small relative  as more than Nasional economic. It is because  still to integrated  management zakat and waqf toward economic nasional polic