320 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of Corporate Social Media Activities to Increase Relational Outcomes

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    This study applies social media analytics to investigate the impact of different corporate social media activities on user word of mouth and attitudinal loyalty. We conduct a multilevel analysis of approximately 5 million tweets regarding the main Twitter accounts of 28 large global companies. We empirically identify different social media activities in terms of social media management strategies (using social media management tools or the web-frontend client), account types (broadcasting or receiving information), and communicative approaches (conversational or disseminative). We find positive effects of social media management tools, broadcasting accounts, and conversational communication on public perception


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    Through the way in which people communicate they can affect their relationships, social network structures and ultimately the social capital acquired through their connections. We understand social capital from an ego-centric point of view as the resources obtained through the relationships among people within social networks. Social capital is a key factor for the performance of individuals and organizations. Therefore, companies increasingly implement social media platforms to facilitate communication among employees and to leverage the social capital benefits. To enhance our understanding of successfully building social capital through communication in enterprise social media, we apply human coding and quantitative analysis to the content and tone of 6,306 enterprise microblogging messages created by 136 employees of an international financial service provider. In accordance with existing information systems (IS) literature, we develop a model-based operationalization of communication styles and empirically abstract the two general communication types of In- and Meformers. Analysing the individual network structures of these communication types, we identify differences in the effectiveness building of social capital. Contrary to preliminary findings in public social media, our results suggest that a more self-disclosing communication type benefits from a higher efficacy in building social capital compared to a primarily factual-oriented communication type

    Practical application of the ISLLC Standards: job analysis, job descriptions, and performance evaluation criteria in selected school districts

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    The primary purpose of this study was to determine if the ISLLC Standards and 180 domains were appropriate for educational leadership (in practice and in training). Principals from three high expectation districts participated in this study: two school districts in Iowa and one school district in Arizona.;Matrices were created for each school district to show the linkage of the principals\u27 critical work activity, which represented what school related activities they actually spent their time on during and outside of a typical school day, to what their school districts\u27 job criteria and descriptors required. A comparison using these data was then made to the ISLLC Standards. A focus group was held with principals in Iowa who were named exemplary by superintendents to obtain their assessments of the appropriateness of the ISLLC Standards.;Generally speaking, it was determined that the ISLLC Standards were very comprehensive and appropriate. The study concluded that all of the three districts\u27 principal job criteria and descriptors linked to the ISLLC Standards, but 28 to 35 percent of the 180 domains were not addressed in these three districts\u27 principal expectations.;It is suggested that one way to include some of the ISLLC domains that center on diversity, ethics, honesty, loyalty, and so on, districts should use 360 degree feedback to tap into the perceptions of students, teachers, parents, fellow administrators, and principal self-evaluation. The following are examples that districts should consider including:;The principal: (1) resolves conflicts in a timely manner. (2) models effective problem-solving skills. (3) works collaboratively with parents. (4) demonstrates high standards of integrity and honesty. (5) treats individuals fairly. (6) respects diverse opinions and views. (7) demonstrates a professional code of ethics. (8) demonstrates a personal code of ethics.;It was also determined that ongoing research needs to occur before universities and school districts embrace the ISLLC Standards

    Analysis of a combine grain yield monitoring system

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    Yield monitoring technology is a key component in the development of precision agriculture capabilities. Because of the increasing usage of yield data in formulating data driven decisions, understanding the capabilities and limitations of the system is necessary for proper use of this data. Constantly varying field conditions are suspected as a causing factor in yield monitor error. Understanding and correcting these factors will increase the value and reliability of yield data for producers. The following documentation is a component of a project being conducted by John Deere, Ag Leader Technology, and Iowa State University, in order to study the response characteristics of a current combine yield monitoring system. The first technical chapter of this thesis is to describe the development process of test used to simulate harvesting conditions in a controlled environment in order to evaluate different harvest metrics expected to be encountered during a harvest season. This development will be used for the evaluation and continued development of the current yield monitoring system. The second technical chapter of this thesis is an analysis of data obtained from the test stand as well as data recorded throughout the 2013 harvest season in order to identify factors that have the ability to affect yield monitor response. The data obtained from this chapter will be used to identify current yield monitor capabilities and limitations and identify areas of improvement. The scope of this study is to aid the advancement of yield monitoring technology to improve the quality of data available for producers to provide them with more opportunities in their farming operations

    Warenverfügbarkeit als Hemmnis in der Vermarktung von Biorindfleisch – die Perspektive des Lebensmitteleinzelhandels

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    Dem Handel trägt aufgrund seiner Macht die Kaufentscheidung seiner Kunden beeinflussen zu können maßgeblich zu einer erfolgreichen Vermarktung von ökologisch produziertem Rindfleisch bei. Die Vermarktung von ökologischem Rindfleisch geht bisher aber nur schleppend voran. Im Rahmen dieser Studie sollen daher logistische Probleme untersucht werden, die die Vermarktung aus Sicht des Lebensmitteleinzelhandels hemmen. Dafür wurden 12 qualitative Interviews mit Vertretern des Lebensmitteleinzelhandels geführt und anschließend mittels qualitativer Inhaltsanalyse ausgewertet. Die Ergebnisse deuten auf ein unzureichendes Angebot, lange Bestellzeiträume, Qualitätsschwankungen und uneinheitliche Vermarktungsmöglichkeiten unterschiedlicher Fleischstücke hin. Lösungsansätze werden seitens des Lebensmitteleinzelhandels in einer verstärkten Zusammenarbeit entlang der gesamten Wertschöpfungskette gesehen. Außerdem wir die Verarbeitung von weniger beliebten Teilstücken als Möglichkeit gesehen Perioden mit mangelnder Warenverfügbarkeit zu überbrücken. Der Einsatz von Kommunikationsmaßnahmen sollten zusätzlich intensiviert werden um die Gesellschaft auf die besonderen Produktionsabläufe aufmerksam zu machen

    The side effect of scrutinising traders in social trading platforms

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    Increased transparency in investor/trader relationships induces behavioural biases, write Florian Glaser and Marten Risiu

    Akzeptanz von nachhaltiger Aquakultur: Treffen die Produktinformationen die Wünsche von Öko-Käufern?

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    Aquaculture is becoming more important for human consumption. Sustainable aquaculture procedures came up as an alternative, due to the negative environmental impacts of conventional aquaculture procedures. Nonetheless, little is known about consumer segments for sustainable aquaculture and their preferences. Overall, participants paid a lot of attention on the declaration of origin; specifically fish products from Germany or Denmark were preferred along with local products. Consumers are generally supporting a sustainable production. However, communication claims and labelling schemes should be improved to reach consumer acceptance