171 research outputs found

    Three birds from the mountains of Muscat

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    Dr. W. Wells Thorns, a resident of Muttrah in Muscat, has been kind enough to send me several specimens of the flora and fauna from the Jebel Akhdar Mountains which lie within the territory of the Sultanate of Muscat and Oman in southeastern Arabia. Three bird specimens taken among the fruit trees near the village of Seik at 6300 feet above sea level are most interesting as affording the first recorded specimens from this mountain range

    New birds from the western Papuan islands

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    As a preliminary to further publications on the work of the 1954 Yale Peabody Museum Expedition to the Moluccas, I should like to describe the following new forms of birds collected on the trip undertaken by myself and my wife…

    Notes on Indian birds. VII.

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    In my forthcoming hand-list of Indian birds, I have treated the White-cheeked Bulbuls as belonging to a single species…

    Comments on birds from the western Papuan islands

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    Opportunities for visiting Kofiau Island (often called Koffiao, Kavijave, Kavijaaw, or Poppa in the literature) are few and far between…

    Notes on Indian birds. VI. Additional comments on the Wren-babbler, Spelaeornis

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    At the suggestion of Dr. Walter Koelz, I have assembled a number of specimens of Spelaeornis, the small Wren-babbler whose status I reviewed in 1950 (Auk, 67:390-391), and again in 1952..

    A note on the Firethroat and the Blackthroated Robin

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    While on a visit to the U.S.S.R. recently, I had the opportunity of examining two specimens of the small chat, the Black-throated Robin

    Two new birds from Angola

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    During the course of his first collecting trip for the Peabody Museum in Angola, Mr. Gerd Heinrich secured two interesting new birds in Malange District in the northeast of that fascinating Country. The Museum is most grateful to the Department of Overseas of the Government of Portugal, the Government officials in Luanda and the officials of the Diamond Company who aided Mr. and Mrs. Heinrich unstintingly during their expedition

    A new race of black-throated babbler from Assam

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    The Mishmi Hills in northeastern Assam, India, were so violently devastated by the great earthquake of August 1950 that whole hillsides for miles along the narrow steep valleys have been denuded of soil and vegetation…

    Notes on Indian birds III: Birds from Assam

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    I have recently been checking over specimens of birds from Assam, some kindly presented to me by Mr. Salim Ali, and others recorded by me on a recent survey for the Assam Government. The following notes appear worthy of setting down here

    Additional notes on the Horned Coot, Fulica cornuta Bonaparte

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    Subsequent to the publication of the notes on this curious species contained in Postilla No. 30, Feb. 28, 1957, new information has come to light which seems worth printing here…
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