388,667 research outputs found


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    Problems with changing the policy of the Coal Mineral Law, regarding changes to permits, have resulted in some disharmony between the regional government and the central government. This writing was carried out with a focus on writing regarding mining licensing authority with reference to the Minerba Law with Law Number 3 of 2020. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the disharmony of minerba mining licensing policies by the central government towards regional governments. The method used in this research is normative juridical. In conducting research, the author obtains information by digging, finding out and finding a legal principle, rule of law, and legal doctrine which will be used in the future to answer several existing legal issues. The problem with changing policies regarding mining permits is because there are several substantive articles in the law which have logical consequences for the regional autonomy management sector. The takeover of mining licensing affairs by the central government "Centralization" has consequences, namely the reduced function of the state's right to control over the mineral and coal mining sector in regional governments, both provincial and district/city. The centralization carried out by the government is a way of simplifying mining business licensing, so that in this case the central government aims to make policies regarding management and licensing easie

    Hubungan antara collective efficacy dengan group cohesion pada pemain bola volley di Sidoarjo

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat hubungan antara Collective efficacy dengan Group cohesion pada pemain bola volley di sidoarjo. Alat ukur yang digunakan untuk mengukur Group cohesion adalah adaptasi dari penelitian sebelumnya oleh dinda tiara sella dengan judul coping strategy group cohesion dan coacing leader ship terhadap ketangguhan mental atlet basket sedangkan untuk alat ukur Collective efficacy diadaptasi dari kuisioner CEQS. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada pemain bola volley di club yang ada di sidoarjo dengan kriteria usia 15-18 dengan jumlah sampel 69 orang. Analisis statistik menggunakan teknik analisis pearson prodak momen, hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa terdapat korelasi yang signifikan antara collective efficacy dengan group cohesion (Sig 0.001<0,05) dengan nilai R squared 0,144 yang artinya kontribusi collective efficacy terhadap group cohesion sebesar 14,4%. Disarankan pada peneliti selanjutnya agar dapat melakukan penelitian lebih lanjut dengan tidak terbatas pada collective efficacy


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    Tujuan perancangan mesin press tebu ini yaitu untuk menentukan ukuran dari setiap bagian dari mesin. Dalam perancangan ini kita juga mendapatkan rancangan transmisi pada mesin serta mengetahui pemilihan bahan dan perancangan komponen – komponen yang benar pada mesin. Selain itu kita juga dapat mengetahui analisis ekonomi dari mesin press tebu tersebut. Metode yang digunakan untuk merancang mesin press tebu ini adalah mengacu pada konsep Pahl dan Beitz yang terbagi menjadi empat tahap. Empat tahap tersebut adalah perencanaan dan penjelasan tugas, perencanaan konsep produk, perencanaan produk, dan perencanaan detail. Dengan demikian kita dapat menghasilkan detail berupa dokumen pembuatan produk (gambar kerja). Hasil perancangan adalah desain dan gambar kerja produk mesin press tebu ini dengan dengan sumber penggerak motor listrik AC 0,5 HP. Diameter poros yang digunakan 25,4 mm dari bahan ST-60. Sistem transmisi yang digunakan pada mesin ini adalah puli masing-masing berdiameter 2inc , 10inc, 3inc, 12inc yang mereduksi putaran motor 1400 Rpm yang diharapkan menjadi 70 Rpm. Mesin press tebu ini memiliki konstruksi yang kuat dan ergonomis dengan spesifikasi mesin panjang 450 × lebar 400 × tinggi 1150 mm dengan rangka baja profil L 40x40x4. Taksiran harga jual mesin yang ditawarkan, yaitu senilai Rp 1.685.475,00

    Rio high for Johnathan: shooter qualifies for olympics after bagging 1Om air pistol gold

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    Background and objective Previous research suggests that measures of cognitive process may be confounded by the inclusion of items that also assess cognitive content. The primary aims of this content review were to: (1) identify the domains of cognitive processes assessed by measures used in pain research; and (2) determine if pain‐specific cognitive process measures with adequate psychometric properties exist. Databases and data treatment PsychInfo, CINAHL, PsycArticles, MEDLINE, and Academic Search Complete databases were searched to identify the measures of cognitive process used in pain research. Identified measures were double coded and the measure's items were rated as: (1) cognitive content; (2) cognitive process; (3) behavioural/social; and/or (4) emotional coping/responses to pain. Results A total of 319 scales were identified; of these, 29 were coded as providing an un‐confounded assessment of cognitive process, and 12 were pain‐specific. The cognitive process domains assessed in these measures are Absorption, Dissociation, Reappraisal, Distraction/Suppression, Acceptance, Rumination, Non‐Judgment, and Enhancement. Pain‐specific, un‐confounded measures were identified for: Dissociation, Reappraisal, Distraction/Suppression, and Acceptance. Psychometric properties of all 319 scales are reported in supplementary material. Conclusions To understand the importance of cognitive processes in influencing pain outcomes as well as explaining the efficacy of pain treatments, valid and pain‐specific cognitive process measures that are not confounded with non‐process domains (e.g., cognitive content) are needed. The findings of this content review suggest that future research focused on developing cognitive process measures is critical in order to advance our understanding of the mechanisms that underlie effective pain treatment. Significance Many cognitive process measures used in pain research contain a ‘mix’ of items that assess cognitive process, cognitive content, and behavioural/emotional responses. Databases searched: PsychInfo, CINAHL, PsycArticles, MEDLINE and Academic Search Complete. This review describes the domains assessed by measures assessing cognitive processes in pain research, as well as the strengths and limitations of these measures

    Human Center of Gravity Dynamics a New Parameter of Motor Development Functions

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    A study of a new parameter of human growth and development was conducted. The percentage of the height of body gravity center to the stature in supine position was measured in males and females during the period of pre-puberty (l995), young and adult puberties (1995 and 1997) and male adults (1995). The parameters measured were weight, stature and the height of the gravity center. Data were calculated in obtaining arithmetic means, standard deviations of all parameters and the percentage of gravity point height to stature. The percentages of male and female means, as well as standard deviations, were compared statistically. It was shown that in the pre-puberty group the location of the gravity center to stature was the same in percentage in males compared to females, whereas in the adult group (1987, 1995) a higher percentage was found in males. Among males (1995) differences were found in the percentages, which might have been caused by differences of body typology; the mesomorphic type showed the highest percentage, the endomorphic type showed the lowest, whereas the ectomorphic type it was in between

    Cephalometric Patterns on Javanese, Bataks and Chinese Students in Jakarta

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    In 2000 a cephalometric survey has been done on both genders of Javanese, Bataks and Chinese students at the University of Indonesia (UI), the Indonesian Christian University (UKI) and the Christian University of Jakarta (UKRIDA) with the aim to detect their cephalometric characteristics patterns and the degree of their secular changes with their ancestors. Cephalometric parameters were measured as follows: the maximal head length (glabellaopisthocranion), the maximal head breadth (euryon-euryon), the minimal forehead breadth (frontotemporalefrontotemporale), the morphological facial height (suborbitale-gnathion), the bizygomatic breadth (zygion-zygion) and the bi-gonion breadth (gonion gonion). In addition measurements were done on facial soft tissue factors such as the nasal height (suborbitale-subnasale) the nasal breadth (alare-alare), the ear length (superaurale-subaurale) and the ear breadth (preaurale-postaurale). The results were treated statistically using t test to obtain the degree of significance. It was determined that some cephalometric characteristics have undergone secular changes but both genders of Bataks, Javanese and Chinese students seemed to depict their retainment of their respective ancestors cephalometric characteristics, consequently their cephalometric characteristic differences were still detectable

    The Breeding Birds of Malta

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    Sultana J., Borg J.J., Gauci C. &amp; Falzon V. (con la coll. di Cachia D., Coleiro C., Galea R. &amp; Gauci M.), 2011. The Breeding Birds of Malta. BirdLife Malta, 380 pp., € 33. Acquistabile tramite www.birdlifemalta.org o www.bdlbooks.com

    A Guide to Conducting Ethnographic Research: A Review of Ethnography: Step-by-Step (3rd ed.) by David M. Fetterman

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    Ethnography: Step-by-Step (3rd ed.) is a book that introduces novice researchers to the practice of ethnographic research. It provides an overview of ethnography, a discussion of methods and techniques utilized in the field, a guide to the use of ethnographic equipment, and basic tenets of the process of analyzing data. In addition, it provides important strategies for writing up the results and a valuable discussion of ethics