2 research outputs found

    Running of Spectral index for a hybrid inflationary model

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    A hybrid inflationary model with cubic potential where inflation ends in a differentway, due to very rapid rolling of an auxiliary scalar field ψ is discussed. The slowly rollinginflation field φ does not account for the majority of the energy density in hybrid inflation.Another field ψ takes this role, which is maintained in position by its interaction with φ untilφ falls below a critical value φc . When this occurs, ψ has been destabilized and inflationcomes to an end by rolling toward its true vacuum. In this model, the second derivative ofthe inflaton potential, which represents its effective mass undergoes a sudden small change.The spectral indices related to density perturbations n1 and n2 just before and soon after thephase transition respectively are determined. It is found that the ensuing density perturbationhas a power spectrum that is nearly flat with a step in ns

    Gravitational wave production after inflation for a hybrid inflationary model

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    We discuss a cosmological scenario with a stochastic background of gravitational waves sourced by the tensor perturbation due to a hybrid inflationary model with cubic potential. The tensor-to-scalar ratio for the present hybrid inflationary model is obtained as r≈0.0006r \approx 0.0006. Gravitational wave spectrum of this stochastic background, for large-scale CMB modes, 10−4Mpc−110^{-4}Mpc^{-1} to 1Mpc−11Mpc^{-1} is studied. The present-day energy spectrum of gravitational waves Ω0gw(f)\Omega_0^{gw}(f) is sensitively related to the tensor power spectrum and r which is, in turn, dependent on the unknown physics of the early cosmos. This uncertainty is characterized by two parameters: nt^(f)\hat{n_t}(f) logarithmic average over the primordial tensor spectral index and w^(f)\hat{w}(f) logarithmic average over the effective equation of state parameter. Thus, exact constraints in the w^(f)\hat{w}(f), nt^(f)\hat{n_t}(f) plane can be obtained by comparing theoretical constraints of our model on r and Ω0gw(f)\Omega_0^{gw}(f). We obtain a limit on w^(10−15Hz)\hat{w}(10^{-15}Hz)<0.330.33 around the modes probed by CMB scales