35 research outputs found

    The comparison of latero-medial versus dorso-palmar/plantar drilling for cartilage removal in the proximal interphalangeal joint

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    The aims of the present study were to compare the percentages of articular cartilage removed using a lateral drilling approach of the proximal interphalangeal joint (PIPJ) and a dorsal drilling approach, and to assess the usefulness of digital fluoroscopy when performing a lateral drilling approach. Sixty cadaveric PIPJs were drilled using a surgical drill bit to remove the articular cartilage. The limbs were divided into three groups containing 10 forelimbs and 10 hindlimbs each. One group received the dorsal drilling approach, the second one received the lateral drilling approach and the last one received the lateral drilling approach under digital fluoroscopy guidance. The percentage of articular cartilage removed from each articular surface was assessed using Adobe Photoshop® software. The percentages of removed cartilage turned out to be significantly higher with lateral approach, especially under fluoroscopic guidance, both in the forelimbs (p = 0.00712) and hindlimbs (p = 0.00962). In conclusion, the lateral drilling approach seems to be a minimally invasive technique with which to perform PIPJ arthrodesis, even more efficient than the previously reported dorsal approach

    Proteinase Activated Receptor 4 in the Jejunum of Healthy Horses and of Horses With Epiploic Hernia

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    Proteinase activated receptor 4 (PAR4) in the gastrointestinal tract is involved in the regulation of inflammation and pain pathways. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the distribution and expression of PAR4 in the jejunum of healthy horses and in the pathologic tracts from horses undergoing surgery for herniation of the small intestine through the epiploic foramen. Eight healthy horses (Group H) and eight horses with epiploic hernia (Group EH) were included; the jejunum samples were collected at the slaughter or intraoperatively after enterectomy, respectively. To evaluate PAR4 expression in sections of the jejunum, immunofluorescence, western blot and quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) were performed. Immunohistochemistry of PAR4 in the jejunum of the healthy horses showed that receptors are predominantly expressed in the immune cell population scattered throughout the lamina propria of the mucosa and in the submucosa. Quantitative PCR data demonstrated that PAR4 mRNA was detectable in all of the samples analyzed without any difference between the H and the EH groups, however the PAR4 protein level was significantly lower in the jejunums of the EH horses. In the Group EH horses, PAR4 immunoreactivity was mainly expressed in the mast cells and was extensively distributed in the sierosa. In the lamina propria of mucosa of Group EH, leukocytes were less abundant than in Group H. In this study, the distribution and expression of PAR4 in the jejunums of the healthy horses and in those with spontaneous occurring epiploic hernia was demonstrated

    Expression of Proteinase-Activated Receptor 2 During Colon Volvulus in the Horse

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    Large colon volvulus in horses is associated with a poor prognosis, especially when ischemic-reperfusion injury of the affected intestinal tract develops. Proteinase-activated receptor 2 (PAR2) plays an important role in the pathogenesis of inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract. The aim of this study was to evaluate the distribution and expression of PAR2 in colonic pelvic flexure of horses spontaneously affected by large colon volvulus (CVH group). Eight horses admitted for severe abdominal colon volvolus and which underwent surgery were included. Colon samples were collected after enterotomy. Data previously obtained from healthy horses were used as a control group. Histologic evaluation was carried out to grade the severity of the colon lesions. Immunofluorescence, western blot and quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) were carried out on colon samples to evaluate PAR2 expression. In addition, the transcriptional profile of cytokines and chemokines was evaluated using RT2 Profiler™ PCR Array Horse Cytokines & Chemokines. Three out of the eight patients were euthanised due to clinical deterioration. Immunostaining for PAR2 was observed in the enterocytes, intestinal glands and neurons of the submucosal and myenteric plexi. In the CVH horses, the expression of PAR2 mesenger RNA (mRNA) did not differ significantly from that of the healthy animals; western blots of the mucosa of the colon tracts showed a clear band of the expected molecular weight for PAR2 (~44 kDa) and a band smaller than the expected molecular weight for PAR2 (25kDa), suggesting its activation. The gene expressions for C-X-C motif ligand 1 (CXCL1); interleukin 8 (IL8), macrophage inflammatory protein 2 beta (MIP-2BETA) were upregulated in the colic horses as compared with the colons of the healthy horses. Therefore, in the present study, the expression and activation of PAR2 in the colons of horses in the presence of an inflammatory reaction like that occurring in those with spontaneous colon volvulus was confirmed

    Expression of Cell-Cycle Regulatory Proteins pRb, Cyclin D1, and p53 Is Not Associated with Recurrence Rates of Equine Sarcoids

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    Sarcoids are among the most common tumors diagnosed in equids; their association with bovine papillomaviruses (BPV) infection has been widely reported, but the mechanism of carcinogenesis has not been fully elucidated. To verify whether BPV infection causes dysregulation of the pRb-Cyclin D1-p16CDKN2A-p53 pathway as reported for human papillomavirus (HPV), the study employed immunohistochemistry to test 55 equine sarcoid biopsies for the expression of pRb, Cyclin D1, and p53 cell cycle regulatory proteins and to evaluate the proliferative rate through Ki67. High Cyclin D1 and pRb expression were observed in 51% and 80% of cases, respectively, while low expression was observed in 49% and 20% of cases, respectively. Significantly higher Ki67 proliferation indexes were observed in fibroblastic, nodular, and mixed sarcoids compared to the occult and verrucous. High proliferation was significantly associated with high Cyclin D1 expression. In contrast with previous studies, p53 positivity was not observed in the cases examined in this study. Moreover, follow-up analysis revealed that fibroblastic, mixed sarcoids were associated with significantly higher local recurrence rates while the verrucous subtype was associated with higher rates of new sarcoid development at distant sites

    Corpi in attesa. Filosofia e biologia del cancro

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    Il tema del cancro è certamente tra quelli che più di ogni altro chiede di uscire da una visione prettamente biologistica e biotecnologica. Corpi in attesa prova ad affiancare al piano strettamente specialistico dinamiche filosofiche e culturali che da sempre fanno da sfondo a questa terribile patologia. In questa direzione non è tanto l’aspetto psicologico o sociologico che si incontra quanto quello umanistico e filosofico. Ne nasce così un dialogo tra storia della medicina e storia della cultura, tra biologia e filosofia, dialogo che permette di tenere sempre a contatto il piano delle scoperte con quello dei vissuti e delle idee. Così il sentire comune, i modi di “nominare” l’innominabile, le dinamiche di concettualizzazione e il tentativo di dar senso alla galassia dei tumori fanno parte essenziale stessa della storia dei progressi e delle cure. Ne esce un quadro all’interno del quale il cancro non è semplicemente una patologia ma il paradigma stesso di una complessità che è la stessa essenza dell’essere umano


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    Il problema legato alla tecnica da adottare per la chiusura delle ferite chirurgiche addominali rimane di attualit\ue0 sia in medicina umana che veterinaria, come testimoniato da recenti rassegne o studi statistici (2, 5, 6). In particolare, a partire dalla fine degli anni \u201980 la sutura di tipo continuo \ue8 stata riconosciuta come metodo di elezione per la chiusura dell\u2019addome nel cavallo, cos\uec come anche in altre specie compreso l\u2019uomo, sulla base di lavori sperimentali (7) e risultati di studi clinici (8, 9). Scopo di questo studio \ue8 quello di presentare la nostra casistica clinica relativamente alle problematiche di guarigione della ferita chirurgica celiotomica di cavalli adulti operati per chirurgia addominale, con chiusura della parete addominale secondo una procedura che prevede una sutura interrotta sulla linea alba

    Treatment of Septic Arthritis With Acoustic Cavitation and Lavage: A Case Report

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    A 2-year-old Quarter Horse filly was admitted to our facility with a two-day history of trauma caused by barbed wire on the front face of the right front limb fetlock joint. A septic arthritis was confirmed with the synovial fluid examination. The cytologic evaluation of synovial fluid showed 101,000 leukocytes/mm3, 90% neutrophils, and a total protein concentration of 4 g/dL. It was, therefore, decided to perform an arthroscopic lavage using an ultrasonic device with the tip inserted inside the synovial cavity to exploit the phenomenon of acoustic cavitation. After the removal of the synovial pannus, the probe was left to vibrate in the area near the visible penetrating wound inside the joint until three liters of saline was finished. Further studies are needed for understanding and applying this technology in different equine fields and with different bacterial species. However, these first results are promising for the efficacy of this innovative procedure

    Single injection of autologous platelet rich plasma (PRP) in suspensory ligament lesions in horses: a clinical trial

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the results of treatment of single injection of autologous platelet rich plasma (PRP) in suspensory ligament lesions in horses. The results obtained in this clinical trial are encouraging. Seven of the 10 treated horses have had a positive outcome with a 12 months follow up. The 3 horses with a negative outcome were all trotters, affected in hind limbs. This result might have a correlation both with the discipline itself and with the management and training of such horses, which are often put back into competition with an urgency potentially undermining a complete recovery. In this study were considered only horses treated with a single application of PRP, which was demonstrated to be effective on rats (Virchenko & Aspengerg, 2006) and that has here shown a satisfactory outcome. In this report we included only the horses in which it was considered, based on an ultrasonographic evidence, that multiple injections might even cause a damage to the fibrils in shaping. Until more consistent data become available, it is possible to state that the treatment of suspensory ligament lesion with PRP seems to be effective, uneventful, cheap and easy, and able to accelerate and improve the quality of the heal, thus it should strongly be considered for these injuries in sport horses