71 research outputs found

    Association of Enhanced HIV-1 Neutralization by a Single Y681H Substitution in gp41 with Increased gp120-CD4 Interaction and Macrophage Infectivity

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    HIV-1 variants that show unusual sensitivity to autologous antibodies due to presence of critical neutralization signatures would likely contribute towards rational envelope based HIV-1 vaccine design. In the present study, we found that presence of a naturally occurring H681 in gp41 membrane proximal external region (MPER) of a clade C envelope (Env) obtained from a recently infected Indian patient conferred increased sensitivity to autologous and heterologous plasma antibodies. Furthermore, Env-pseudotyped viruses expressing H681 showed increased sensitivity to soluble CD4, b12 and 4E10 monoclonal antibodies both in related and unrelated Envs and was corroborated with increased Env susceptibility and binding to cellular CD4 as well as with prolonged exposure of MPER epitopes. The increased gp120-CD4 interaction was further associated with relative exposure of CD4-induced epitopes and macrophage infectivity. In summary, our data indicate that Y681H substitution exposes neutralizing epitopes in CD4bs and MPER towards comprehensive interference in HIV-1 entry

    Native Conformation and Canonical Disulfide Bond Formation Are Interlinked Properties of HIV-1 Env Glycoproteins

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    We investigated whether there is any association between a native-like conformation and the presence of only the canonical (i.e., native) disulfide bonds in the gp120 subunits of a soluble recombinant human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) envelope (Env) glycoprotein. We used a mass spectrometry (MS)-based method to map the disulfide bonds present in nonnative uncleaved gp140 proteins and native-like SOSIP.664 trimers based on the BG505 env gene. Our results show that uncleaved gp140 proteins were not homogeneous, in that substantial subpopulations (20 to 80%) contained aberrant disulfide bonds. In contrast, the gp120 subunits of the native-like SOSIP.664 trimer almost exclusively retained the canonical disulfide bond pattern. We also observed that the purification method could influence the proportion of an Env protein population that contained aberrant disulfide bonds. We infer that gp140 proteins may always contain a variable but substantial proportion of aberrant disulfide bonds but that the impact of this problem can be minimized via design and/or purification strategies that yield native-like trimers. The same factors may also be relevant to the production and purification of monomeric gp120 proteins that are free of aberrant disulfide bonds

    Differential binding of neutralizing and non-neutralizing antibodies to native-like soluble HIV-1 Env trimers, uncleaved Env proteins, and monomeric subunits

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    Background: The trimeric envelope glycoproteins (Env) on the surface of HIV-1 virions are the targets for neutralizing antibodies (NAbs). No candidate HIV-1 immunogen has yet induced potent, broadly active NAbs (bNAbs). Part of the explanation may be that previously tested Env proteins inadequately mimic the functional, native Env complex. Trimerization and the proteolytic processing of Env precursors into gp120 and gp41 profoundly alter antigenicity, but soluble cleaved trimers are too unstable to serve as immunogens. By introducing stabilizing mutations (SOSIP), we constructed soluble, cleaved Env trimers derived from the HIV-1 subtype A isolate BG505 that resemble native Env spikes on virions both structurally and antigenically. Results: We used surface plasmon resonance (SPR) to quantify antibody binding to different forms of BG505 Env: the proteolytically cleaved SOSIP.664 trimers, cleaved gp120-gp41ECTO protomers, and gp120 monomers. Non-NAbs to the CD4-binding site bound only marginally to the trimers but equally well to gp120-gp41ECTO protomers and gp120 monomers, whereas the bNAb VRC01, directed to the CD4bs, bound to all three forms. In contrast, bNAbs to V1V2 glycan-dependent epitopes bound preferentially (PG9 and PG16) or exclusively (PGT145) to trimers. We also explored the antigenic consequences of three different features of SOSIP.664 gp140 trimers: the engineered inter-subunit disulfide bond, the trimer-stabilizing I559P change in gp41ECTO, and proteolytic cleavage at the gp120-gp41ECTO junction. Each of these three features incrementally promoted native-like trimer antigenicity. We compared Fab and IgG versions of bNAbs and validated a bivalent model of IgG binding. The NAbs showed widely divergent binding kinetics and degrees of binding to native-like BG505 SOSIP.664. High off-rate constants and low stoichiometric estimates of NAb binding were associated with large amounts of residual infectivity after NAb neutralization of the corresponding BG505.T332N pseudovirus. Conclusions: The antigenicity and structural integrity of cleaved BG505 SOSIP.664 trimers render these proteins good mimics of functional Env spikes on virions. In contrast, uncleaved gp140s antigenically resemble individual gp120-gp41ECTO protomers and gp120 monomers, but not native trimers. Although NAb binding to functional trimers may thus be both necessary and sufficient for neutralization, the kinetics and stoichiometry of the interaction influence the neutralizing efficacy of individual NAbs

    Influences on the Design and Purification of Soluble, Recombinant Native-Like HIV-1 Envelope Glycoprotein Trimers

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    We have investigated factors that influence the production of native-like soluble, recombinant trimers based on the env genes of two isolates of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1), specifically 92UG037.8 (clade A) and CZA97.012 (clade C). When the recombinant trimers based on the env genes of isolates 92UG037.8 and CZA97.012 were made according to the SOSIP.664 design and purified by affinity chromatography using broadly neutralizing antibodies (bNAbs) against quaternary epitopes (PGT145 and PGT151, respectively), the resulting trimers are highly stable and they are fully native-like when visualized by negative-stain electron microscopy. They also have a native-like (i.e., abundant) oligomannose glycan composition and display multiple bNAb epitopes while occluding those for nonneutralizing antibodies. In contrast, uncleaved, histidine-tagged Foldon (Fd) domain-containing gp140 proteins (gp140UNC-Fd-His), based on the same env genes, very rarely form native-like trimers, a finding that is consistent with their antigenic and biophysical properties and glycan composition. The addition of a 20-residue flexible linker (FL20) between the gp120 and gp41 ectodomain (gp41ECTO) subunits to make the uncleaved 92UG037.8 gp140-FL20 construct is not sufficient to create a native-like trimer, but a small percentage of native-like trimers were produced when an I559P substitution in gp41ECTO was also present. The further addition of a disulfide bond (SOS) to link the gp120 and gp41 subunits in the uncleaved gp140-FL20-SOSIP protein increases native-like trimer formation to ∼20 to 30%. Analysis of the disulfide bond content shows that misfolded gp120 subunits are abundant in uncleaved CZA97.012 gp140UNC-Fd-His proteins but very rare in native-like trimer populations. The design and stabilization method and the purification strategy are, therefore, all important influences on the quality of trimeric Env proteins and hence their suitability as vaccine components

    Electrospun nanofibrous meshes cultured with Wharton’s Jelly Stem Cell: an alternative for cartilage regeneration, without the need of growth factors

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    Many efforts are being directed worldwide to the treatment of OA-focal lesions. The majority of those efforts comprise either the refinement of surgical techniques or combinations of biomaterials with various autologous cells. Herein, we tested electrospun polycaprolactone (PCL) nanofibrous meshes for cartilage tissue engineering. For that, articular chondrocytes (hACs) isolated from human osteoarthritic joints and Whartonâ s Jelly Stem Cells (hWJSCs) are cultured on electrospun nanofiber meshes, without adding external growth factors. We observed higher glycosaminoglycans production and higher overexpression of cartilage-related genes from hWJSCs cultured with basal medium, when compared to hACs isolated from osteoarthritic joints. Moreover, the presence of sulfated proteoglycans and collagen type II is observed on both types of cell cultures. We believe that this effect is due to either the electrospun nanofibers topography or the intrinsic chondrogenic differentiation potential of hWJSCs. Therefore, we propose the electrospun nanofibrous scaffolds in combination with hWJSCs as a viable alternative to the commercial membranes used in autologous chondrogenic regeneration approaches.The authors thank the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology for the Post-Doc grant of Marta Alves da Silva (SFRH/BPD/73322/2010, financed by POPH QREN Tipologia 4.1 – Advanced Formation, co-financed by Fundo Social Europeu and MEC national funds). This work was supported by the project SPARTAN (PTDC/CTM-BIO/4388/2014) FCT/MEC with PIDDAC funds. It was also partly supported by the POLARIS (FP7-REGPOT-2012-2013-1) and the Project “New methodologies for the isolation and control of stem cells differentiation using advanced culturing conditions and/or nanomaterials” (RL2 SCN NORTE-01-0124-FEDER-000018), co-financed by North Portugal Regional Operational Programme (ON.2 – O Novo Norte), under the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF), through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Effect of Y681H on relative binding of gp120 with CD4.

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    <p>Cell-based enzyme-linked Immunosorbant assay (CELISA) was carried out with indicated Envs. The relative binding of (A) CD4-Ig and (B) IgG1b12 to Env trimers expressed on 293T cells was measured as relative luminescence units (RLU) on Y-axis. pSG3Δenv and untransfected 293T cells were taken as negative control.</p

    Construction of chimeric envelopes.

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    <p>Chimeric Envs were constructed by swapping of gp120 and gp41 between sensitive (4.J2) and resistant (4.J22) patient Envs using NotI, BbvCI and HindIII restriction enzymes. The ID50 values of pseudotyped viruses carrying 4.J2, 4.J22 and 4.J27 Envs to autologous plasma reported earlier <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0037157#pone.0037157-Ringe2" target="_blank">[46]</a> were shown on top; highlighted column represents ID50 of Env-pseudotyped viruses to contemporaneous plasma at the base line.</p

    Neutralization properties of Envs carrying Y681 and H681 in different genetic backgrounds.

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    *<p>Represents fold-increase in sensitivity of Env-pseudotyped viruses expressing H681 compared to those expressing Y681.</p>†<p>The minimum DKW motif necessary for 2F5 recognition is absent.</p><p>The overall differences in sensitivity of Envs expressing H681 with that of Y681 to sCD4 and 4E10 MAb were significant (P = 0.0002 and P = 0.008).</p><p>TND-L669 and TND_L669S <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0037157#pone.0037157-Shen1" target="_blank">[44]</a> as well as Q461.e2, Q461.e2 (TA) and Q461.e2 (IV) <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0037157#pone.0037157-Blish1" target="_blank">[43]</a> that were earlier reported to enhance sensitivity of HIV-1 to neutralizing antibodies were tested in parallel. Fold differences in neutralization sensitivities are given in parentheses.</p