93 research outputs found

    On the ring of inertial endomorphismsof an abelian p-group

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    An endomorphisms φ of a group G is said inertial if ∀H ≤ G |φ(H) : (H ∩φ(H))| < ∞. We study the ring of inertial endomorphisms of an abelian torsion group and the group of its units. Also the case of vector spaces is considered.

    L&#8217;evoluzione delle migrazioni euro-mediterranee e la necessit&#224; di coordinare governance globale, nazionale e locale

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    La crisi economica e sociale dell'Italia \ue8 tra le principali cause del calo radicale dell'immigrazione da lavoro e di quella politica. Il controllo di quest'ultima sembra determinato pi\uf9 dalle forze militari che operano in Sahel e in Turchia che dai controlli operati in Libia, Mediterraneo e Italia. Le difficolt\ue0 di gestione dei profughi giunti a destinazione denunciano l'incapacit\ue0 di collaborare sia a livello internazionale che tra il livello nazionale e quello locale

    Groups with many subgroups which are commensurable with some normal subgroup

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    A subgroup H of a group G is called commensurable with a normal subgroup (cn) if there is N C G such that |HN/(H ∩ N)| is finite. We characterize generalized radical groups G which have one of the following finiteness conditions: (A) the minimal condition on non-cn subgroups of G; (B) the non-cn subgroups of G fall into finitely many conjugacy classes; (C) the non-cn subgroups of G have finite ran

    Towards a genealogy of migrant struggles and rescue. The memory of solidarity at the Alpine border

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    This article advances a genealogy of migrant struggles and citizens solidarity practices, with a focus on the French-Italian migrant passage. It contends that scholarship has mainly mobilised a spatial approach to migrant struggles, while the temporality of solidarity and the collective memory of struggles have remained under-theorised. Then, the article moves on by focusing on the French-Italian Alpine border and it analyses the longstanding history of migrants’ passages there and, jointly, the mobilisations that took place in that area over the last decades exploring how these sedimented a citizen collective memory of solidarity practices. The final section deals with the history of mountain rescue at the French-Italian Alpine border and shows how migrants were saved by volunteers. The piece concludes by arguing that an insight into the memory of migrant struggles and solidarity practices enables foregrounding the transversal alliances which have been built between migrants and citizens and unsettling binary opposition between the former and the latter

    Flussi migratori e dinamiche del lavoro in Italia

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    La crisi economica ha ridotto notevolmente il flusso di entrata annua degli stranieri in Italia, ha indotto al rimpatrio e al ri-espatrio altrove, ha diminuito fortemente il lavoro come causa di concessione del permesso di soggiorno, ha precarizzato ulteriormente l'occupazione straniera. La crisi ha diminuito l'occupazione specialmente nell'edilizia e nelle fabbriche, l'ha fatta riversare ulteriormente rispetto a prima nei servizi alla persona e nell'agricoltura. Tuttavia, il cifra assoluta la presenza straniera negli anni di crisi \ue8 aumentata, sia pure a ritmi decrescenti, ed \ue8 aumentata l'incidenza dell'occupazione straniera sull'occupazione nazionale complessiv

    Ukrainian Migratory Flows toward Europe and Russia since the Outbreak of the Geopolitical Crisis

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    The internal and international political crisis that exploded in 2014 has only slightly modified the foreign emigration of Ukrainians. The vast majority of refugees triggered by the annexation of Crimea and the war in Donbass has remained in Ukraine, while the labor migration has significantly increased to Poland only. The main obstacles to the expansion of an Ukrainian immigration to Russia are the unsatisfactory conditions of reception of refugees, the severe economic crisis and recent restrictions on the immigration policy. In the EU, the high rate of rejection of applications for asylum, the economic crisis and the emergence of refugees from the Middle East and Africa are deterrents to an Ukrainian immigration. However, it is likely that the immigration to Russia will continue to decline at the benefit of the EU and some transoceanic countries, due to the growing unpopularity of the Russian Federation in the Ukrainian public opinion, and the characteristics of the Russian labor market will likely generate a shift of the Ukrainian emigrants to the West
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