1,188 research outputs found

    The algebra of Wick polynomials of a scalar field on a Riemannian manifold

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    On a connected, oriented, smooth Riemannian manifold without boundary we consider a real scalar field whose dynamics is ruled by EE, a second order elliptic partial differential operator of metric type. Using the functional formalism and working within the framework of algebraic quantum field theory and of the principle of general local covariance, first we construct the algebra of locally covariant observables in terms of equivariant sections of a bundle of smooth, regular polynomial functionals over the affine space of the parametrices associated to EE. Subsequently, adapting to the case in hand a strategy first introduced by Hollands and Wald in a Lorentzian setting, we prove the existence of Wick powers of the underlying field, extending the procedure to smooth, local and polynomial functionals and discussing in the process the regularization ambiguities of such procedure. Subsequently we endow the space of Wick powers with an algebra structure, dubbed E-product, which plays in a Riemannian setting the same role of the time ordered product for field theories on globally hyperbolic spacetimes. In particular we prove the existence of the E-product and we discuss both its properties and the renormalization ambiguities in the underlying procedure. As last step we extend the whole analysis to observables admitting derivatives of the field configurations and we discuss the quantum M{\o}ller operator which is used to investigate interacting models at a perturbative level.Comment: 35 page

    Ricci Flow from the Renormalization of Nonlinear Sigma Models in the Framework of Euclidean Algebraic Quantum Field Theory

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    The perturbative approach to nonlinear Sigma models and the associated renormalization group flow are discussed within the framework of Euclidean algebraic quantum field theory and of the principle of general local covariance. In particular we show in an Euclidean setting how to define Wick ordered powers of the underlying quantum fields and we classify the freedom in such procedure by extending to this setting a recent construction of Khavkine, Melati and Moretti for vector valued free fields. As a by-product of such classification, we prove that, at first order in perturbation theory, the renormalization group flow of the nonlinear Sigma model is the Ricci flow.Comment: 24 page

    Unified Scenario for Composite Right-Handed Neutrinos and Dark Matter

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    We entertain the possibility that neutrino masses and dark matter (DM) originate from a common composite dark sector. A minimal effective theory can be constructed based on a dark SU(3)DSU(3)_D interaction with three flavors of massless dark quarks; electroweak symmetry breaking gives masses to the dark quarks. By assigning a Z2\mathbb Z_2 charge to one flavor, a stable "dark kaon" can provide a good thermal relic DM candidate. We find that "dark neutrons" may be identified as right handed Dirac neutrinos. Some level of "neutron-anti-neutron" oscillation in the dark sector can then result in non-zero Majorana masses for light Standard Model neutrinos. A simple ultraviolet completion is presented, involving additional heavy SU(3)DSU(3)_D-charged particles with electroweak and lepton Yukawa couplings. At our benchmark point, there are "dark pions" that are much lighter than the Higgs and we expect spectacular collider signals arising from the UV framework. This includes the decay of the Higgs boson to ττℓℓ′\tau \tau \ell \ell^{\prime}, where ℓ\ell(ℓ′\ell') can be any lepton, with displaced vertices. We discuss the observational signatures of this UV framework in dark matter searches and primordial gravitational wave experiments; the latter signature is potentially correlated with the H→ττℓℓ′H \to \tau \tau \ell \ell^{\prime} decay.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, 1 table. Version published on PR

    Stochastic quantisation of the fractional ÎŚ34\Phi^4_3 model in the full subcritical regime

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    We construct the fractional ÎŚ4\Phi^4 Euclidean quantum field theory on R3R^3 in the full subcritical regime via parabolic stochastic quantisation. Our approach is based on the use of a truncated flow equation for the effective description of the model at sufficiently small scales and on coercive estimates for the non-linear stochastic partial differential equation describing the interacting field.Comment: 64 page

    An Algebraic and Microlocal Approach to the Stochastic Non-linear Schr\"odinger Equation

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    In a recent work [DDRZ20], it has been developed a novel framework aimed at studying at a perturbative level a large class of non-linear, scalar, real, stochastic PDEs and inspired by the algebraic approach to quantum field theory. The main advantage is the possibility of computing the expectation value and the correlation functions of the underlying solutions accounting for renormalization intrinsically and without resorting to any specific regularization scheme. In this work we prove that it is possible to extend the range of applicability of this framework to cover also the stochastic non-linear Schroedinger equation in which randomness is codified by an additive, Gaussian, complex white noise.Comment: 33 pages. Some typos fixed, Section 1 modifie

    A Facility Location Model for Air Pollution Detection

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    We describe mathematical models and practical algorithms for a problem concerned with monitoring the air pollution in a large city. We have worked on this problem within a project for assessing the air quality in the city of Rome by placing a certain number of sensors on some of the city buses. We cast the problem as a facility location model. By reducing the large number of data variables and constraints, we were able to solve to optimality the resulting MILP model within minutes. Furthermore, we designed a genetic algorithm whose solutions were on average very close to the optimal ones. In our computational experiments we studied the placement of sensors on 187 candidate bus routes. We considered the coverage provided by 10 up to 60 sensors

    On the stochastic Sine-Gordon model: an interacting field theory approach

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    We investigate the massive Sine-Gordon model in the finite ultraviolet regime on the two-dimensional Minkowski spacetime (R2,η)(\mathbb{R}^2,\eta) with an additive Gaussian white noise. In particular we construct the expectation value and the correlation functions of a solution of the underlying stochastic partial differential equation (SPDE) as a power series in the coupling constant, proving ultimately uniform convergence. This result is obtained combining an approach first devised in [11] to study SPDEs at a perturbative level with the one discussed in [4] to construct the quantum sine-Gordon model using techniques proper of the perturbative, algebraic approach to quantum field theory (pAQFT). At a formal level the relevant expectation values are realized as the evaluation of suitably constructed functionals over C∞(R2)C^\infty(\mathbb{R}^2). In turn, these are elements of a distinguished algebra whose product is a deformation of the pointwise one, by means of a kernel which is a linear combination of two components. The first encompasses the information of the Feynmann propagator built out of an underlying Hadamard, quantum state, while the second encodes the correlation codified by the Gaussian white noise. In our analysis, first of all we extend the results obtained in [3,4] proving the existence of a convergent modified version of the S-matrix and of an interacting field as elements of the underlying algebra of functionals. Subsequently we show that it is possible to remove the contribution due to the Feynmann propagator by taking a suitable ℏ→0+\hbar\to 0^+-limit, hence obtaining the sought expectation value of the solution and of the correlation functions of the SPDE associated to the stochastic Sine-Gordon model.Comment: 48 page

    On a Microlocal Version of Young's Product Theorem

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    A key result in distribution theory is Young's product theorem which states that the product between two H\"older distributions u∈Cα(Rd)u\in\mathcal{C}^\alpha(\mathbb{R}^d) and v∈Cβ(Rd)v\in\mathcal{C}^\beta(\mathbb{R}^d) can be unambiguously defined if α+β>0\alpha+\beta>0. We revisit the problem of multiplying two H\"older distributions from the viewpoint of microlocal analysis, using techniques proper of Sobolev wavefront set. This allows us to establish sufficient conditions which allow the multiplication of two H\"older distributions even when α+β≤0\alpha+\beta\leq 0.Comment: 18 pages. Section 2 and Section 3 revise
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