101 research outputs found

    Tacrolimus: A Potential New Treatment for Autoimmune Chronic Active Hepatitis: Results of an Open‐Label Preliminary Trial

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    Autoimmune chronic active hepatitis (CAH‐A) is a chronic liver disease of unknown etiology that is believed to have an autoimmune pathogenesis. The disease is slowly progressive until hepatic failure and portal hypertension develop and either death or liver transplantation occur. Currently, the only widely recognized therapy is the administration of glucocorticoids, which have both anti‐inflammatory and immunosuppressive actions. Many patients cannot tolerate such therapy because of the psychiatric, osteoporotic, and weight‐enhancing actions of steroids. Tacrolimus (FK 506) is a new macrolide antibiotic that has an immunosuppressive activity that is estimated to be 10–200 times greater than that of cyclosporine. Because of its greater immunosuppressive activity, we have used it in the treatment of 21 patients with autoimmune chronic active hepatitis. Before each subject was treated, a liver biopsy and a panel of hematological, serological, and biochemical parameters were assessed. The Tacrolimus was administered orally at 12‐h intervals, and the dose was controlled by monitoring plasma FK trough levels. After 3 months of therapy at an oral dose of 3 mg twice a day, having achieved a median blood level of 0.5 ng/ml, the serum ALT level was reduced by 80%, and the AST level was reduced by 70%. Modest change in the white blood cell count and platelet count were noted. The median BUN level increased from a level of 12 to 18 mg/dl, and the serum creatinine increased from 0.9 to 1.3 mg/dl. These preliminary data demonstrate that: 1) Tacrolimus can be used to successfully treat CAH‐A; 2) the response of CAH‐A to Tacrolimus treatment is rapid and sustained; and 3) a minor increase in the serum BUN and creatinine levels occurs as a consequence of Tacrolimus treatment. It is anticipated that with continued treatment for periods of 1–2 yr, the natural history of CAH‐A will be changed such that hepatic failure and the requirement for liver transplantation may be averted. Copyright © 1995, Wiley Blackwell. All rights reserve

    Tacrolimus (FK 506), a Treatment for Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis: Results of an Open‐Label Preliminary Trial

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    Primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) is a chronic inflammatory disease of the liver that is characterized by progressive cholestasis and the development of secondary biliary cirrhosis. There is no widely recognized therapy for this disease, although anti‐inflammatory agents (steroids), immunosuppressive agents (methotrexate), anti‐fihrotics (colchicine), and choleretic agents (ursodeoxycholic acid) have been used in various small series. In the present study, Tacrolimus (FK 506), a new and powerful immunosuppressive macrolide antibiotic, has been used to treat 10 patients with PSC. Each subject had a liver biopsy, ERCP with visualization of the intra‐and extrahepatic biliary tree, and a panel of hcmatological, serological, and biochemical laboratory tests before the initiation of the FK 506 therapy. The FK 506 was administered orally at 12‐h intervals and was monitored by serial plasma FK 506 trough levels. After 360 days of treatment, the median serum bilirubin level was reduced by 75%, and the serum alkaline phosphatase was reduced by 70%. Moreover, the serum ALT and AST levels were reduced by 80 and 86%, respectively. No change in the serum level of BUN and creatinine levels occurred as a consequence of the FK 506 treatment. These data demonstrate that: 1) FK 506 can be used to treat PSC; 2) the response to FK 506 by patients with PSC is rapid; and, 3) no adverse effect on the serum BUN and creatinine levels was observed. It is anticipated that FK 506 will become an important agent for the treatment of patients with PSC because of its powerful immunosuppressive activity. Copyright © 1995, Wiley Blackwell. All rights reserve

    Adenocarcinoma arising at ileostomy sites: Two cases and a review of the literature

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    Total colectomy with ileostomy placement is a treatment for patients with inflammatory bowel disease or familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP). A rare and late complication of this treatment is carcinoma arising at the ileostomy site. We describe two such cases: a 78-year-old male 30 years after subtotal colectomy and ileostomy for FAP, and an 85-year-old male 50 years after colectomy and ileostomy for ulcerative colitis. The long latency period between creation of the ileostomies and development of carcinoma suggests a chronic metaplasia due to an irritating/inflammatory causative factor. Surgical excision of the mass and relocation of the stoma is the mainstay of therapy, with possible benefits from adjuvant chemotherapy. Newly developed lesions at stoma sites should be biopsied to rule out the possibility of this rare ileostomy complication

    Combined simultaneous kidney/bone marrow transplantation

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    On the basis of observations in patients with longterm (28-30 years) renal allograft survival, all of whom had evidence of systemic microchimerism, we began a program of combined simultaneous kidney/bone marrow transplantation. Between 12/14/92, and 10/31/94,36 kidney transplant recipients received 3-5 x 108 unmodified bone marrow cells/kg; 6 patients also received pancreatic islets, and 7 patients also received a pancreas. The mean recipient age was 39.0 ±10.8 years, and the mean donor age was 31.8 ±16.1 years; the mean cold ischemia time was 23.0±9.1 hr. Twenty control patients received kidneys alone, mainly because of refusal by the donor family to consent to vertebral body recovery; 3 of these patients also received a pancreas. The mean recipient age was 47.9 ±11.7 years, and the mean donor age was 41.5 ±17.9 years; the mean cold ischemia time was 28.6 ±6.2 hr. All patients received tacrolimus-based therapy, without radiation, cytoreduction, or induction antilymphocyte preparations. Blood was drawn prior to and at regular intervals after transplantation for detection of chimerism and for immunologic studies. With a mean follow-up of 11.1 ±5.8 months, all 36 study patients are alive, and 33 (92%) have functioning allografts with a mean serum creatinine of 1.9±1.2 mg/dl and a BUN of 26±9 mg/dl. Graft vs. host disease was not seen in any patient. The incidence of rejection was 72%; 11% of the patients required OKT3 or ATG for steroid-resistant rejection. The incidence of CMV was 14%, and that of delayed graft function was 17%. A total of 18 (90%) control patients are alive, and 17 (85%) have functioning allografts, with a mean serum creatinine of 2.1 ±1.3 mg/ dl, and a BUN of 30±13 mg/dl. The incidence of rejection was 60%, and 10% required OKT3 or ATG. CMV was seen in 15%, and delayed graft function in 20% (P=NS). In the study patients, chimerism was detected in the peripheral blood of 30 of 31 (97%) evaluable patients by either PCR or flow cytometry. In the control patients, chimerism was seen in 9 of 14 (64%) evaluable patients (P<.02). Decreasing donor-specific responsiveness was seen in 6/29 (21%) evaluable study, and 4/14 (29%) evaluable control patients (P=NS). We conclude that combined kidney/bone marrow transplantation is associated with acceptable patient and graft survival, augmentation of chimerism, and no change in the early events after transplantation. © 1995 by Williams & Wilkins

    Influence of FK 506 (tacrolimus) on circulating CD4 <sup>+</sup> t cells expressing cd25 and cd45ra antigens in 19 patients with chronic progressive multiple sclerosis participating in an open label drug safety trial

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    We have taken the opportunity of a clinical trial of the potential efficacy and safety of FK 506 (tacrolimus) in chronic progressive multiple sclerosis (MS) to examine the influence of this potent new immunosuppressant on circulating T-lymphocytes in an otherwise healthy non-transplant population. Peripheral blood levels of subsets of CD4+ T lymphocytes expressing the activation molecule interleukin-2 receptor (p55 α chain; CD25) or the CD45RA isoform were determined sequentially in 19 patients that were treated continuously with oral FK 506 (starting dose 0.15 mg/kg/day) for 12 months. No significant change in the proportion of circulating CD25 + CD4+ cells was observed over the study period in which the mean trough plasma FK 506 level rose from 0.3 ±0.2 to 0.5 ±0.4 ng/ml. There was also no significant effect of FK 506 on the percentage of CD45RA + CD4 + cells in the peripheral blood at 12 months compared with pretreatment values. Analysis of a subgroup of 7 patients, who showed a sustained reduction in CD25 + CD4+ cells and a reciprocal increase in CD45RA* CD4 * cells for at least 6 months after start of treatment, did not reveal any difference in disability at one year compared with the treatment group as a whole. The side effects of FK 506 were mild and the overall degree of disability estimated by the mean Kurtzke expanded disability status scale (EDSS) score or the ambulation index did not deteriorate significantly in the 19 patients studied over the 12 months of FK 506 administration. © 1994 Informa UK Ltd All rights reserved: reproduction in whole or part not permitted

    Recipient Criteria Predictive of Graft Failure in Kidney Transplantation

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    Several classifications systems have been developed to predict outcomes of kidney transplantation based on donor variables. This study aims to identify kidney transplant recipient variables that would predict graft outcome irrespective of donor characteristics. All U.S. kidney transplant recipients between October 25,1999 and January 1, 2007 were reviewed. Cox proportional hazards regression was used to model time until graft failure. Death-censored and nondeath-censored graft survival models were generated for recipients of live and deceased donor organs. Recipient age, gender, body mass index (BMI), presence of cardiac risk factors, peripheral vascular disease, pulmonary disease, diabetes, cerebrovascular disease, history of malignancy, hepatitis B core antibody, hepatitis C infection, dialysis status, panel-reactive antibodies (PRA), geographic region, educational level, and prior kidney transplant were evaluated in all kidney transplant recipients. Among the 88,284 adult transplant recipients the following groups had increased risk of graft failure: younger and older recipients, increasing PRA (hazard ratio [HR],1.03-1.06], increasing BMI (HR, 1.04-1.62), previous kidney transplant (HR, 1.17-1.26), dialysis at the time of transplantation (HR, 1.39-1.51), hepatitis C infection (HR, 1.41-1.63), and educational level (HR, 1.05-1.42). Predictive criteria based on recipient characteristics could guide organ allocation, risk stratification, and patient expectations in planning kidney transplantation
