5 research outputs found
Eesti piimalehmade praakimine ja eluiga – loomapõhised, karja nakkuslikud ja loomapidajaga seotud riskitegurid
A Thesis for applying for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Veterinary Science.Väitekiri filosoofiadoktori kraadi taotlemiseks loomaarstiteaduse erialal.The milk production of the cows increases every year with an accompanying decrease in their
lifespan both in Estonia and other countries around the world. These trends are especially apparent
in larger production farms. Intensive culling and early exit from the herd reflect poor cow health
and decreased welfare but may also be related to the production goals and attitudes of the farmers.
The short productive life of the cows is associated with greater environmental impact and also does
not meet consumer expectations.
In this thesis the effect of different factors on dairy cow culling and lifespan were analyzed. The
animal-based risk, herd infectious and farmer-related risk factors of culling were investigated in
Estonian large dairy farms.
In the current study we found that the culling rate and longevity of cows in Estonian dairy herds
are similar to results of other high production countries. The highest culling risk was related to
calving problems and early post-partum period. Also, the risk of culling increased with an age of
the dairy cow. The four most common reasons for culling in this study were feet and claw disorders,
udder disorders, metabolic and digestive disorders, and fertility problems. Estonian large dairy
herds were endemically infected with many cattle pathogens having significant impact on culling
and longevity by impairing cattle health, fertility, and production.
In this research was found that farm managers are generally not satisfied with the culling rate and
longevity of cows. Also, the culling rate was the highest and the longevity of the cows was the
shortest precisely in those dairy farms where the farm managers prioritized the achievement of
high milk production more than the long life of the cows.
A better understanding of the economic return of dairy cow longevity and finding the compromise
between milk yields and cow health would be important for the sustainability.Nii Eestis kui mujal maailmas suureneb lehmade piimatoodang igal aastal, kuid samaaegselt
väheneb nende eluiga. Eriti märgatavad on need trendid suuremates tootmisfarmides. Intensiivne
praakimine ja varajane karjast väljaminek kajastavad lehmade habrast tervist ja vähenenud heaolu,
samas võib see olla ka seotud loomapidajate tootmiseesmärkide ja suhtumisega. Lehmade lühike
produktiivne eluiga on seotud suuremate keskkonnamõjudega ega vasta ka tarbijate ootustele.
Käesoleva väitekirja eesmärk oli analüüsida, millised tegurid mõjutavad lehmade praakimist ja
eluiga. Uurisime nii praakimise loomapõhiseid ohutegureid Eesti piimaveise populatsioonis, samuti
nakkushaiguste leviku ning loomapidajaga seotud riskitegureid peamiselt suurtes tootmisfarmides.
Tuvastasime, et Eesti piimakarjades on lehmade praakimiskordaja ja eluea pikkus sarnane teistele
kõrgetoodanguliste riikide näitajatele. Lehmade praakimisrisk oli kõige kõrgem
poegimisprobleemide korral. Praakimise tõenäosus oli suurim vahetult pärast poegimist, samuti
suurenes see oluliselt vanuse kasvades. Peamisteks Eesti lehmade praakimispõhjusteks on sõra- ja
jäsemehaigused, udarahaigused, ainevahetus- ja seedeelundkonna haigused ning sigimisprobleemid.
Eesti suured piimakarjad on endeemselt nakatunud mitmete oluliste veiste nakkushaigustega,
millest mõnedel on märkimisväärne mõju lehmade praakimisriskile ja eluea pikkusele. Uuringus
leidsime, et farmijuhatajad ei ole üldiselt rahul lehmade praakimismäära ja eluea pikkusega. Samas
oli praakimiskordaja suurim ja lehmade eluea pikkus lühim just neis ettevõtetes, kus loomapidajad
tähtsustasid kõrge piimatoodangu saavutamist enam kui lehmade pikka eluiga.
Lehmade karjaspĂĽsivuse parendamiseks tuleks enam panustada karja tervise edendamisse, samuti
on vajalik selgitada lehmade pikema eluea majanduslikku kasumlikkust ning leida kompromiss
lehmade väljalüpsi ja karjaspüsimise vahel.The publication of this dissertation is granted by the Graduate School
in Biomedicine and Biotechnology and by the Estonian University of
Life Sciences
Culling reasons and risk factors in Estonian dairy cows
Background: Culling is a major cost for dairy farms but also an essential part in managing herd productivity. This study aimed to identify the culling rates of Estonian dairy cows, identify the farmers' stated reasons and risk factors for culling. This observational study used registry data of all cows from herds with >= 20 cow-years in 2013-2015. Cow lactation-level analyses included data of 86,373 primiparous cows from 409 herds and 177,561 lactations of 109,295 multiparous cows from 410 herds. Weibull proportional hazard regression models were used to identify risk factors for culling due to slaughter or death.
Results: The overall culling rate of Estonian dairy cows was 26.24 (95% CI 26.02; 26.46) per 100 cow-years. The most common reasons farmers stated for culling were feet/claw disorders (26.4%), udder disorders (22.6%), metabolic and digestive disorders (18.1%) and fertility problems (12.5%). Animal-level risk factors for culling were Holstein breed, older parity, lower milk yield breeding value, older age at first calving, longer previous calving interval, having assisted calving, stillbirth and birth of twins/triplets. Lower milk yield, somatic cell count over 200,000 cells/ml and fat/protein ratio over 1.5 at first test-milking after calving were associated with greater culling hazard during the lactation. Cows from larger herds, herds with decreasing size and higher milk yields had a higher culling probability.
Conclusions: This study emphasises the need for improved management of hoof health and prevention of mastitis and metabolic diseases. It is essential to ensure easy calving and good health of cows around calving in order to lower the culling hazard
Multiblock analysis reveals key areas and risk factors for dairy cow losses
Describe the relative contribution of the production areas (thematic blocks) to cow losses characterized by herd on farm mortality risk (MR), culling rates
(CR) and mean age of culled cows (MAofCC). Also, the study aimed to identify within each block, the variables mostly contributing to the cow losses.This work was financed by the Estonian Research Council grant (PSG 268).This work was financed by the Estonian Research Council grant (PSG 268
Attitudes and personality of farm managers and association with cow culling rates and longevity in large-scale commercial dairy farms
The farmer has the central role in determining cow culling policies on their farm and thus affecting cow longevity. The present study aimed to examine farm managers´ satisfaction, attitudes, personality traits and analyse the associations with dairy cow culling and longevity in large commercial dairy farms. Farm managers of 116 dairy herds rearing at least 100 cows in freestall barns were included. A questionnaire for the farm managers registered personal background information of respondent and included statements capturing their satisfaction, opinions and attitudes regarding dairy cow culling and longevity, farming in general, and a Ten Item Personality Inventory scoring. For each herd, the last 12 months cow culling rate (CR, excluding dairy sale) and herd mean age of culled cows (MAofCC) was obtained from the Estonian Livestock Performance Recording Ltd. A K-mean clustering algorithm was applied to subgroup farm managers based on their attitudes, opinions and personality traits. The yearly mean herd CR was 33.0% and MAofCC was 60.6 months. Farm managers´ were mostly dissatisfied with cow longevity and culling rates in their farms. Dissatisfaction with culling rates and longevity, priority for producing high milk yields over longevity and production-oriented attitude was associated with high culling rates and poor longevity. Farm managers' personality had an effect on herd culling rates and their attitudes explained one third of the variability of culling rates and longevity.Explaining the economic consequences of high culling rates and decreased longevity, improving the visibility of these parameters together with benchmarking could bring these issues into focus
Attitudes and personality of farm managers and association with cow culling rates and longevity in large-scale commercial dairy farms
The farmer has the central role in determining cow culling policies on their farm and thus affecting cow longevity. The present study aimed to examine farm managers satisfaction, attitudes, personality traits and analyse the associations with dairy cow culling and longevity in large commercial dairy farms.Farm managers of 116 dairy herds rearing at least 100 cows in freestall barns were included. A questionnaire for the farm managers registered personal background information of respondent and included statements capturing their satisfaction, opinions and attitudes regarding dairy cow culling and longevity, farming in general, and a Ten Item Personality Inventory scoring. For each herd, the last 12 months cow culling rate (CR, excluding dairy sale) and herd mean age of culled cows (MAofCC) was obtained from the Estonian Livestock Performance Recording Ltd. A K-mean clustering algorithm was applied to subgroup farm managers based on their attitudes, opinions and personality traits.The yearly mean herd CR was 33.0% and MAofCC was 60.6 months. Farm managers acute accent were mostly dissatisfied with cow longevity and culling rates in their farms. Dissatisfaction with culling rates and longevity, priority for producing high milk yields over longevity and production-oriented attitude was associated with high culling rates and poor longevity. Farm managers' personality had an effect on herd culling rates and their attitudes explained one third of the variability of culling rates and longevity.Explaining the economic consequences of high culling rates and decreased longevity, improving the visibility of these parameters together with benchmarking could bring these issues into focus