13 research outputs found

    Identification of a cyclin B1-derived CTL epitope eliciting spontaneous responses in both cancer patients and healthy donors

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    With the aim to identify cyclin B1-derived peptides with high affinity for HLA-A2, we used three in silico prediction algorithms to screen the protein sequence for possible HLA-A2 binders. One peptide scored highest in all three algorithms, and the high HLA-A2-binding affinity of this peptide was verified in an HLA stabilization assay. By stimulation with peptide-loaded dendritic cells a CTL clone was established, which was able to kill two breast cancer cell lines in an HLA-A2-dependent and peptide-specific manner, demonstrating presentation of the peptide on the surface of cancer cells. Furthermore, blood from cancer patients and healthy donors was screened for spontaneous T-cell reactivity against the peptide in IFN-Îł ELISPOT assays. Patients with breast cancer, malignant melanoma, or renal cell carcinoma hosted powerful and high-frequency T-cell responses against the peptide. In addition, when blood from healthy donors was tested, similar responses were observed. Ultimately, serum from cancer patients and healthy donors was analyzed for anti-cyclin B1 antibodies. Humoral responses against cyclin B1 were frequently detected in both cancer patients and healthy donors. In conclusion, a high-affinity cyclin B1-derived HLA-A2-restricted CTL epitope was identified, which was presented on the cell surface of cancer cells, and elicited spontaneous T-cell responses in cancer patients and healthy donors

    Tumor-associated microglia and macrophages in the glioblastoma microenvironment and their implications for therapy

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    SIMPLE SUMMARY: Patients with glioblastoma—the most frequent and malignant primary brain tumor—have a poor prognosis with a median survival of less than 15 months. Despite extensive research, treatment of glioblastoma has not improved since 2005. Most therapeutic strategies have focused on eliminating the glioblastoma cells themselves, but tumor-infiltrating immune cells are potential targets as well. Glioblastomas are highly infiltrated with tumor-associated microglia and macrophages (TAMs), which are known to support the glioblastoma cells and promote tumor progression. Although broad categories are used to describe TAM phenotypes, recent technological advances have allowed deeper insights into their phenotypical differences. A better understanding of how known and unknown TAM phenotypes interact with their neighboring cancer cells may be crucial for establishing effective treatment strategies for glioblastoma patients. In this review, we give an updated overview of the role of TAMs in glioblastoma, and we discuss TAM–glioblastoma crosstalk and review potential therapeutic TAM-targeting strategies. ABSTRACT: Glioblastoma is the most frequent and malignant primary brain tumor. Standard of care includes surgery followed by radiation and temozolomide chemotherapy. Despite treatment, patients have a poor prognosis with a median survival of less than 15 months. The poor prognosis is associated with an increased abundance of tumor-associated microglia and macrophages (TAMs), which are known to play a role in creating a pro-tumorigenic environment and aiding tumor progression. Most treatment strategies are directed against glioblastoma cells; however, accumulating evidence suggests targeting of TAMs as a promising therapeutic strategy. While TAMs are typically dichotomously classified as M1 and M2 phenotypes, recent studies utilizing single cell technologies have identified expression pattern differences, which is beginning to give a deeper understanding of the heterogeneous subpopulations of TAMs in glioblastomas. In this review, we evaluate the role of TAMs in the glioblastoma microenvironment and discuss how their interactions with cancer cells have an extensive impact on glioblastoma progression and treatment resistance. Finally, we summarize the effects and challenges of therapeutic strategies, which specifically aim to target TAMs

    High frequency of T cells specific for cryptic epitopes in melanoma patients

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    A number of cytotoxic T-cell epitopes are cryptic epitopes generated from non-conventional sources. These include epitopes that are encoded by alternative open reading frames or in generally non-coding genomic regions, such as introns. We have previously observed a frequent recognition of cryptic epitopes by tumor infiltrating lymphocytes isolated from melanoma patients. Here, we show that such cryptic epitopes are more frequently recognized than antigens of the same class encoded by canonical reading frames. Furthermore, we report the presence of T cells specific for three cryptic epitopes encoded in intronic sequences, as a result of incomplete splicing, in the circulation of melanoma patients. One of these epitopes derives from antigen isolated from immunoselected melanoma 2 (AIM2), while the two others are encoded in an alternative open reading frame of an incompletely spliced form of N-acetylglucosaminyl-transferase V (GNT-V) known as NA17-A. We have detected frequent T-cell responses against AIM2 and NA17-A epitopes in the blood of melanoma patients, both prior and after one round of in vitro peptide stimulation, but not in the circulation of healthy individuals and patients with breast or renal carcinoma. In summary, our findings indicate that the T-cell reactivity against AIM2 and NA17-A in the blood of melanoma patients is extensive, suggesting that—similar to melan A (also known as MART1)—these antigens might be used for immunomonitoring or as model antigens in several clinical and preclinical settings

    BRAF inhibition improves tumor recognition by the immune system:Potential implications for combinatorial therapies against melanoma involving adoptive T-cell transfer

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    In spite of the fact that they occur at high rates, the clinical responses of BRAF(V600) mutant metastatic melanoma to BRAF inhibitors are usually short-lasting, with most cases progressing within less than 8 mo. Immunomodulatory strategies initiated after progression have recently been reported to be poorly efficient. By characterizing the immunological interactions between T cells and cancer cells in clinical material as well as the influence of the FDA-approved BRAF inhibitor vemurafenib on the immune system, we aimed at unraveling new strategies to expand the efficacy of adoptive T-cell transfer, which represents one of the most promising approaches currently in clinical development for the treatment of metastatic melanoma. Here we show that blocking the BRAF-MAPK pathway in BRAF signaling-addicted melanoma cells significantly increases the ability of T cells contained in clinical grade tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes to recognize autologous BRAF(V600) mutant melanoma cell lines in vitro. Antitumor reactivity was improved regardless of the class of antigen recognized by tumor-specific CD8(+) T cells. Microarray data suggests that improved tumor recognition is associated with modified expression of MHC Class I-associated proteins as well as of heat-shock proteins. In conclusion, our preclinical data suggest that an appropriately timed sequential treatment of BRAF(V600) mutant melanoma with vemurafenib and adoptive T-cell transfer might result in synergistic antineoplastic effects owing to an increased immunogenicity of cancer cells