34 research outputs found

    Towards an authoring system for item construction

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    The process of writing test items is analyzed, and a blueprint is presented for an authoring system for test item writing to reduce invalidity and to structure the process of item writing. The developmental methodology is introduced, and the first steps in the process are reported. A historical review traces the advances made in the field and the formal systems developed for reviewing test items. A Computer Aided Item Construction Project has been initiated to integrate the results of test writing research into an Authoring System for Item Construction (ASIC) program. An existing systems development method was used to guide the process of developing the authoring system. This method, Information Systems Work and Analysis of Changes (ISAC), starts with analyzing the needs, ideas, and problems of those who handle information. Only this first stage, Change Analysis, is described in this report. Steps in change analysis are: (1) problem analysis; (2) description of the existing situation; (3) making a test plan; (4) choosing an item format; (5) creating the test item; (6) checking the items; (7) study of change alternatives; (8) developing a blueprint; (9) choice of the item format; (10) generating items; and (11) checking items. Problems of item writing are described and listed in two tables with reference to whether an authoring system would contribute to their solution and the validity of the test. In all, 4 tables and 12 figures illustrate aspects of item writing

    Education for sustainable development in European higher education

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    Анализируется проблема устойчивого развития системы высшего образования в Европейском Союзе. Приводятся примеры преобразований университетов для обеспечения их соответствия современным требованиям

    A Golden Combi?! - Open Educational Resources and Open, Flexible and Distance Learning<sup>1</sup>: Final report from the ICDE Task Force on Open Educational Resources

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    This final report of the ICDE Global Task Force on Open Educational Resources addresses the relevance of the worldwide OER movement to educational institutions - such as ICDE member institutions - engaged in the field of open, flexible and distance learning.The composition of the Task Force, with members from open and distance learning universities around the world, sought to provide representation for OER developments worldwide. In order to gain an overview of the penetration of OER developments and involvement, an initial survey of ICDE member institutions was conducted. The Task Force found that it could build on a report from OECD on OER that was published just as the Task Force held its launch meeting. The OECD report “Giving Knowledge for Free: the Emergence of Open Educational Resources”3 gives a very thorough overview of OER developments so far and in addition identifies the major problems and topics for further consideration. The Task Force has used this report for general reference and has focused on the topics and issues that are particularly relevant for open and distance learning institutions, concentrating on higher education.The ICDE SCOP Meeting 2007 at OUNL in Heerlen, The Netherlands was used to consult the presidents and rectors of ICDE member institutions on the expected outcomes of the Task Force’s work.This Final Report describes major milestones during the work of the Task Force and summarizes its conclusions and recommendations in a final chapter.</p

    Rapportage ELO-project: Fase I (14 september - 14 december 1998)

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    Deze rapportage betreft de eerste fase van het ELO-project die liep van 14 september tot 14 december 1998. Overeenkomstig het projectplan en de onderliggende definitiestudie is in deze fase hoofdzakelijk gewerkt aan nadere definitie en (eerste) ontwerp van een Elektronische Leer Omgeving, gericht op innovatief en competentiegericht onderwijs, ten behoeve vanhet HBO in Nederland en Vlaanderen (ELO 2.0). Daarbij zijn onderwijskundige, functionele, procedurele en technische aspecten aan de orde gekomen, aangevuld met achtergrondstudie naar juridische en markt-aspecten. In een tweede lijn zijn vooral voorbereidende werkzaamheden verricht aan de migratie van Studienet/ELO 1.0, dat reeds operationeel was, naar een opwaardering tot versie 1.1, ten behoeve van de OUNL zelf