1,889 research outputs found

    Solar wind velocity and daily variation of cosmic rays

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    Recently parameters applicable to the solar wind and the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) have become much better defined. Superior quality of data bases that are now available, particularly for post-1971 period, make it possible to believe the long-term trends in the data. These data are correlated with the secular changes observed in the diurnal variation parameters obtained from neutron monitor data at Deep River and underground muon telescope data at Embudo (30 MEW) and Socorro (82 MWE). The annual mean amplitudes appear to have large values during the epochs of high speed solar wind streams. Results are discussed

    Upper cut-off rigidity for corotation anisotropy during solar activity cycles 20 and 21

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    At the Eleventh International Conference on Cosmic Rays in 1969, the results of a study of the solar diurnal variations of solar rays observed during the ascending phase of solar activity cycle twenty was discussed. The diurnal variation, observed underground during 1965-68 period, and results from an extraterrestrial anisotropy having a continuously increasing upper cut-off rigidity R sub c were reported. However, the coupling functions applicable to underground telescopes were controversial then. This situation has improved now. Those results wsere re-examined and extended to cover the period 1965-78. The coupling functions given by Murakami et al. for underground muons and those given by Lockwood and Weber for neutron monitors were used showed that a great deal of care should be exercised in the value of R sub c was calculated. Although numerical values of R sub c are a little different, the trend for 1965-68 period remains unchanged. Highest value of R sub c occur in 1970 and the lowest value occurs in 1976

    Diurnal anisotropy during solar activity cycle twenty and diffusion-convection model

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    Underground muon telescope data obtained at Embudo and Neutron monitor data obtained at Deep River are divided into two sets; one covers the ascending phase of the cycle (1965-70) and the other covers the descending phase (1971-76). The amplitude of diurnal anisotropy calculated from the data does not agree with the value predicted by the simplified version of the Diffusion-Convection Model (DCM); the discrepancy is worse for neutron data

    First measurements of OH-C exchange and temperature-dependent partitioning of OH and halogens in the system apatite - silicate melt

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    We present the first integrated study of carbonate, hydroxyl, fluoride, and chloride ion partitioning in the apatite-melt system. We determined volatile partitioning behavior between apatite and silicate melt for both haplobasaltic andesite and trachyte bulk compositions at 0.5–1 GPa and 1250°C using the piston-cylinder apparatus. All volatile species were analyzed directly in both apatite and glass using secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) and electron probe microanalysis. Distribution coefficients for OH-halogen exchange are similar to those from previous studies, and together with literature data, reveal a significant log-linear relationship with temperature, while the effects of pressure and melt composition are minimal. Meanwhile, halogen-free experiments generate very high C contents (up to 5000 ppm) in apatite. Stoichiometry calculations and infrared spectra indicate that this C is mainly incorporated onto the channel volatile site together with hydroxyl. In halogen-bearing experiments, apatite crystals contain significantly lower C (≤500 ppm), which may be partly incorporated onto the phosphate site while the channel volatile site is filled by OH+F+Cl+C. Our experiments give the first constraints on H2O-CO2 exchange between apatite and silicate melt, with a KD of 0.355 ± 0.05 for the trachyte and 0.629 ± 0.08 for the haplobasaltic andesite. The new constraints on the temperature-dependence of partitioning will enable quantitative modeling of apatite-volatile exchange in igneous systems, while this new partitioning data and method for direct, in situ analysis of C in apatite mark a significant advance that will permit future studies of magmatic C and other volatiles. This has a broad range of potential applications including magmatic differentiation, fractionation, and degassing; quantification of volatile budgets in extraterrestrial and deep earth environments; and mineralization processes

    Multiple shutters for a stereoscopic camera

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    Focal plane shutter assembly composed of three mechanically separate rotary shutters permits exposure of three separated photographic films simultaneously with exposure time of 0.08 second. Exposure time is repeatable within 2 percent, uniformity of exposure over all three films is within 5 percent

    Successful removal of a giant intrathoracic lipoma: a case report and review of the literature

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    We report a case of a 44-year old female who presented to her physician complaining of mild dyspnea. A follow-up chest X-ray and chest computed tomography scan revealed a giant bilateral intrathoracic mass, filling the right thoracic cavity and extending across the anterior mediastinum into the left chest cavity. This large mass caused a marked shift in the midline structures, displacing the heart to the left hemi-thorax. The patient underwent surgical removal of the thoracic and breast mass, with histologic examination confirming the diagnosis of a giant intrathoracic lipoma, weighing 4,320 grams and measured 34 × 28 × 11 cm. It is the largest intrathoracic lipoma documented in the modern literature

    The United Kingdom 2017 election:polarisation in a split issue space

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    After decades in which party competition was fought in the centre ground, the 2017 UK General Election witnessed a return to more conflictual politics. This article assesses public support for the electoral strategies of the main parties and examines the extent to which the issues the parties campaigned on resonated with their own supporters, as well as with the wider public. Drawing on the issue-yield framework, the article shows that the Conservative campaign\u2013generally considered to be badly run\u2013did not focus on issues that would fully exploit the opportunities for expanding support that were open to the party. Labour, by contrast, played a much better hand. While taking a clear left-wing stance on many policies that were popular with its constituency, the party also skilfully emphasised valence issues that Labour is often seen as more credible on, such as healthcare and education

    Carcinosarcoma of the breast: two case reports and review of the literature

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    Carcinosarcoma of the breast, often referred to as metaplastic carcinoma of the breast, is a rare malignancy with two distinct cell lines described as a breast carcinoma of ductal type with a sarcoma-like component. Clinically, carcinosarcoma of the breast is an aggressive breast cancer. The prognosis for carcinosarcoma of the breast is less favorable compared to more common types of breast cancer such as infiltrating ductal or lobular carcinoma. Currently, the evaluation of breast carcinoma includes hormone receptor analysis of the tumor tissue, with those positive for estrogen or progesterone responding better to both hormonal and chemotherapy

    Beobachtungsstudien im Rahmen eines naturheilkundlichen Klinikverbunds :Teil I: Methoden und Ãœbersicht der Ergebnisse in den beteiligten Kliniken

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    Background: In Germany a considerable number of in-patient facilities offer complementary medicine in addition to conventional care. In this study we aimed to describe patient characteristics, diagnostics, therapy and outcomes of four such in-patient facilities. Methods: 2835 consecutive in-patients admitted to two private hospitals with an emphasis on complementary medical cart, one private hospital for traditional Chinese medicine, and the Department of Complementary Medicine of a public district hospital participated in a prospective observational (cohort) study with 12 months follow-up. Sociodemographic characteristics, diagnoses, duration of disease, type and frequency of therapeutic interventions, intensity of complaints, assessment of therapeutic success, and quality of life were documented. Results: Patients of the observed hospitals were mostly female (66%-80% in the four hospitals) and a high proportion was chronically ill (31%-62% with a disease history longer than 5 years). The frequency of single diagnoses varied strongly between the four hospitals, however, chronic pain syndromes were very frequent in all. Complementary care always included a large number of different therapeutic methods whose combination varied with different diagnoses and between the hospitals. At discharge, 57%-73% of patients rated the therapeutic success as good or very good, Follow-up rates were satisfactory only in two of the four hospitals. After 12 months 51%-64% of the responding patients still rated the success as good or very good. Conclusions: In the observed hospitals mainly chronically ill patients are treated with highly complex combinations of a large variety of complementary therapies. A majority of patients seems to be satisfied by the treatment. A major methodological problem in the interpretations of patient outcomes are the partly low followup rates

    Valproate Protein Binding Is Highly Variable in ICU Patients and Not Predicted by Total Serum Concentrations: A Case Series and Literature Review

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    Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/136503/1/phar1912-sup-0001-SupInfo.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/136503/2/phar1912_am.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/136503/3/phar1912.pd
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