235 research outputs found
Drum extraction from polyphonic music based on a spectro-temporal model of percussive sounds
cote interne IRCAM: Rigaud11aNone / NoneNational audienceDrum Extraction From Polyphonic Music Based on a Spectro-Temporal Model of Percussive Sound
Management plan to save the eel. Optimising the design and management of installations
The European eel was until recently an abundant species in most European freshwaters, but its numbers have fallen sharply since the 1970s and 1980s. The causes of the rapid decline, which now threatens the very existence of the species, are clear for the most part and include fishing, poor quality of water and habitats, fragmentation of rivers by weirs and dams, and death in hydroelectric turbines. To meet the restocking goals set by the European Union (EU), France has initiated a management plan addressing each of the factors responsible for the decline of the species. Concerning river obstacles and turbines, the Ecology ministry launched an R&D programme bringing together a number of partners, including Ademe, Onema and five hydroelectric companies, namely Compagnie nationale du Rhône, EDF, France Hydro Electricité, GDF Suez and Société hydroélectrique du Midi. The programme, managed by a steering committee comprising the partners mentioned above and placed under the responsibility of the Ecology ministry, targeted a number of operational goals that resulted in the development and testing of technical solutions designed for rapid implementation in the field. All programme results were presented on 28 and 29 November 2011 at the feedback symposium which brought together 160 persons, including researchers, water managers, associations and hydroelectric companies
Plan de sauvegarde de l'anguille. Quelles solutions pour optimiser la conception et la gestion des ouvrages ?
Hier encore très répandue dans plupart des eaux douces d’Europe, l'anguille européenne connaît une régression rapide depuis les années 1970-1980. Les causes de ce déclin brutal, qui menace désormais la pérennité de l’espèce, sont pour l'essentiel connues : prélèvements par la pêche, dégradation de la qualité des eaux et des habitats, fragmentation des rivières sous l'effet des seuils et barrages et mortalités lors des passages dans les turbines hydroélectriques. Pour répondre aux objectifs de restauration des stocks fixés par l'Union européenne, la France s'est engagée dans un plan de gestion visant à agir sur chacun des facteurs de déclin de l'espèce. Sur le volet «ouvrages», le Ministère en charge de Développement durable a initié un programme de recherche & développement multi-partenarial, réunissant l'Ademe, l'Onema et cinq acteurs français de l’hydoéléctricité : Compagnie Nationale du Rhône, EDF, France Hydro Électricité, GDF Suez, Société hydroélectrique du Midi. Résolument opérationnel, ce programme, encadré par un comité de pilotage rassemblant les acteurs précédemment cités et placé sous l'autorité du MEDDE, s'est traduit par la mise au point et le test de solutions techniques en vue d’une mise en oeuvre directe sur les territoires. L'ensemble de ces acquis ont été présentés lors d’un colloque les 28 et 29 novembre 2011 qui a rassemblé près de 160 personnes : scientifiques, gestionnaires de l’eau, associations, producteurs d’hydroélectricité
Flow Moods: Recommending Music by Moods on Deezer
The music streaming service Deezer extensively relies on its Flow algorithm,
which generates personalized radio-style playlists of songs, to help users
discover musical content. Nonetheless, despite promising results over the past
years, Flow used to ignore the moods of users when providing recommendations.
In this paper, we present Flow Moods, an improved version of Flow that
addresses this limitation. Flow Moods leverages collaborative filtering, audio
content analysis, and mood annotations from professional music curators to
generate personalized mood-specific playlists at scale. We detail the
motivations, the development, and the deployment of this system on Deezer.
Since its release in 2021, Flow Moods has been recommending music by moods to
millions of users every day.Comment: 16th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys 2022) - Industry
Let's Get It Started: Fostering the Discoverability of New Releases on Deezer
This paper presents our recent initiatives to foster the discoverability of
new releases on the music streaming service Deezer. After introducing our
search and recommendation features dedicated to new releases, we outline our
shift from editorial to personalized release suggestions using cold start
embeddings and contextual bandits. Backed by online experiments, we discuss the
advantages of this shift in terms of recommendation quality and exposure of new
releases on the service.Comment: Accepted for presentation as an "Industry Talk" at the 46th European
Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2024
Severe PATCHED1 deficiency in cancer-prone Gorlin patient cells results in intrinsic radiosensitivity
Gorlin syndrome (or basal-cell nevus syndrome) is a cancer-prone genetic disease in which hypersusceptibility to secondary cancer and tissue reaction after radiation therapy is debated, as is increased radiosensitivity at cellular level. Gorlin syndrome results from heterozygous mutations in the PTCH1 gene for 60% of patients, and we therefore aimed to highlight correlations between intrinsic radiosensitivity and PTCH1 gene expression in fibroblasts from adult patients with Gorlin syndrome.
The radiosensitivity of fibroblasts from 6 patients with Gorlin syndrome was determined by cell-survival assay after high (0.5-3.5 Gy) and low (50-250 mGy) Îł-ray doses. PTCH1 and DNA damage response gene expression was characterized by real-time polymerase chain reaction and Western blotting. DNA damage and repair were investigated by ÎłH2AX and 53BP1 foci assay. PTCH1 knockdown was performed in cells from healthy donors by using stable RNA interference. Gorlin cells were genotyped by 2 complementary sequencing methods.
Only cells from patients with Gorlin syndrome who presented severe deficiency in PATCHED1 protein exhibited a significant increase in cellular radiosensitivity, affecting cell responses to both high and low radiation doses. For 2 of the radiosensitive cell strains, heterozygous mutations in the 5' end of PTCH1 gene explain PATCHED1 protein deficiency. In all sensitive cells, DNA damage response pathways (ATM, CHK2, and P53 levels and activation by phosphorylation) were deregulated after irradiation, whereas DSB repair recognition was unimpaired. Furthermore, normal cells with RNA interference-mediated PTCH1 deficiency showed reduced survival after irradiation, directly linking this gene to high- and low-dose radiosensitivity.
In the present study, we show an inverse correlation between PTCH1 expression level and cellular radiosensitivity, suggesting an explanation for the conflicting results previously reported for Gorlin syndrome and possibly providing a basis for prognostic screens for radiosensitive patients with Gorlin syndrome and PTCH1 mutations
Village néolithique de Klimonas (Ayios Tychonas) - 2017
Données scientifiques produites : Nouvelles données sur les débuts du Néolithique à ChypreAgios Tychonas - Klimonas: French Archaeological Mission par le Département des Antiquités de ChypreMission archéologique française de Klimonas par l’Institut française de ChypreProgrammes « Ayios Tychonas – Klimonas, le plus ancien village chypriote » par l’AIBLBlog sur Klimonas Rappels des résultats antérieurs Le site de Klimonas, localisé sur la commune d’Ayios Thychonas près de Limassol, a été découv..
L'Isoloir, Citoyenneté & Numérique, Documentation du joueur
National audienceDans ce monde devenu numérique, il faut que chaque citoyenne et citoyen maîtrise, au-delà des usages, les principaux fondements de cette mutation numérique de façon à faire collectivement des choix éclairés sur ces sujets. C'est l'acquisition d'une culture scientifique et technique qui est le levier de cette appropriation. Voilà pourquoi à travers le jeu sérieux de "L'Isoloir " on offre en partage à chacune et chacun les éléments qui permettent de répondre en toute connaissance et en toute conscience à quelques questions fondamentales liées au numérique. C'est ce que ce document rassemble ici pour permettre aux animateur-e-s des activités utilisant L'Isoloir d'avoir une vue globale du matériel proposé
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