2 research outputs found
Kontribusi Financial Technology Bidang Pertanian dalam Meningkatkan Permodalan guna Meningkatkan Produktivitas Usahatani Padi di Kabupaten Bandung
Technological developments continue to change, one of the fields that adopt elements of technology is the financial sector which is well known as financial technology. One of the purposes of financial technology is to help the community in obtaining loans for both daily needs and business capital. Farming is a profession that often difficult to get capital assistance. Bandung District has an area of rice plantations that can increase its productivity by increasing inputs, one of which is capital. This study aimed to examine the contribution of financial technology in increasing the productivity of rice farming. This study employed a qualitative descriptive research design. The results of this study indicated that the form of contribution that can be given by financial technology in agriculture to increase the productivity of rice farming in Bandung District is by increasing capital, assistance from experts, and easy access to marketing. Perkembangan teknologi terus mengalami perubahan, salah satu bidang yang mengadopsi unsur teknologi adalah bidang keuangan yang disebut dengan financial technology. Tujuan dari financial technology adalah salah satunya membantu masyarakat dalam memperoleh pinjaman baik untuk kebutuhan sehari-hari maupun permodalan usaha. Petani merupakan profesi yang kerap kesulitan mendapatkan bantuan modal. Kabupaten Bandung yang mempunyai luas lahan tanaman padi dapat ditingkatkan produktivitasnya dengan meningkatkan input, salah satunya adalah permodalan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat bagaimana kontribusi financial technology dalam meningkatkan produktivitas usahatani padi. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa bentuk kontribusi yang dapat diberikan oleh fnancial technology bidang pertanian untuk meningkatkan produktivitas usahatani padi di Kabupaten Bandung adalah melalui peningkatan permodalan, pendampingan oleh tenaga ahli dan kemudahan akses pemasaran.
The quality of a product and service to consumers is a major concern in the trade and service industry. One of the efforts that can be done in increasing the competitiveness of the company is to increase customer satisfaction. The purpose of this study is to 1) determine consumer interest in the products and services provided by McDonald's, 2) analyze the performance of McDonald's in providing satisfaction to its customers, 3) analyze the level of customer satisfaction regarding the products and services provided. The data collection carried out in this study was carried out by distributing 50 questionnaires to McDonald's consumers. Importance Performance Analysis method is used to analyze the effect of product quality and service quality on customer satisfaction. The Customer Satisfaction Index method is used to measure the overall level of customer satisfaction. The results of this study indicate that consumers