753 research outputs found
Combining constructive and equational geometric constraint solving techniques
In the past few years, there has been a strong trend towards
developing parametric, computer aided design systems based on
geometric constraint solving. An efective way to capture the design
intent in these systems is to define relationships between geometric
and technological variables.
In general, geometric constraint solving including functional
relationships requires a general approach and appropiate techniques toachieve the expected functional capabilities.
This work reports on a hybrid method which combines two geometric
constraint solving techniques: Constructive and equational.
The hybrid solver has the capability of managing functional
relationships between dimension variables and variables representing
conditions external to the geometric problem.
The hybrid solver is described as a rewriting system and is shown to
be correct.Postprint (published version
The feudal partitions of Mallorca and their immediate consequences (1230-1245)
The feudal conquest of Mallorca was a technically complex and economically costly undertaking. It was the outcome of joint actions among the monarchy, the nobility and the Catalan bourgeoisie and knights and infantrymen from Aragon and other regions in the western Mediterranean. Once the island had been conquered, the participants received a part of the spoils and properties directly proportional to their contribution to the forces, which resulted in three territorial partitions. Almost all the major participants divided the lands they had received in allodium between knights and peasants in fief and in emphyteusis, respectively. The Catalans were predominant among of the first settlers of Mallorca
Els repartiments feudals de Mallorca i les seves conseqüències immediates (1230-1245)
La conquesta feudal de Mallorca va ser una empresa tècnicament complexa i econòmicament costosa. Fou el resultat d’una acció conjunta de la monarquia, la noblesa i la burgesia catalanes i de cavallers i peons aragonesos i d’altres territoris de la Mediterrània occidental. El participants, un cop conquerida l’illa, van rebre una part del botí i dels béns immobles directament proporcional a la seva aportació a la host, cosa que va provocar tres repartiments territorials. Gairebé tots els grans porcioners van repartir les terres que havien rebut en alou entre cavallers i pagesos, mitjançant concessions en feu i en emfiteusi, respectivament. Entre els primers pobladors de Mallorca preponderaren també els catalans.La conquesta feudal de Mallorca va ser una empresa tècnicament complexa i econòmicament costosa. Fou el resultat d’una acció conjunta de la monarquia, la noblesa i la burgesia catalanes i de cavallers i peons aragonesos i d’altres territoris de la Mediterrània occidental. El participants, un cop conquerida l’illa, van rebre una part del botí i dels béns immobles directament proporcional a la seva aportació a la host, cosa que va provocar tres repartiments territorials. Gairebé tots els grans porcioners van repartir les terres que havien rebut en alou entre cavallers i pagesos, mitjançant concessions en feu i en emfiteusi, respectivament. Entre els primers pobladors de Mallorca preponderaren també els catalans
Per una anàlisi sobre el turisme massiu i el medi natural a l'illa de Mallorca
This paper was prepared on the occasion of the VII Premi Catalunya dEconomia. Since Hotelling outlined the travel cost method, the literature has given several models to enrich and
improve the travel cost method. Infact, one of the aims of this paper is to present a discrete choice model that will be used to estimate the demand of the recreational services provided by some natural
areas in Majorca. The model predicts both whether the individual will take part in these recreational activities and how often he will participate in terms of his socio-economic characteristícs,
the costs of producing the different options and the attributes of the areas. Starting from this relationship, the effects that changes in the access conditions and environmental quality have on
the individual welfare can be calculated
Bartomeu Rosselló-Pòrcel i Salvador Espriu: dos amics de vint anys
Abstract not availabl
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