9 research outputs found

    Sculpting ultrastrong light-matter coupling through spatial matter structuring

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    The central theme of cavity quantum electrodynamics is the coupling of a single optical mode with a single matter excitation, leading to a doublet of cavity polaritons which govern the optical properties of the coupled structure. Especially in the ultrastrong coupling regime, where the ratio of the vacuum Rabi frequency and the quasi-resonant carrier frequency of light, ΩR/ωc\Omega_{\mathrm R}/\omega_{\mathrm c}, approaches unity, the polariton doublet bridges a large spectral bandwidth 2ΩR2\Omega_{\mathrm R}, and further interactions with off-resonant light and matter modes may occur. The resulting multi-mode coupling has recently attracted attention owing to the additional degrees of freedom for designing light-matter coupled resonances, despite added complexity. Here, we experimentally implement a novel strategy to sculpt ultrastrong multi-mode coupling by tailoring the spatial overlap of multiple modes of planar metallic THz resonators and the cyclotron resonances of Landau-quantized two-dimensional electrons, on subwavelength scales. We show that similarly to the selection rules of classical optics, this allows us to suppress or enhance certain coupling pathways and to control the number of light-matter coupled modes, their octave-spanning frequency spectra, and their response to magnetic tuning. This offers novel pathways for controlling dissipation, tailoring quantum light sources, nonlinearities, correlations as well as entanglement in quantum information processing

    Interferometric carrier-envelope phase stabilization for ultrashort pulses in the mid-infrared

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    We demonstrate an active carrier-envelope phase (CEP) stabilization scheme for optical waveforms generated by difference-frequency mixing of two spectrally detuned and phase-correlated pulses. By performing ellipsometry with spectrally overlapping parts of two co-propagating near-infrared generation pulse trains, we stabilize their relative timing to 18 as. Consequently, we can lock the CEP of the generated mid-infrared (MIR) pulses with a remaining phase jitter below 30 mrad. To validate this technique, we employ these MIR pulses for high-harmonic generation in a bulk semiconductor. Our compact, low-cost, and inherently drift-free concept could bring long-term CEP stability to the broad class of passively phase-locked OPA and OPCPA systems operating in a wide range of spectral windows, pulse energies, and repetition rates

    Sculpting ultrastrong light-matter coupling through spatial matter structuring

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    The central theme of cavity quantum electrodynamics is the coupling of a single optical mode with a single matter excitation, leading to a doublet of cavity polaritons which govern the optical properties of the coupled structure. Especially in the ultrastrong coupling regime, where the ratio of the vacuum Rabi frequency and the quasi-resonant carrier frequency of light, 𝛀𝐑/𝝎𝐜, approaches unity, the polariton doublet bridges a large spectral bandwidth 𝟐𝛀𝐑, and further interactions with off-resonant light and matter modes may occur. The resulting multi-mode coupling has recently attracted attention owing to the additional degrees of freedom for designing light-matter coupled resonances, despite added complexity. Here, we experimentally implement a novel strategy to sculpt ultrastrong multi-mode coupling by tailoring the spatial overlap of multiple modes of planar metallic THz resonators and the cyclotron resonances of Landau-quantized two-dimensional electrons, on subwavelength scales. We show that similarly to the selection rules of classical optics, this allows us to suppress or enhance certain coupling pathways and to control the number of light-matter coupled modes, their octave-spanning frequency spectra, and their response to magnetic tuning. This offers novel pathways for controlling dissipation, tailoring quantum light sources, nonlinearities, correlations as well as entanglement in quantum information processing


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