25 research outputs found

    Future trends in reputation management

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    __Abstract__ Companies must redefine their portfolio in such a way that people will perceive it as having added value for their personal lives, says RSM's Professor Cees van Riel, an expert in reputation management – and there's good reason for the world's biggest companies to believe him

    Corporate Communication in European Financial Institutions

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    In 1988 the Rotterdam School of Management and Fairfield University conducted jointly a survey in twenty-one banks and twenty insurance companies in Europe and the U.S. The purpose was to examine corporate communication practices in comparable service industries on two continents. Central questions were: How is corporate communication organized; how are resources allocated; what strategies are used; what values are reflected in different communication activities such as advertising, public relations, communication relations, and employee communication; how are messages shaped for diverse audiences and customer groups; and how much importance is attached to corporate identification symbols. This article reports on the European results of that survey. The complete report is published in van Riel & Nedela, Profiles in Corporate Communication in Financial Institutions, Eburon, Delft, 1989. Dr. van Riel is director of the Corporate Communication Centre, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, the Netherlands

    Research in corporate communication: An overview of an emerging field

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    Van Riel provides an overview of research in corporate communication, focusing on achievements found in the international academic literature in both communication and business school disciplines

    The Reputational Landscape

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    Pride and fear during major organisational change

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    Organisational behaviour experts have known for a long time that when employees identify closely with their company, the company functions better. People quit less often, they work harder, and they tend to be more supportive of their employer. And in a volatile time, such as during a merger, corporate success may depend on nurturing employees’ pride and alleviating their fears

    Corporate identity: The concept, its measurement and management

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    Articulates the main trends in the literature on corporate identity; defines corporate identity; explains the rationale for corporate identity management and describes the main methods used to reveal the desired and the actual corporate identity. Particular reference will be made to two recently developed models used to reveal an organization's identity: Balmer's Affinity Audit (BAA) and The Rotterdam Organizational Identification Test (ROIT). Concludes that while empirical research on the area will increasingly be multidisciplinary marketing will, nonetheless, play a pivotal role in an understanding of corporate identity

    Future trends in reputation management

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    Companies must redefine their portfolio in such a way that people will perceive it as having added value for their personal lives, says RSM's Professor Cees van Riel, an expert in reputation management – and there's good reason for the world's biggest companies to believe him

    Buffering versus bridging strategieën en het management van strategische issues

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    Gelijk hebben is niet altijd hetzelfde als gelijk krijgen, zoals de Koninklijke/Shell Groep recent ondervond bij de discussies over het olieopslag- en laadstation Brent Spar. Ondanks een degelijke voorbereiding en een rationele onderbouwing van het uiteindelijke besluit de Brent Spar af te zinken in de diepe wateren voor de kust van Schotland, bleek het bedrijf te stuiten op een niet te negeren blok van externe stakeholders. Dat later Greenpeace, een van de heftigste criticasters, openbaar erkende onjuiste informatie te hebben verstrekt, heeft nauwelijks de financiële en immateriële schade voor de onderneming kunnen herstellen

    Het PER+ project van Shell. Strategische besluitvorming en communicatie

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    Het zogenaamde PER+ project had betrekking op de grondige vernieuwing (upgrading) van de oude Pernis-raffinaderij van de Komnklijke/Shell- Groep, meteen de grootste raffinaderij in Europa. Aan de strategischebesluitvormings- en communicatieprocessen rond dit project werd in juni 1997 zelfs een wetenschappelijk congres gewijd. Het project bleek namelijk een typisch voorbeeld te zijn dat illustreerde hoe, via een open dialoog met de belangrijkste externe stakeholders, het management van de onderneming erin kan slagen op succesvolle wijze strategische-investeringsprojecten (de raffinaderij moderniseren) te realiseren. In dit artikel doen de professoren Van den Bosch en Van Riel een en ander voor ons uit de doeken