73 research outputs found

    A type theory for synthetic ∞\infty-categories

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    We propose foundations for a synthetic theory of (∞,1)(\infty,1)-categories within homotopy type theory. We axiomatize a directed interval type, then define higher simplices from it and use them to probe the internal categorical structures of arbitrary types. We define Segal types, in which binary composites exist uniquely up to homotopy; this automatically ensures composition is coherently associative and unital at all dimensions. We define Rezk types, in which the categorical isomorphisms are additionally equivalent to the type-theoretic identities - a "local univalence" condition. And we define covariant fibrations, which are type families varying functorially over a Segal type, and prove a "dependent Yoneda lemma" that can be viewed as a directed form of the usual elimination rule for identity types. We conclude by studying homotopically correct adjunctions between Segal types, and showing that for a functor between Rezk types to have an adjoint is a mere proposition. To make the bookkeeping in such proofs manageable, we use a three-layered type theory with shapes, whose contexts are extended by polytopes within directed cubes, which can be abstracted over using "extension types" that generalize the path-types of cubical type theory. In an appendix, we describe the motivating semantics in the Reedy model structure on bisimplicial sets, in which our Segal and Rezk types correspond to Segal spaces and complete Segal spaces.Comment: 78 pages; v2 has minor updates inspired by discussions at the Mathematics Research Community on Homotopy Type Theory; v3 incorporates many expository improvements suggested by the referee; v4 is the final journal version to appear in Higher Structures with a more precise syntax for our type theory with shape

    Kan extensions and the calculus of modules for ∞\infty-categories

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    Various models of (∞,1)(\infty,1)-categories, including quasi-categories, complete Segal spaces, Segal categories, and naturally marked simplicial sets can be considered as the objects of an ∞\infty-cosmos. In a generic ∞\infty-cosmos, whose objects we call ∞\infty-categories, we introduce modules (also called profunctors or correspondences) between ∞\infty-categories, incarnated as as spans of suitably-defined fibrations with groupoidal fibers. As the name suggests, a module from AA to BB is an ∞\infty-category equipped with a left action of AA and a right action of BB, in a suitable sense. Applying the fibrational form of the Yoneda lemma, we develop a general calculus of modules, proving that they naturally assemble into a multicategory-like structure called a virtual equipment, which is known to be a robust setting in which to develop formal category theory. Using the calculus of modules, it is straightforward to define and study pointwise Kan extensions, which we relate, in the case of cartesian closed ∞\infty-cosmoi, to limits and colimits of diagrams valued in an ∞\infty-category, as introduced in previous work.Comment: 84 pages; a sequel to arXiv:1506.05500; v2. new results added, axiom circularity removed; v3. final journal version to appear in Alg. Geom. To

    Coalgebraic models for combinatorial model categories

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    We show that the category of algebraically cofibrant objects in a combinatorial and simplicial model category A has a model structure that is left-induced from that on A. In particular it follows that any presentable model category is Quillen equivalent (via a single Quillen equivalence) to one in which all objects are cofibrant.Comment: 12 pages; v2: final journal version with minor improvements suggested by the refere

    Completeness results for quasi-categories of algebras, homotopy limits, and related general constructions

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    Consider a diagram of quasi-categories that admit and functors that preserve limits or colimits of a fixed shape. We show that any weighted limit whose weight is a projective cofibrant simplicial functor is again a quasi-category admitting these (co)limits and that they are preserved by the functors in the limit cone. In particular, the Bousfield-Kan homotopy limit of a diagram of quasi-categories admit any limits or colimits existing in and preserved by the functors in that diagram. In previous work, we demonstrated that the quasi-category of algebras for a homotopy coherent monad could be described as a weighted limit with projective cofibrant weight, so these results immediately provide us with important (co)completeness results for quasi-categories of algebras. These generalise most of the classical categorical results, except for a well known theorem which shows that limits lift to the category of algebras for any monad, regardless of whether its functor part preserves those limits. The second half of this paper establishes this more general result in the quasi-categorical setting: showing that the monadic forgetful functor of the quasi-category of algebras for a homotopy coherent monad creates all limits that exist in the base quasi-category, without further assumption on the monad. This proof relies upon a more delicate and explicit analysis of the particular weight used to define quasi-categories of algebras.Comment: 33 pages; a sequel to arXiv:1306.5144 and arXiv:1310.8279; v3: final journal version with updated internal references to the new version of "Homotopy coherent adjunctions and the formal theory of monads
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