45 research outputs found

    Quantum Brownian motion as an iterated entanglement-breaking measurement by the environment

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    Einstein-Smoluchowski diffusion, damped harmonic oscillations, and spatial decoherence are special cases of an elegant class of Markovian quantum Brownian motion models that is invariant under linear symplectic transformations. Here we prove that for each member of this class there is a preferred timescale such that the dynamics, considered stroboscopically, can be rewritten exactly as unitary evolution interrupted periodically by an entanglement-breaking measurement with respect to a fixed overcomplete set of pure Gaussian states. This is relevant to the continuing search for the best way to describe pointer states and pure decoherence in systems with continuous variables, and gives a concrete sense in which the decoherence can be said to arise from a complete measurement of the system by its environment. We also extend some of the results of Di\'{o}si and Kiefer to the symplectic covariant formalism and compare them with the preferred timescales and Gaussian states associated with the POVM form.Comment: Updated title, minor typos and typesettin

    Evidence for gravitons from decoherence by bremsstrahlung

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    It is thought that gravitons are impossible to detect, even with the technological ability to construct experiments larger than Jupiter. However, in principle it is possible to detect the emission of single gravitons through the decoherence of relativistic Planck-mass superpositions by gravitational bremsstrahlung. Although enormous experimental challenges ensure that such an experiment will not be achievable in the foreseeable future, this possibility suggests that gravitons are not forever outside our empirical grasp. It is also evidence that decoherence as a detection method has untapped potential

    Local Records and Global Entanglement: A Unique Multi-Partite Generalization of the Schmidt Decomposition

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    We show that there is a unique maximal decomposition of a pure multi-partite (N>2) quantum state into a sum of states which are "locally orthogonal" in the sense that the local reduced state for a term in the sum lives in its own orthogonal subspace for each subsystem. Observers can make local measurements on any subsystem and determine which "branch" they are on. The Shannon entropy of the resulting branch weights defines a new measure of global, GHZ-like entanglement, which is insensitive to local pairwise entangling operations and vanishes when there is no piece of information recorded at every subsystem. In the bi-partite (N=2) case, this decomposition reduces to the (not necessarily unique) Schmidt decomposition and the entropy reduces to the entropy of entanglementComment: I am seeking comments on this initial offering. Fancier version to follo

    Direct Detection of Classically Undetectable Dark Matter through Quantum Decoherence

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    Although various pieces of indirect evidence about the nature of dark matter have been collected, its direct detection has eluded experimental searches despite extensive effort. If the mass of dark matter is below 1 MeV, it is essentially imperceptible to conventional detection methods because negligible energy is transferred to nuclei during collisions. Here I propose directly detecting dark matter through the quantum decoherence it causes rather than its classical effects such as recoil or ionization. I show that quantum spatial superpositions are sensitive to low-mass dark matter that is inaccessible to classical techniques. This provides new independent motivation for matter interferometry with large masses, especially on spaceborne platforms. The apparent dark matter wind we experience as the Sun travels through the Milky Way ensures interferometers and related devices are directional detectors, and so are able to provide unmistakable evidence that decoherence has galactic origins.Comment: AGIS parameters have been updated, increasing the sensitivity by an order of magnitude. Some minor tweaks in response to referees. To appear in PR

    Classical Entanglement Structure in the Wavefunction of Inflationary Fluctuations

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    We argue that the preferred classical variables that emerge from a pure quantum state are determined by its entanglement structure in the form of redundant records: information shared between many subsystems. Focusing on the early universe, we ask how classical metric perturbations emerge from vacuum fluctuations in an inflationary background. We show that the squeezing of the quantum state for super-horizon modes, along with minimal gravitational interactions, leads to decoherence and to an exponential number of records of metric fluctuations on very large scales, λ/λHubble>Δζ−2/3\lambda/\lambda_{\rm Hubble}>\Delta_\zeta^{-2/3}, where Δζ≲10−5\Delta_\zeta\lesssim 10^{-5} is the amplitude of scalar metric fluctuations. This determines a preferred decomposition of the inflationary wavefunction into orthogonal "branches" corresponding to classical metric perturbations, which defines an inflationary entropy production rate and accounts for the emergence of stochastic, inhomogeneous spacetime geometry.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure. v2: published version. Results superseded by arXiv:1711.05719. Honorable Mention in the 2017 Gravity Research Foundation Essay Competitio

    On the security of key distribution based on Johnson-Nyquist noise

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    We point out that arguments for the security of Kish's noise-based cryptographic protocol have relied on an unphysical no-wave limit, which if taken seriously would prevent any correlation from developing between the users. We introduce a noiseless version of the protocol, also having illusory security in the no-wave limit, to show that noise and thermodynamics play no essential role. Then we prove generally that classical electromagnetic protocols cannot establish a secret key between two parties separated by a spacetime region perfectly monitored by an eavesdropper. We note that the original protocol of Kish is vulnerable to passive time-correlation attacks even in the quasi-static limit. Finally we show that protocols of this type can be secure in practice against an eavesdropper with noisy monitoring equipment. In this case the security is a straightforward consequence of Maurer and Wolf's discovery that key can be distilled by public discussion from correlated random variables in a wide range of situations where the eavesdropper's noise is at least partly independent from the users' noise.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Quantum Darwinism in an Everyday Environment: Huge Redundancy in Scattered Photons

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    We study quantum Darwinism--the redundant recording of information about the preferred states of a decohering system by its environment--for an object illuminated by a black body. In the cases of point-source and isotropic illumination, we calculate the quantum mutual information between the object and its photon environment. We demonstrate that this realistic model exhibits fast and extensive proliferation of information about the object into the environment and results in redundancies orders of magnitude larger than the exactly soluble models considered to date.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures (PRL version

    Detecting Classically Undetectable Particles through Quantum Decoherence

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    Some hypothetical particles are considered essentially undetectable because they are far too light and slow-moving to transfer appreciable energy or momentum to the normal matter that composes a detector. I propose instead directly detecting such feeble particles, like sub-MeV dark matter or even gravitons, through their uniquely distinguishable decoherent effects on quantum devices like matter interferometers. More generally, decoherence can reveal phenomena that have arbitrarily little classical influence on normal matter, giving new motivation for the pursuit of macroscopic superpositions.Comment: 5 pages. This has now been squeezed to PRL form. Most of the dark matter material has been moved to arXiv:1212.3061. Some of the material about bases and quantum enhanced measurements will only be available in the old version until I get around to writing the third articl

    Amplification, Redundancy, and the Quantum Chernoff Information

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    Amplification was regarded, since the early days of quantum theory, as a mysterious ingredient that endows quantum microstates with macroscopic consequences, key to the "collapse of the wavepacket", and a way to avoid embarrassing problems exemplified by Schr\"odinger's cat. Such a bridge between the quantum microworld and the classical world of our experience was postulated ad hoc in the Copenhagen Interpretation. Quantum Darwinism views amplification as replication, in many copies, of the information about quantum states. We show that such amplification is a natural consequence of a broad class of models of decoherence, including the photon environment we use to obtain most of our information. This leads to objective reality via the presence of robust and widely accessible records of selected quantum states. The resulting redundancy (the number of copies deposited in the environment) follows from the Quantum Chernoff Information that quantifies the information transmitted by a typical elementary subsystem of the environment.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    Amplification, Decoherence, and the Acquisition of Information by Spin Environments

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    Quantum Darwinism recognizes the role of the environment as a communication channel: Decoherence can selectively amplify information about the pointer states of a system of interest (preventing access to complementary information about their superpositions) and can make records of this information accessible to many observers. This redundancy explains the emergence of objective, classical reality in our quantum Universe. Here, we demonstrate that the amplification of information in realistic spin environments can be quantified by the quantum Chernoff information, which characterizes the distinguishability of partial records in individual environment subsystems. We show that, except for a set of initial states of measure zero, the environment always acquires redundant information. Moreover, the Chernoff information captures the rich behavior of amplification in both finite and infinite spin environments, from quadratic growth of the redundancy to oscillatory behavior. These results will considerably simplify experimental testing of quantum Darwinism, e.g., using nitrogen vacancies in diamond.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure