8 research outputs found

    Organized and Sustainable Education Program for Drug Abuse Prevention by Yogo-teachers

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     学校における喫煙・飲酒・薬物乱用防止教育の充実には,問題行動が顕在化する中学校期だけでなく小学校期 における指導の推進が重要であり,系統的な指導計画を立て,指導者や時間の確保,教材作成などに組織的に取 組み,継続可能なプログラム開発を行う必要がある。そこで,地区内12 校の養護教諭が協働して,発達段階に応 じた系統的・組織的かつ継続可能な地区共通の指導計画を開発し,各校の教育課程・年間計画に位置付けた実践 研究を行った。その結果,指導計画の実施状況は,小学校11 校中,学級活動10 校,ミニ保健指導10 校,長期 休業前指導6 校,広報活動9 校となり,特別支援学校1 校では広報活動のみを行うことができた。小学校におけ る喫煙・飲酒・薬物乱用防止教育の推進には,学校保健活動の中核的役割を担う養護教諭が専門性を活かし協働 して,系統的な指導計画を各校の教育課程に位置付け組織的で継続可能なプログラムとする取組が有効であった

    Effects of Different Physical Activity Levels during a Single Day on Energy Intake, Appetite, and Energy Balance: A Preliminary Study

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    We aimed to investigate the effects of a wide range of daily physical activity (PA) levels on energy balance (EB), energy intake (EI), and appetite. Nine young men completed three different PA levels in a metabolic chamber in a random order: (1) no exercise (Low-PA); (2) 25 min walking seven times (Mid-PA); and (3) 25 min running seven times (High-PA) within a 24 h period. Interval exercise (25 min exercise and 35 min rest) was performed three times in the morning and four times in the afternoon. The exercise intensities were 21.6% and 53.7% V ˙ O2 peak for the Mid-PA and High-PA days, respectively. Participants were served three standardized meals and a buffet for dinner. The 24 h EB was calculated as 24 h energy expenditure (EE) minus 24 h EI. The 24 h EEs for the Low-PA, Mid-PA, and High-PA days were 1907 ± 200, 2232 ± 240, and 3224 ± 426 kcal, respectively, with significant differences observed among the three conditions (p < 0.01 for Low-PA vs. Mid-PA, Low-PA vs. High-PA, and Mid-PA vs. High-PA, respectively). The 24 h EIs for the Low-PA, Mid-PA, and High-PA days were 3232 ± 528, 2991 ± 617, and 3337 ± 684 kcal, and were unaffected by PA levels (p = 0.115). The 24 h EBs were 1324 ± 441 kcal (Low-PA), 759 ± 543 kcal (Mid-PA), and 113 ± 430 kcal (High-PA), with significant differences observed between Low-PA vs. Mid-PA (p = 0.0496), Low-PA vs. High-PA (p ≤ 0.01), and Mid-PA vs. High-PA (p = 0.017) conditions. The EB in the Low-PA group was the highest of the three conditions. Appetite perception did not differ among the study days, however there was an interaction trend (p = 0.078, time × condition). Thus, significantly different daily PA did not affect 24 h EI, however markedly affected 24 h EB, implying that EB is not automatically matched during a single day

    Validity of Bioimpedance Spectroscopy in the Assessment of Total Body Water and Body Composition in Wrestlers and Untrained Subjects

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    Bioimpedance spectroscopy (BIS) is an easy tool to assess hydration status and body composition. However, its validity in athletes remains controversial. We investigated the validity of BIS on total body water (TBW) and body composition estimation in Japanese wrestlers and untrained subjects. TBW of 49 young Japanese male subjects (31 untrained, 18 wrestlers) were assessed using the deuterium dilution method (DDM) and BIS. De Lorenzo’s and Moissl’s equations were employed in BIS for TBW estimation. To evaluate body composition, Siri’s 3-compartment model and published TBW/fat-free mass (FFM) ratio were applied in DDM and BIS, respectively. In untrained subjects, DDM and BIS with de Lorenzo’s equation showed consistent TBW estimates, whereas BIS with Moissl’s equation overestimated TBW (p < 0.001 vs. DDM). DDM and BIS with de Lorenzo’s equation estimated FFM and percent of fat mass consistently, whereas BIS with Moissl’s equation over-estimated and under-estimated them (p < 0.001 vs. DDM). In wrestlers, BIS with de Lorenzo’s and Moissl’s equations assessed TBW similarly with DDM. However, the Bland–Altman analysis revealed a proportional bias for TBW in BIS with de Lorenzo’s equation (r = 0.735, p < 0.001). Body composition assessed with BIS using both equations and DDM were not different. In conclusion, BIS with de Lorenzo’s equation accurately estimates the TBW and body composition in untrained subjects, whereas BIS with Moissl’s equation is more valid in wrestlers. Our results demonstrated the usefulness of BIS for assessing TBW and body composition in Japanese male wrestlers

    Physical Activity and/or High Protein Intake Maintains Fat-Free Mass in Older People with Mild Disability; the Fukuoka Island City Study: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    Body composition changes with age, with fat mass (FM) increasing and fat-free mass (FFM) decreasing. Higher physical activity and high or adequate protein intake are thought to be beneficial in preventing the loss of skeletal muscle mass in the elderly. We aimed to investigate the relationships between physical activity, protein intake, and FFM in older people with mild disability. Total energy expenditure (TEE) under free-living conditions was assessed using the doubly-labelled water (DLW) method, and physical activity was measured using a triaxial accelerometer. Dietary intake was assessed using a self-recorded food intake diary during the DLW period. Percent FFM was significantly positively correlated with protein intake and physical activity level (PAL) after adjustment for age and sex (protein intake r = 0.652, p < 0.001, PAL r = 0.345, p = 0.011). In multiple linear regression analysis, when PAL, moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA), or protein intake were included, 31%, 32%, and 55%, respectively, of the variation in %FFM was explained. Moreover, the addition of both PAL/MVPA and protein intake explained 61%/60%, respectively, of the variation in %FFM. Either protein intake above the currently recommended level or higher levels of physical activity would be beneficial for the maintenance of high %FFM