258 research outputs found
Quality Function Deployment (Qfd) Untuk Peningkatan Kinerja Kualitas Produk Industri Kecil Makanan Khas Tradisional Dangke Di Kabupaten Enrekang Sulawesi Selatan Quality Function Deployment (Qfd) to Increase Small Industrial Product Quality Performance of Dangke Traditional Special Food at Enrekang Regency South Sulawesi
This research aimed at analyzing customer, product engineering competitive assessment, and operational strategy for increasing small industrial product quality performance of dangke traditional special food on the fulfillment of consumer need and desire. The research used analysis tool of Quality Function Deployment (QFD) to describe structured mechanism in deciding consumer need. QFD consisted of monitor and right control operational process. Result of the research showed that there were three attributes used for mainly consideration to consume dangke, i.e., aroma, taste, and price. Performance of the industry was satisfy enough for cow dangke and satisfy for water buffalo one. Price and package was the most critical attribute and needed to be developed and managed seriously. Economical production cost without decreasing its quality was needed to product cheaper dangke reached by consumer. The use of good and attractive package would give positive value of the product so that the consumer could pay it with higher pricewithout decreasing satisfaction value received. Smaller package of the product (economical package) would give reachable price per unit. Package with leaves needed to be modified or changed with polypropylene plastic or aluminum foil one because it could protect water transpiration, texture, and color
The purpose of this study was to map the distribution of tourist attractions in the agro-tourism area of Bulo Village, Bulo District, Polewali Mandar Regency. After careful scrutiny, it turns out that Bulo Agrotourism has entered as a leading tourist attraction in Polewali Mandar Regency. The research was conducted through a field survey using Garmin GPS to determine the location of tourist objects and area boundaries, data processing was carried out using ArcGIS 10.8. The data processing produces attribute data in the form of spatial and coordinate data, so that 6 (six) objects can be mapped including Anugerah Bulo Hill, Tapenangi Durian Garden, Bulo Botanical Garden, Lemo Nipi Hill, Uhai Sibali Peak and Senayan Hill. Meanwhile, based on the 3 (three) components of tourism which include Attractions, Accessibility and tourist activities that really need to be addressed are the accessibility components, including transportation service facilities so that tourists can visit agro-tourism at any time and feel comfortable and safe, because the road conditions to the location are still in pioneering, so that the policy makers should immediately fix the road facilities to each tourist attraction.
Saluran alam atau sungai dan anak sungai yang ada pada daerah aliran Sungai Tallo tersebut pada saat ini sudah banyak mengalami pendangkalan sehingga kapasitasnya sudah tidak mampu menampung debit banjir yang ada. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis efektivitas tampungan Kolam Regulasi Nipa-Nipa dalam mengurangi banjir di kota Makassar dan menganalisis fluktuasi muka air kolam pasca banjir akibat evaporasi dan rembesan air waduk. Metode yang digunakan dalam menganalisis curah hujan rencana adalah metode Gumbel. Untuk perhitungan debit banjir rancangan digunakan metode hidrograf satuan sintetik Nakayasu (HSS Nakayasu). Dalam penelitian ini digunakan rumus efektivitas untuk menganalisis seberapa efektif Kolam Regulasi Nipa-Nipa dalam mengurangi banjir di kota Makassar dengan memperhatikan fluktuasi muka air kolam pasca banjir akibat evaporasi dan rembesan air waduk. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pengambilan data lewat instansi terkait. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh nilai tampungan maksimum yang terjadi adalah sebesar ±3,447,917,35 m³ dengan luas ±1,181,1067 m². Waduk Kolam Regulasi Nipa-Nipa efektif menampung air banjir pada Q₂₀₀ sampai 103 hari. Fluktuasi muka air waduk turun rata-rata 0,838 m/bulan pada saat cuaca cerah dan tidak ada lagi input air dari sungai. Kesimpulan penelitian menjadikan Waduk Kolam Regulasi Nipa-Nipa  efektif dalam mengurangi banjir di kota Makassar
Tradisi Kasohaka pada Masyarakat Kadatua dalam Upaya Mitigasi Bencana Alam
This research is a qualitative descriptive study, from which data were obtained through observation and interviews with the Kadatua community. The purpose of this study is to examine the meaning and values of the kasohaka tradition in the Kadatua community, so that it becomes a reference for the Kadatua community, especially in the application of traditional values that exist in the community. The research was conducted through several stages, namely: Observation, Interview, Documentation, Data Analysis. The kasohaka tradition is carried out by means of residents preparing "kantila" (fill gutters) which will be placed on the kasohaka building. Baruga was made as a building for the implementation of the kasohaka ritual, in this baruga the community led by the traditional leader to offer prayers to avoid disaster. Kasohaka tradition contains values such as religious values, mutual cooperation values, cultural values and the value of deliberation. According to people's beliefs if this tradition is not carried out there will be strong winds, heavy rain and big waves, the kasohaka tradition can mitigate disasters because they believe in the prayers they say to the creator to exorcise "demons". disaster bearer
Drought causes hampered nutrient absorption and water uptake in plants hence abnormal growth and lower yield. One of alternative solutions is the development of maize varieties tolerant to drought stress through plant breeding. This study aims to find superior M3 mutant genotypes of maize that can adapt to dry land with high productivity. The study was conducted in green house of the Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Hasanuddin using Split Plot Design. Water availability level was set as main plot consisted of 60%, 80% and 100% and maize mutant was set as subplot consisted of four M3 mutants, namely Bisma 100 gy, Bisma 200 gy, Lamuru 100 gy, and Lamuru 200 gy. In addition two varieties were used as controls ie. Bisma, and Lamuru resulted in total of 6 genotypes tested in the study. Mutant genotype of Bisma 200 gy showed tolerance to all water availability levels and significantly differed to other mutants including its parents indicated with higher yield. 100% water availability condition resulted in higher production than the other two water availability conditions with the average yield produced was 44.1 g per plan
Abstract:The essence of human creation in Islamic perspective refers to the text of the Koran in terms of khalaqa (creating) and ja’ala (making). Both elements can grow through the educational process. This perspective points that humans are naturally pedagogical beings with the potential for education. This paper aims at elaborating the essence of humans as pedagogic creatures, both in Islamic and Western views. This study relied on library research for its findings. The information was gathered from a variety of books and papers on the subject. In the Islamic view, the level of education development, along with the pedagogical process that initiates it, involves informal, formal, and non-formal education. However, in the Western view, there are two categories, namely navitism and behaviorism.Abstrak:Hakekat penciptaan manusia dalam perspektif Islam dengan merujuk pada nash Alquran pada istilah khalaqa (menciptakan) dan  ja’ala (menjadikan). Kedua unsur itu dapat berkembang melalui proses pendidikan. Perspektif ini menyatakan bahwa manusia secara fithrawi disebut sebagai makhluk paedagogiek dengan potensi untuk dapat dididik dan dapat mendidik. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk memaparkan hakekat penciptaan manusia sebagai makhluk paedagogiek, baik dalam pandangan Islam maupun Barat. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kepustakaan. Data pada penelitian ini diambil dari berbagai buku dan artikel yang berkaitan dengan topik tersebut. Dalam pandangan Islam, tingkat perkembangan pendidikan manusia, seiring dengan proses paedagogis yang mengintarinya meliputi pendidikan informal, formal, dan non formal. Sedangkan dalam pandangan Barat, ditemukan dua kategori yaitu paham navitisme dan paham behaviorisme
Abstrac: The study is descriptive research which aims at discovering the quality, implementation , and effectiveness of jobsheet as electrical installation practice guide in laboratory of Faculty of Electrical Engineering Education. The subject of the study was the fourt semester student in Faculty of Electrical Engineering Education of Universitas Negeri Makassar. The instrument used was questionnaire which had been validate beforehand. The respondents were 35 students who filled out the questionnaire. The questionnaire obtained were processed by making score with likert scale and presented in a form of percentage, table, and histogram. The validity and reliability of questionnaire was conducted through statistics analysis using Microsoft excel 2010.
Based on the results of data analysis, it was stated that the questionnaire had met requirement of validity and reability. Based on the result of questionnaire, it was obtained that 16% of the respondents was very agree and 62% agree that jobsheet of electrical installation practice was qualified. The respondents stated that jobsheet of electrical installation was implemented well by 22% very agree and 60.2% agree whereas, based on the effectiveness, the respondents stated that jobsheet of electrical installation was effective by 22% very agree and 56% agree. Jobsheet of electrical installation practice had good quality and able to be implemented well and effective to be applied in electrical installation practice.
Keyword: Jobsheet Effectiviness, Jobsheet Implementation, Jobsheet Quality, Electrical Installation Practice
Perbandingan Penggunaan Media Pembelajaran Visual Dan Media Audio Visual Terhadap Peningkatan Kemampuan Smash Dalam Permainan Sepak Takraw MTsN Pangkep
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh jawaban atas penggunaan media pembelajaran terhadap peningkatkan kemampuan smash dalam permainan sepak takraw. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa MTsN Pangkep. Sampel dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 20 orang untuk kelompok Visualdan 20 orang untuk kelompok Audio Visual, sehingga total sampel yaitu 40 orang.Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian eksperimen dan Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah tes kemampuan smash.Pengolahan data penelitian adalah menggunakan statistik deskriptif sedangkan teknik analisis data yang dipergunakan adalah t-test dengan taraf signifikansi 0,05.Melalui pengolahan data diperoleh hasil sebagai berikut (1) Hasil yang diperoleh media visual dalam peningkatan kemampuan smash pada permainan sepak takraw siswa MTsN Pangkep sebesar 0.856 atau 85,6%(2) Hasil yang diperoleh media audio visual dalam peningkatan kemampuan smash pada permainan sepak takraw siswa MTsN Pangkep sebesar 0.921 atau 92,1%(3)Penggunaan media audio visual lebih besar dalam meningkatkan kemampuan smash pada permainan sepak takraw siswa MTsN Pangkep disbanding penggunaan media visual
Pengaruh Manajemen Tenaga Pendidik terhadap Prestasi Belajar Peserta Didik di MTs Guppi Kaluppang Kab. Enrekang
Hasil penelitian dapat menyimpulkan: 1) Manajemen tenaga pendidik yang dilihat dari hasil penilaian 12 responden berada dalam kategori sedang, yakni sebesar 75%; 2) Prestasi belajar peserta didik yang dilihat dari hasil
penilaian 30 responden juga berada pada kategori sedang, yakni sebesar 80%; 3) terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara variabel manajemen tenaga pendidik terhadap prestasi belajar peserta didik dilihat dari hasil analisis statistik inferensial menunjukkan nilai dengan taraf signifikan 5%. Jadi kontribusi Manajemen tenaga
pendidik terhadap prestasi belajar peserta didik di MTs. Guppi Kaluppang memiliki pengaruh yang siginifikan melalui perhitungan t hitung > t tabel yaitu 4,76 >
2,05 sehingga variabel X terhadap Y memiliki pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan
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