1,961 research outputs found

    Extended x-ray absorption fine structure study of porous GaSb formed by ion implantation

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    Porous GaSb has been formed by Ga ion implantation into crystalline GaSb substrates at either room temperature or −180 °C. The morphology has been characterized using scanning electron microscopy and the atomic structure was determined using extended x-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy. Room-temperature implantation at low fluences leads to the formation of ∼20-nm voids though the material remains crystalline. Higher fluences cause the microstructure to evolve into a network of amorphous GaSb rods ∼15 nm in diameter. In contrast, implantation at −180 °C generates large, elongated voids but no rods. Upon exposure to air, the surface of the porous material is readily oxidized yielding Ga₂O₃ and metallic Sb precipitates, the latter resulting from the reduction of unstable Sb₂O₃. We consider and discuss the atomic-scale mechanisms potentially operative during the concurrent crystalline-to-amorphous and continuous-to-porous transformations

    Structural and elastic characterization of Cu-implanted SiO₂ films on Si(100) substrates

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    Cu-implanted SiO₂ films on Si(100) have been studied and compared to unimplanted SiO₂ on Si(100) using x-ray methods, transmission electron microscopy, Rutherford backscattering, and Brillouin spectroscopy. The x-ray results indicate the preferred orientation of Cu {111} planes parallel to the Si substrate surface without any directional orientation for Cu-implanted SiO₂∕Si(100) and for Cu-implanted and annealedSiO₂∕Si(100). In the latter case, transmission electron microscopy reveals the presence of spherical nanocrystallites with an average size of ∼2.5 nm. Rutherford backscattering shows that these crystallites (and the Cu in the as-implanted film) are largely confined to depths of 0.4−1.2 μm below the film surface. Brillouin spectra contain peaks due to surface, film-guided and bulk acoustic modes. Surface (longitudinal) acoustic wave velocities for the implanted films were ∼7% lower (∼2% higher) than for unimplanted SiO₂∕Si(100). Elastic constants were estimated from the acoustic wave velocities and film densities. C₁₁ (C₄₄) for the implanted films was ∼10% higher (lower) than that for the unimplanted film. The differences in acoustic velocities and elastic moduli are ascribed to implantation-induced compaction and/or the presence of Cu in the SiO₂ film.B.J. and M.C.R. are grateful for financial support from the Australian Synchrotron Research Program, funded by the Commonwealth of Australia. M.C.R. would also like to thank the Australian Research Council for their financial support. The financial support of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada NSERC is gratefully acknowledged by G.T.A. and J.S

    Ferromagnetic Ga₁ˍₓ Mnₓ As produced by ion implantation and pulsed-laser melting

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    We demonstrate the formation of ferromagneticGa₁ˍₓMnₓAsfilms by Mn ion implantation into GaAs followed by pulsed-laser melting. Irradiation with a single excimer laser pulse results in the epitaxial regrowth of the implanted layer with Mn substitutional fraction up to 80% and effective Curie temperature up to 29 K for samples with a maximum Mn concentration of x≈0.03. A remanent magnetization persisting above 85 K has been observed for samples with x≈0.10, in which 40% of the Mn resides on substitutional lattice sites. We find that the ferromagnetism in Ga₁ˍₓMnₓAs is rather robust to the presence of structural defects.The work at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory was supported by the Director, Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, Division of Materials Sciences and Engineering, of the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC03-76SF00098. The work at Harvard was supported by NASA Grant No. NAG8-1680. One of the authors ~M.A.S.! acknowledges support from an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship

    Direct observation of irradiation-induced nanocavity shrinkage in Si

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    Nanocavities in Si substrates, formed by conventional H implantation and thermal annealing, are shown to evolve in size during subsequent Si irradiation. Both ex situ and in situ analytical techniques were used to demonstrate that the mean nanocavity diameter decreases as a function of Si irradiation dose in both the crystalline and amorphous phases. Potential mechanisms for this irradiation-induced nanocavity evolution are discussed. In the crystalline phase, the observed decrease in diameter is attributed to the gettering of interstitials. When the matrix surrounding the cavities is amorphized, cavity shrinkage may be mediated by one of two processes: nanocavities can supply vacancies into the amorphous phase and/or the amorphous phase may flow plastically into the nanocavities. Both processes yield the necessary decrease in density of the amorphous phase relative to crystalline material

    Inquietud: Año IV Número 41 - (18/11/52)

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    Several experimental techniques are available to investigate materials but microscopic techniques based on hyperfine interaction form a subclass that can characterize materials at the smallest possible atomic scale. The interaction of the nuclear electromagnetic moments with the hyperfine fields arising from the extranuclear electronic charges and spin distributions forms the basis of hyperfine methods. In this review article, one of the hyperfine methods, known as perturbed angular correlation (PAC), has been described as it provides local-scale fingerprints about the formation, identification, and lattice environment of defects and/or defect complexes in semiconductors at the PAC probe site. In particular, the potential of the PAC technique has been demonstrated in terms of measured electric field gradient, its orientation, and the symmetry at the probe site for a variety of defects in semiconductors such as Si, InP, GaAs, InAs, ZnO, GaP, and InN

    Preoperative screening cultures in the identification of staphylococci causing wound and valvular infections in cardiac surgery

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    Cultures of nasal or presternal swabs form part of the routine preoperative screening of patients on the cardiac surgical ward. During a trial of antibiotic prophylaxis in 314 patients, preoperative isolates of Staphylococcus aureus and coagulase-negative staphylococci were compared with strains associated with postoperative sternal wound breakdown (24 patients) and prosthetic valve endocarditis (3 patients). Morphology, antibiotic sensitivity pattern, plasmid analysis and phage typing were used to differentiate strains. In only three cases of wound infection and one of prosthetic valve endocarditis were pathogenic staphylococci not distinguishable from preoperative isolates. The collection of superficial swabs for this purpose before cardiac surgery is therefore unlikely to be cost effective

    Nanoscale density fluctuations in swift heavy ion irradiated amorphous SiO2

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    We report on the observation of nanoscale density fluctuations in 2 μm thick amorphous SiO₂ layers irradiated with 185 MeV Au ions. At high fluences, in excess of approximately 5 × 10¹² ions/cm², where the surface is completely covered by ion tracks, synchrotron small angle x-ray scattering measurements reveal the existence of a steady state of density fluctuations. In agreement with molecular dynamics simulations, this steady state is consistent with an ion track “annihilation” process, where high-density regions generated in the periphery of new tracks fill in low-density regions located at the center of existing tracks.The authors acknowledge the Australian Research Council and the Australian Synchrotron Research Program for financial support and thank the staff at the ANU Heavy Ion facility for their continued technical assistance. O.P., F.D., and K.N. acknowledge financial support from the Academy of Finland under its Centre of Excellence program as well as the OPNA project, and grants of computer capacity from CSC

    Formation and structural characterization of Ni nanoparticles embedded in SiO₂

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    Face-centered cubic Ni nanoparticles were formed in SiO₂ by ion implantation and thermal annealing. Small-angle x-ray scattering in conjunction with transmission electron microscopy was used to determine the nanoparticle size as a function of annealing temperature, whereas the local atomic structure was measured with x-ray absorption spectroscopy. The influence of finite-size effects on the nanoparticle structural properties was readily apparent and included a decrease in coordination number and bond length and an increase in structural disorder for decreasing nanoparticle size. Such results are consistent with the non-negligible surface-to-volume ratio characteristic of nanoparticles. In addition, temperature-dependent x-ray absorption spectroscopy measurements showed the mean vibrational frequency (as obtained from the Einstein temperature) decreased with decreasing nanoparticle size. This reduction was attributed to the greater influence of the loosely bound, under-coordinated surface atoms prevailing over the effects of capillary pressure, the former enhancing the low frequency modes of the vibrational density of statesThis work was financially supported by the Australian Synchrotron and the Australian Research Council with access to equipment provided by the Australian Nanofabrication Facility

    Trapping of Pd, Au, and Cu by implantation-induced nanocavities and dislocations in Si

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    The gettering of metallic impurities by nanocavities formed in Si is a topic of both scientific importance and technological significance. Metallic precipitates observed in the regions where nanocavities were formed have been considered the result of the metal filling the nanocavities, either as elemental metal or a silicide phase. However, our transmission electron microscopy observations demonstrate that many of these precipitates are concentrated along dislocations, rather than randomly distributed as expected for precipitates formed by the filling of nanocavities. Consequently, the gettering contribution of dislocations in the lattice caused by nanocavity formation must be considered. For Pd, dislocations are the preferred sites for the precipitation of the metal silicide. We compare results of gettering by nanocavities and dislocations for Pd, Au, and Cu to determine which structure is the dominant influence for the formation of precipitates of these metals and/or their silicides

    Direct observation of substitutional Ga after ion implantation in Ge by means of extended x-ray absorption fine structure

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    We present an experimental lattice location study of Ga atoms in Ge after ion implantation at elevated temperature (250°C). Using extended x-rayabsorption fine structure (EXAFS) experiments and a dedicated sample preparation method, we have studied the lattice location of Ga atoms in Ge with a concentration ranging from 0.5 at. % down to 0.005 at. %. At Ga concentrations ≤0.05 at.%, all Ga dopants are substitutional directly after ion implantation, without the need for post-implantation thermal annealing. At higher Ga concentrations, a reduction in the EXAFS amplitude is observed, indicating that a fraction of the Ga atoms is located in a defective environment. The local strain induced by the Ga atoms in the Ge matrix is independent of the Ga concentration and extends only to the first nearest neighbor Ge shell, where a 1% contraction in bond length has been measured, in agreement with density functional theory calculations.We acknowledge the support from the Research Foundation Flanders, the epi-team from imec, the KU Leuven GOA 09/06 project, the IUAP program P6/42 and the Australian Research Council. S.C. acknowledges support from OCAS NV by an OCAS-endowed chair at Ghent University