24 research outputs found

    Maximizing oyster-reef growth supports green infrastructure with accelerating sea-level rise

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    Within intertidal communities, aerial exposure (emergence during the tidal cycle) generates strong vertical zonation patterns with distinct growth boundaries regulated by physiological and external stressors. Forecasted accelerations in sea-level rise (SLR) will shift the position of these critical boundaries in ways we cannot yet fully predict, but landward migration will be impaired by coastal development, amplifying the importance of foundation species’ ability to maintain their position relative to rising sea levels via vertical growth. Here we show the effects of emergence on vertical oyster-reef growth by determining the conditions at which intertidal reefs thrive and the sharp boundaries where reefs fail, which shift with changes in sea level. We found that oyster reef growth is unimodal relative to emergence, with greatest growth rates occurring between 20–40% exposure, and zero-growth boundaries at 10% and 55% exposures. Notably, along the lower growth boundary (10%), increased rates of SLR would outpace reef accretion, thereby reducing the depth range of substrate suitable for reef maintenance and formation, and exacerbating habitat loss along developed shorelines. Our results identify where, within intertidal areas, constructed or natural oyster reefs will persist and function best as green infrastructure to enhance coastal resiliency under conditions of accelerating SLR

    World Congress Integrative Medicine & Health 2017: Part one

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    Elasmobranch Use of Nearshore Estuarine Habitats Responds to Fine-Scale, Intra-Seasonal Environmental Variation: Observing Coastal Shark Density in a Temperate Estuary Utilizing Unoccupied Aircraft Systems (UAS)

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    Many coastal shark species are known to use estuaries of the coastal southeastern United States for essential purposes like foraging, reproducing, and protection from predation. Temperate estuarine landscapes, such as the Rachel Carson Reserve (RCR) in Beaufort, NC, are dynamic habitat mosaics that experience fluctuations in physical and chemical oceanographic properties on various temporal and spatial scales. These patterns in abiotic conditions play an important role in determining species movement. The goal of this study was to understand the impact of environmental conditions around the RCR on shark density within the high-abundance summer season. Unoccupied Aircraft System (UAS) surveys of coastal habitats within the reserve were used to quantify shark density across varying environmental conditions. A combination of correlation analyses and Generalized Linear Modelling (GLM) revealed that density differs substantially across study sites and increases with rising water temperatures, conclusions that are supported by previous work in similar habitats. Additionally, density appears to increase moving towards dawn and dusk, potentially supporting crepuscular activity in coastal estuarine areas. By describing shark density dynamics in the RCR, this study provides new information on this population and presents a novel framework for studying elasmobranchs in temperate estuaries

    Comparison of 3D structural metrics on oyster reefs using unoccupied aircraft photogrammetry and terrestrial LiDAR across a tidal elevation gradient

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    Abstract Physical structures generated from ecosystem engineers can have a cascade of impacts on the ecological community and the surrounding landscape. The Eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica can form extensive intertidal reefs, whose three‐dimensional structures provide ecosystem services like nursery and foraging habitat for fishes and invertebrates and shoreline stabilization. Measurements of the structural properties of these reefs provide opportunities to quantitatively assess associated services. There is a growing variety of tools available for measuring three‐dimensional (3D) properties of intertidal habitats, including two remote sensing methods that capture 3D structural metrics in a number of environments. We surveyed reefs using a terrestrial laser scanner (TLS, LiDAR) and imagery from unoccupied aircraft systems (UAS, or drones) processed through Structure from Motion photogrammetry. Comparisons of digital elevation models from repetitive flights over an oyster reef to checkpoints yielded mean horizontal and vertical root mean square errors (RMSE) of −0.54 ± 0.47 cm and 0.97 ± 1.0 cm (Mean ± SD), respectively, indicating high accuracy among UAS surveys. Compared to TLS products, point cloud densities from UAS‐derived products were more consistent across the reef elevation gradient and much denser overall except in the low reef zone, which was proximal to most of the TLS scan locations. Comparisons of structural metrics between UAS and TLS showed similarities in metrics like profile and planform curvatures, yet indicated UAS surveys produced higher values of surface complexity and slope. Results indicate that UAS photogrammetry can produce robust oyster reef structural metrics that can be highly useful in oyster conservation and restoration

    Estimation of Intertidal Oyster Reef Density Using Spectral and Structural Characteristics Derived from Unoccupied Aircraft Systems and Structure from Motion Photogrammetry

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    Eastern oysters (Crassostrea virginica) are an important component of the ecology and economy in coastal zones. Through the long-term consolidation of densely clustered shells, oyster reefs generate three-dimensional and complex structures that yield a suite of ecosystem services, such as nursery habitat, stabilizing shorelines, regulating nutrients, and increasing biological diversity. The decline of global oyster habitat has been well documented and can be attributed to factors, such as overharvesting, pollution, and disease. Monitoring oyster reefs is necessary to evaluate persistence and track changes in habitat conditions but can be time and labor intensive. In this present study, spectral and structural metrics of intertidal oyster reefs derived from Unoccupied Aircraft Systems (UAS) and Structure from Motion (SfM) outputs are used to estimate intertidal oyster density. This workflow provides a remote, rapid, nondestructive, and potentially standardizable method to assess large-scale intertidal oyster reef density that will significantly improve management strategies to protect this important coastal resource from habitat degradation

    Estimation of Intertidal Oyster Reef Density Using Spectral and Structural Characteristics Derived from Unoccupied Aircraft Systems and Structure from Motion Photogrammetry

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    Eastern oysters (Crassostrea virginica) are an important component of the ecology and economy in coastal zones. Through the long-term consolidation of densely clustered shells, oyster reefs generate three-dimensional and complex structures that yield a suite of ecosystem services, such as nursery habitat, stabilizing shorelines, regulating nutrients, and increasing biological diversity. The decline of global oyster habitat has been well documented and can be attributed to factors, such as overharvesting, pollution, and disease. Monitoring oyster reefs is necessary to evaluate persistence and track changes in habitat conditions but can be time and labor intensive. In this present study, spectral and structural metrics of intertidal oyster reefs derived from Unoccupied Aircraft Systems (UAS) and Structure from Motion (SfM) outputs are used to estimate intertidal oyster density. This workflow provides a remote, rapid, nondestructive, and potentially standardizable method to assess large-scale intertidal oyster reef density that will significantly improve management strategies to protect this important coastal resource from habitat degradation

    Temporally Generalizable Land Cover Classification: A Recurrent Convolutional Neural Network Unveils Major Coastal Change through Time

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    The ability to accurately classify land cover in periods before appropriate training and validation data exist is a critical step towards understanding subtle long-term impacts of climate change. These trends cannot be properly understood and distinguished from individual disturbance events or decadal cycles using only a decade or less of data. Understanding these long-term changes in low lying coastal areas, home to a huge proportion of the global population, is of particular importance. Relatively simple deep learning models that extract representative spatiotemporal patterns can lead to major improvements in temporal generalizability. To provide insight into major changes in low lying coastal areas, our study (1) developed a recurrent convolutional neural network that incorporates spectral, spatial, and temporal contexts for predicting land cover class, (2) evaluated this model across time and space and compared this model to conventional Random Forest and Support Vector Machine methods as well as other deep learning approaches, and (3) applied this model to classify land cover across 20 years of Landsat 5 data in the low-lying coastal plain of North Carolina, USA. We observed striking changes related to sea level rise that support evidence on a smaller scale of agricultural land and forests transitioning into wetlands and “ghost forests”. This work demonstrates that recurrent convolutional neural networks should be considered when a model is needed that can generalize across time and that they can help uncover important trends necessary for understanding and responding to climate change in vulnerable coastal regions

    Modeling Salt Marsh Vegetation Height Using Unoccupied Aircraft Systems and Structure from Motion

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    Salt marshes provide important services to coastal ecosystems in the southeastern United States. In many locations, salt marsh habitats are threatened by coastal development and erosion, necessitating large-scale monitoring. Assessing vegetation height across the extent of a marsh can provide a comprehensive analysis of its health, as vegetation height is associated with Above Ground Biomass (AGB) and can be used to track degradation or growth over time. Traditional methods to do this, however, rely on manual measurements of stem heights that can cause harm to the marsh ecosystem. Moreover, manual measurements are limited in scale and are often time and labor intensive. Unoccupied Aircraft Systems (UAS) can provide an alternative to manual measurements and generate continuous results across a large spatial extent in a short period of time. In this study, a multirotor UAS equipped with optical Red Green Blue (RGB) and multispectral sensors was used to survey five salt marshes in Beaufort, North Carolina. Structure-from-Motion (SfM) photogrammetry of the resultant imagery allowed for continuous modeling of the entire marsh ecosystem in a three-dimensional space. From these models, vegetation height was extracted and compared to ground-based manual measurements. Vegetation heights generated from UAS data consistently under-predicted true vegetation height proportionally and a transformation was developed to predict true vegetation height. Vegetation height may be used as a proxy for Above Ground Biomass (AGB) and contribute to blue carbon estimates, which describe the carbon sequestered in marine ecosystems. Employing this transformation, our results indicate that UAS and SfM are capable of producing accurate assessments of salt marsh health via consistent and accurate vegetation height measurements

    Integrating Drone Imagery into High Resolution Satellite Remote Sensing Assessments of Estuarine Environments

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    Very high-resolution satellite imagery (≤5 m resolution) has become available on a spatial and temporal scale appropriate for dynamic wetland management and conservation across large areas. Estuarine wetlands have the potential to be mapped at a detailed habitat scale with a frequency that allows immediate monitoring after storms, in response to human disturbances, and in the face of sea-level rise. Yet mapping requires significant fieldwork to run modern classification algorithms and estuarine environments can be difficult to access and are environmentally sensitive. Recent advances in unoccupied aircraft systems (UAS, or drones), coupled with their increased availability, present a solution. UAS can cover a study site with ultra-high resolution (<5 cm) imagery allowing visual validation. In this study we used UAS imagery to assist training a Support Vector Machine to classify WorldView-3 and RapidEye satellite imagery of the Rachel Carson Reserve in North Carolina, USA. UAS and field-based accuracy assessments were employed for comparison across validation methods. We created and examined an array of indices and layers including texture, NDVI, and a LiDAR DEM. Our results demonstrate classification accuracy on par with previous extensive fieldwork campaigns (93% UAS and 93% field for WorldView-3; 92% UAS and 87% field for RapidEye). Examining change between 2004 and 2017, we found drastic shoreline change but general stability of emergent wetlands. Both WorldView-3 and RapidEye were found to be valuable sources of imagery for habitat classification with the main tradeoff being WorldView’s fine spatial resolution versus RapidEye’s temporal frequency. We conclude that UAS can be highly effective in training and validating satellite imagery