7 research outputs found

    Comparison of Internal and External Distraction in Frontofacial Monobloc Advancement:A Three-Dimensional Quantification

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    Background: Crouzon syndrome is characterized by complex craniosynostosis and midfacial hypoplasia. Where frontofacial monobloc advancement (FFMBA) is indicated, the method of distraction used to achieve advancement holds an element of equipoise. This two-center retrospective cohort study quantifies the movements produced by internal or external distraction methods used for FFMBA. Using shape analysis, this study evaluates whether the different distraction forces cause plastic deformity of the frontofacial segment, producing distinct morphologic outcomes. Methods: Patients with Crouzon syndrome who underwent FFMBA with internal distraction [HĂ´pital Necker-Enfants Malades (Paris, France)] or external distraction [Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children (London, United Kingdom)] were compared. Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine files of preoperative and postoperative computed tomographic scans were converted to three-dimensional bone meshes and skeletal movements were assessed using nonrigid iterative closest point registration. Displacements were visualized using color maps and statistical analysis of the vectors was undertaken. Results: Fifty-one patients met the strict inclusion criteria. Twenty-five underwent FFMBA with external distraction and 26 with internal distraction. External distraction provides a preferential midfacial advancement, whereas internal distractors produce a more positive movement at the lateral orbital rim. This confers good orbital protection but does not advance the central midface to the same extent. Vector analysis confirmed this to be statistically significant (P &lt; 0.01). Conclusions: Morphologic changes resulting from monobloc surgery differ depending on the distraction technique used. Although the relative merits of internal and external distraction still stand, it may be that external distraction is more suited to addressing the midfacial biconcavity seen in syndromic craniosynostosis. CLINICAL QUESTION/LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: Therapeutic, III.</p

    Latent Disentanglement in Mesh Variational Autoencoders Improves the Diagnosis of Craniofacial Syndromes and Aids Surgical Planning

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    The use of deep learning to undertake shape analysis of the complexities of the human head holds great promise. However, there have traditionally been a number of barriers to accurate modelling, especially when operating on both a global and local level. In this work, we will discuss the application of the Swap Disentangled Variational Autoencoder (SD-VAE) with relevance to Crouzon, Apert and Muenke syndromes. Although syndrome classification is performed on the entire mesh, it is also possible, for the first time, to analyse the influence of each region of the head on the syndromic phenotype. By manipulating specific parameters of the generative model, and producing procedure-specific new shapes, it is also possible to simulate the outcome of a range of craniofacial surgical procedures. This opens new avenues to advance diagnosis, aids surgical planning and allows for the objective evaluation of surgical outcomes

    Comparison of Internal and External Distraction in Frontofacial Monobloc Advancement: A Three-Dimensional Quantification

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    INTRODUCTION: Crouzon syndrome is characterised by complex craniosynostosis and midfacial hypoplasia. Where frontofacial monobloc advancement (FFMBA) is indicated, the method of distraction used to achieve advancement holds an element of equipoise. This two-centre retrospective cohort study quantifies the movements produced by internal or external distraction methods used for FFMBA. Using shape analysis, this study evaluates if the different distraction forces cause plastic deformity of the frontofacial segment, producing distinct morphological outcomes. METHODS: Patients with Crouzon syndrome who underwent FFMBA with internal distraction (Necker, HĂ´pital Necker - Enfants Malades, Paris) or external distraction (GOSH, Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children, London) were compared. DICOM files of pre- and post-operative CT-scans were converted to three-dimensional bone meshes and skeletal movements were assessed using non-rigid iterative closest point registration. Displacements were visualised using colour maps and statistical analysis of the vectors undertaken. RESULTS: 51 patients met the strict inclusion criteria. 25 underwent FFMBA with external distraction and 26 with internal distraction. External distraction provides a preferential midfacial advancement whereas internal distractors produce a more positive movement at the lateral orbital rim. This confers good orbital protection but does not advance the central midface to the same extent. Vector analysis confirmed this to be statistically significant (p<0.01). CONCLUSION: Morphological changes resulting from monobloc surgery differ depending on the distraction technique used. Although the relative merits of internal and external distraction still stand, it may be that external distraction is more suited to addressing the midfacial biconcavity seen in syndromic craniosynostosis

    Comparison of Internal and External Distraction in Frontofacial Monobloc Advancement:A Three-Dimensional Quantification

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    Background: Crouzon syndrome is characterized by complex craniosynostosis and midfacial hypoplasia. Where frontofacial monobloc advancement (FFMBA) is indicated, the method of distraction used to achieve advancement holds an element of equipoise. This two-center retrospective cohort study quantifies the movements produced by internal or external distraction methods used for FFMBA. Using shape analysis, this study evaluates whether the different distraction forces cause plastic deformity of the frontofacial segment, producing distinct morphologic outcomes. Methods: Patients with Crouzon syndrome who underwent FFMBA with internal distraction [HĂ´pital Necker-Enfants Malades (Paris, France)] or external distraction [Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children (London, United Kingdom)] were compared. Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine files of preoperative and postoperative computed tomographic scans were converted to three-dimensional bone meshes and skeletal movements were assessed using nonrigid iterative closest point registration. Displacements were visualized using color maps and statistical analysis of the vectors was undertaken. Results: Fifty-one patients met the strict inclusion criteria. Twenty-five underwent FFMBA with external distraction and 26 with internal distraction. External distraction provides a preferential midfacial advancement, whereas internal distractors produce a more positive movement at the lateral orbital rim. This confers good orbital protection but does not advance the central midface to the same extent. Vector analysis confirmed this to be statistically significant (P &lt; 0.01). Conclusions: Morphologic changes resulting from monobloc surgery differ depending on the distraction technique used. Although the relative merits of internal and external distraction still stand, it may be that external distraction is more suited to addressing the midfacial biconcavity seen in syndromic craniosynostosis. CLINICAL QUESTION/LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: Therapeutic, III.</p

    Facing Africa: Describing Noma in Ethiopia.

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    Noma affects the most marginalized communities in the world, beginning as oral ulceration and rapidly progressing to orofacial gangrene. With a mortality rate estimated to be as high as 90% and with very few able to access treatment in its active phase, very little is understood about the disease. This retrospective review of patients treated by Facing Africa for deformity and functional impairment secondary to noma between May 2015 and 2019 highlights some of the difficulties encountered by those afflicted. Eighty new patients with historical noma defects were identified and were seen over the course of nine surgical missions, with notes providing valuable geographical, socioeconomic, and psychosocial information. The mean self-reported age of onset was 5 years and 8 months, with a median time of 18 years from onset to accessing treatment. Before intervention, 65% covered their face in public, 59% reported difficulty eating, 81% were unhappy with their appearance, and 71% experienced bullying. We aimed at emphasizing the significant burden, both psychologically and physically of noma, demonstrating the disparity between recent decades of progress in the well-being of Ethiopians in general and the access to health care and mental health support for some of those most in need