1,348 research outputs found

    The Prognostic Significance of the Expression Change of EGFR during Neoadjuvant Chemoradiotherapy in Patients with Rectal Carcinoma

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    Aim of the study: the aim of this retrospective study was to determine the prognostic impact of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) expression changes during neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy in patients with locally advanced rectal cancer

    Time-of-flight electron spectrometer for a broad range of kinetic energies

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    A newly constructed time-of-flight electron spectrometer of the magnetic bottle type is characterized for electron detection in a broad range of kinetic energies. The instrument is designed to measure the energy spectra of electrons generated from liquids excited by strong laser fields and photons in the range of extreme ultra violet and soft X-rays. Argon inner shell electrons were recorded to calibrate the spectrometer and investigate its characteristics, such as energy resolution and collection efficiency. Its energy resolution ΔE/E of 1.6% allows resolving the Ar 2p spin orbit structure at kinetic energies higher than 100 eV. The collection efficiency is determined and compared to that of the spectrometer in its field-free configuration

    RAPTOR - Room Adaptive Precisely Topologically Orienting Robot

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    Die Projektgruppe 524, auch RAPTOR (Room Adaptive Precisely Topologically Orienting Robot) genannt, entwickelt mit dem c’t Bot als Grundlage, einen Staubsaugerroboter ohne Saugmechanismus. Motiviert von den Unzulänglichkeiten bestehender Roboter strebt die Projektgruppe einige Verbesserungen, siehe Abschnitt 1.1 auf dieser Seite, an. Auf das Ziel und die Vorgehensweise wird in den Abschnitten 1.2 und 1.3 näher eingegangen

    Catastrophizing in Patients with Burning Mouth Syndrome

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    Uvod: Sindrom pekućih usta (SPU) idiopatska je tegoba kod koje usna šupljina peče i boli pacijente s klinički normalnom oralnom sluznicom. Pritom su isključeni lokalni i opći uzroci. Katastrofiziranje se definira kao pretjerana negativna orijentacija prema osjećaju boli i bolnog iskustva. Svrha ovog rada bila je ispitati povezanost između katastrofiziranja i kliničkih parametara SPU-a te između katastrofiziranja i kvalitete života bolesnika s SPU-om. Materijali i metode: Anonimni trodijelni upitnik [opći parametri i vizualna analogna ljestvica (VAS) za procjenu intenziteta pečenja (od 0 do 100 mm), hrvatska inačica OHIP-ove ljestvice (OHIP 14) te hrvatska verzija ljestvice Pain Catastrophizing] ispunilo je 30 pacijenata s dijagnosticiranim SPU-om. Rezultati: Katastrofiziranje je bilo klinički značajno izraženo kod 30 posto bolesnika. Ukupno katastrofiziranje i sve tri potkomponente bile su u korelaciji s intenzitetom pečenja, ali ne i s trajanjem tegoba. Pacijenti sa snažnijim katastrofiziranjem imali su lošiju kvalitetu života. Spol nije utjecao na to stanje. Zaključak: Uvidom u katastrofiziranje moglo bi se identificirati pacijente s negativnim obrascima ponašanja kod kojih bi se dodatnom psihološkom intervencijom mogli smanjiti ili eliminirati negativni kognitivni čimbenici i poboljšati podnošenje kroničnoga bolnog stanja kao što je SPU.Background: Burning mouth syndrome (BMS) is an idiopathic painful condition which manifests with burning sensations in the oral cavity in patients with clinically normal oral mucosa and without any local and/or systemic causative factor. Catastrophizing is defined as an exaggerated negative orientation toward pain stimuli and pain experience. The aim of this study was to examine the association between catastrophizing and clinical parameters of BMS, and to examine the association between catastrophizing and the quality of life in patients with BMS. Materials and methods: Anonymous questionnaire consisting of 3 parts (demographic and clinical data with 100 mm visual analogue scale (VAS), Croatian version of the Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP-14) scale and Croatian version of the Pain Catastrophizing scale (PC), was distributed to 30 patients diagnosed with BMS. Results: A higher level of catastrophizing was clinically significant in 30% of the patients. Total catastrophizing score and all three subcomponents of catastrophizing significantly correlated with the intensity of symptoms, but did not correlate with the duration of symptoms. Gender and previous treatment did not affect the catastrophizing. Conclusion: Obtaining the information about catastrophizing could help a clinician to identify patients with negative behavioural patterns. Additional psychological intervention in these individuals could reduce/eliminate negative cognitive factors and improve coping with chronic painful condition such as BMS

    molecular recognition at interfaces

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    In order to investigate molecular recognition on surfaces, an azide- functionalized monolayer was deposited on gold. The monolayer was characterized by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and angle-resolved near-edge X-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS) experiments and the decomposition of the azide upon irradiation with X-ray beams was investigated. Subsequently, various alkyne-functionalized host and guest molecules were attached to the azide by 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition. These modified surfaces and their host–guest chemistry were analysed by XPS and angle-resolved NEXAFS. The reversibility of guest binding was shown for one example as a proof of principle

    Subcycle interference upon tunnel ionization by counter-rotating two-color fields

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    We report on three-dimensional (3D) electron momentum distributions from single ionization of helium by a laser pulse consisting of two counter-rotating circularly polarized fields (390 and 780 nm). A pronounced 3D low-energy structure and subcycle interferences are observed experimentally and reproduced numerically using a trajectory-based semiclassical simulation. The orientation of the low-energy structure in the polarization plane is verified by numerical simulations solving the time-dependent Schrödinger equation.This Rapid Communication was supported by the DFG Priority Programme “Quantum Dynamics in Tailored Intense Fields” of the German Research Foundation (Project No. DO 604/29-1). A.H. and K.H. acknowledge support from the German Merit Foundation. A.K. acknowledges support from the Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Foundation