625 research outputs found

    Ground state and low-lying excitations of the spin-1/2 XXZ model on the kagome lattice at magnetization 1/3

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    We study the ground state and low-lying excitations of the S=1/2 XXZ antiferromagnet on the kagome lattice at magnetization one third of the saturation. An exponential number of non-magnetic states is found below a magnetic gap. The non-magnetic excitations also have a gap above the ground state, but it is much smaller than the magnetic gap. This ground state corresponds to an ordered pattern with resonances in one third of the hexagons. The spin-spin correlation function is short ranged, but there is long-range order of valence-bond crystal type.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figure included, to appear in Physica B (proceedings of SCES'04

    Galois theory and Lubin-Tate cochains on classifying spaces

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    We consider brave new cochain extensions F(BG +,R) → F(EG +,R), where R is either a Lubin-Tate spectrum E n or the related 2-periodic Morava K-theory K n , and G is a finite group. When R is an Eilenberg-Mac Lane spectrum, in some good cases such an extension is a G-Galois extension in the sense of John Rognes, but not always faithful. We prove that for E n and K n these extensions are always faithful in the K n local category. However, for a cyclic p-group C p r, the cochain extension F(BC p r +,E n ) → F(EC p r +, E n ) is not a Galois extension because it ramifies. As a consequence, it follows that the E n -theory Eilenberg-Moore spectral sequence for G and BG does not always converge to its expected target

    Correlation between the quenching of total GT+ strength and the increase of E2 strength

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    Relations between the total beta+ Gamow-Teller (GT+) strength and the E2 strength are further examined. It is found that in shell-model calculations for N=Z nuclei, in which changes in deformation are induced by varying the single-particle energies, the total GT+ or GT- strength decreases monotonically with increasing values of the B(E2) from the ground state to the first excited J=2+ state. Similar trends are also seen for the double GT transition amplitude (with some exceptions) and for the spin part of the total M1 strength as a function of B(E2).Comment: 11 pages and 3 figures (Figures will be sent on request

    Spin filtering and magnetoresistance in ballistic tunnel junctions

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    We theoretically investigate magnetoresistance (MR) effects in connection with spin filtering in quantum-coherent transport through tunnel junctions based on non-magnetic/semimagnetic heterostructures. We find that spin filtering in conjunction with the suppression/enhancement of the spin-dependent Fermi seas in semimagnetic contacts gives rise to (i) spin-split kinks in the MR of single barriers and (ii) a robust beating pattern in the MR of double barriers with a semimagnetic well. We believe these are unique signatures for quantum filtering.Comment: Added references + corrected typo

    Lattice distortions in a sawtooth chain with Heisenberg and Ising bonds

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    An exactly solvable model of the sawtooth chain with Ising and Heisenberg bonds and with coupling to lattice distortion for Heisenberg bonds is considered in the magnetic field. Using the direct transfer-matrix formalism an exact description of the thermodynamic functions is obtained. The ground state phase diagrams for all regions of parameters values containing phases corresponding to the magnetization plateaus at M=0,1/4M=0,1/4 and 1/2 have been obtained. Exact formulas for bond distortions for various ground states are presented. A novel mechanism of magnetization plateau stabilization corresponding to M=1/4M=1/4 state is reported.Comment: 16 pages, 12 figure

    First order optical potentials and 25 to 40 MeV proton elastic scattering

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    The differential cross sections and analyzing powers from the elastic scattering of 25 and 40 MeV protons from many nuclei have been studied. Analyses have been made using a fully microscopic model of proton-nucleus scattering seeking to establish a means appropriate for use in analyses of radioactive beam scattering from hydrogen with ion energies 25A and 40A MeV.Comment: 9 pages, RevTeX, 4 figure

    Theory of Shubnikov--De Haas Oscillations Around the ν=1/2\nu=1/2 Filling Factor of the Landau Level: Effect of Gauge Field Fluctuations

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    We present a theory of magnetooscillations around the ν=1/2\nu =1/2 Landau level filling factor based on a model with a fluctuating Chern--Simons field. The quasiclassical treatment of the problem is appropriate and leads to an unconventional exp[(π/ωcτ1/2)4]\exp\left[-(\pi/\omega_c\tau^*_{1/2})^4\right] behavior of the amplitude of oscillations. This result is in good qualitative agreement with available experimental data.Comment: Revtex, 4 pages, 1 figure attached as PostScript fil

    Equilibration processes in the Warm-Hot Intergalactic Medium

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    The Warm-Hot Intergalactic Medium (WHIM) is thought to contribute about 40-50 % to the baryonic budget at the present evolution stage of the universe. The observed large scale structure is likely to be due to gravitational growth of density fluctuations in the post-inflation era. The evolving cosmic web is governed by non-linear gravitational growth of the initially weak density fluctuations in the dark energy dominated cosmology. Non-linear structure formation, accretion and merging processes, star forming and AGN activity produce gas shocks in the WHIM. Shock waves are converting a fraction of the gravitation power to thermal and non-thermal emission of baryonic/leptonic matter. They provide the most likely way to power the luminous matter in the WHIM. The plasma shocks in the WHIM are expected to be collisionless. Collisionless shocks produce a highly non-equilibrium state with anisotropic temperatures and a large differences in ion and electron temperatures. We discuss the ion and electron heating by the collisionless shocks and then review the plasma processes responsible for the Coulomb equilibration and collisional ionisation equilibrium of oxygen ions in the WHIM. MHD-turbulence produced by the strong collisionless shocks could provide a sizeable non-thermal contribution to the observed Doppler parameter of the UV line spectra of the WHIM.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Space Science Reviews, special issue "Clusters of galaxies: beyond the thermal view", Editor J.S. Kaastra, Chapter 8; work done by an international team at the International Space Science Institute (ISSI), Bern, organised by J.S. Kaastra, A.M. Bykov, S. Schindler & J.A.M. Bleeke

    Quantum feedback with weak measurements

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    The problem of feedback control of quantum systems by means of weak measurements is investigated in detail. When weak measurements are made on a set of identical quantum systems, the single-system density matrix can be determined to a high degree of accuracy while affecting each system only slightly. If this information is fed back into the systems by coherent operations, the single-system density matrix can be made to undergo an arbitrary nonlinear dynamics, including for example a dynamics governed by a nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation. We investigate the implications of such nonlinear quantum dynamics for various problems in quantum control and quantum information theory, including quantum computation. The nonlinear dynamics induced by weak quantum feedback could be used to create a novel form of quantum chaos in which the time evolution of the single-system wave function depends sensitively on initial conditions.Comment: 11 pages, TeX, replaced to incorporate suggestions of Asher Pere

    The role and uses of antibodies in COVID-19 infections: a living review

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    Coronavirus disease 2019 has generated a rapidly evolving field of research, with the global scientific community striving for solutions to the current pandemic. Characterizing humoral responses towards SARS-CoV-2, as well as closely related strains, will help determine whether antibodies are central to infection control, and aid the design of therapeutics and vaccine candidates. This review outlines the major aspects of SARS-CoV-2-specific antibody research to date, with a focus on the various prophylactic and therapeutic uses of antibodies to alleviate disease in addition to the potential of cross-reactive therapies and the implications of long-term immunity