18,259 research outputs found

    On undecidability results of real programming languages

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    Original article can be found at : http://www.vmars.tuwien.ac.at/ Copyright Institut fur Technische InformatikOften, it is argued that some problems in data-flow analysis such as e.g. worst case execution time analysis are undecidable (because the halting problem is) and therefore only a conservative approximation of the desired information is possible. In this paper, we show that the semantics for some important real programming languages – in particular those used for programming embedded devices – can be modeled as finite state systems or pushdown machines. This implies that the halting problem becomes decidable and therefore invalidates popular arguments for using conservative analysis

    Small angle neutron scattering observation of chain retraction after a large step deformation

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    The process of retraction in entangled linear chains after a fast nonlinear stretch was detected from time-resolved but quenched small angle neutron scattering (SANS) experiments on long, well-entangled polyisoprene chains. The statically obtained SANS data cover the relevant time regime for retraction, and they provide a direct, microscopic verification of this nonlinear process as predicted by the tube model. Clear, quantitative agreement is found with recent theories of contour length fluctuations and convective constraint release, using parameters obtained mainly from linear rheology. The theory captures the full range of scattering vectors once the crossover to fluctuations on length scales below the tube diameter is accounted for

    Asymptotic Expansions for Large Deviation Probabilities of Noncentral Generalized Chi-Square Distributions

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    AbstractAsymptotic expansions for large deviation probabilities are used to approximate the cumulative distribution functions of noncentral generalized chi-square distributions, preferably in the far tails. The basic idea of how to deal with the tail probabilities consists in first rewriting these probabilities as large parameter values of the Laplace transform of a suitably defined function fk; second making a series expansion of this function, and third applying a certain modification of Watson's lemma. The function fk is deduced by applying a geometric representation formula for spherical measures to the multivariate domain of large deviations under consideration. At the so-called dominating point, the largest main curvature of the boundary of this domain tends to one as the large deviation parameter approaches infinity. Therefore, the dominating point degenerates asymptotically. For this reason the recent multivariate asymptotic expansion for large deviations in Breitung and Richter (1996, J. Multivariate Anal.58, 1–20) does not apply. Assuming a suitably parametrized expansion for the inverse g−1 of the negative logarithm of the density-generating function, we derive a series expansion for the function fk. Note that low-order coefficients from the expansion of g−1 influence practically all coefficients in the expansion of the tail probabilities. As an application, classification probabilities when using the quadratic discriminant function are discussed

    Large magnetoresistance effect due to spin-injection into a non-magnetic semiconductor

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    A novel magnetoresistance effect, due to the injection of a spin-polarized electron current from a dilute magnetic into a non-magnetic semiconductor, is presented. The effect results from the suppression of a spin channel in the non-magnetic semiconductor and can theoretically yield a positive magnetoresistance of 100%, when the spin flip length in the non-magnetic semiconductor is sufficiently large. Experimentally, our devices exhibit up to 25% magnetoresistance.Comment: 3 figures, submitted for publicatio

    Molecular observation of contour-length fluctuations limiting topological confinement in polymer melts

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    In order to study the mechanisms limiting the topological chain confinement in polymer melts, we have performed neutron-spin-echo investigations of the single-chain dynamic-structure factor from polyethylene melts over a large range of chain lengths. While at high molecular weight the reptation model is corroborated, a systematic loosening of the confinement with decreasing chain length is found. The dynamic-structure factors are quantitatively described by the effect of contour-length fluctuations on the confining tube, establishing this mechanism on a molecular level in space and time

    Quantum kagome antiferromagnet in a magnetic field: Low-lying non-magnetic excitations versus valence-bond crystal order

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    We study the ground state properties of a quantum antiferromagnet on the kagome lattice in the presence of a magnetic field, paying particular attention to the stability of the plateau at magnetization 1/3 of saturation and the nature of its ground state. We discuss fluctuations around classical ground states and argue that quantum and classical calculations at the harmonic level do not lead to the same result in contrast to the zero-field case. For spin S=1/2 we find a magnetic gap below which an exponential number of non-magnetic excitations are present. Moreover, such non-magnetic excitations also have a (much smaller) gap above the three-fold degenerate ground state. We provide evidence that the ground state has long-range order of valence-bond crystal type with nine spins in the unit cell.Comment: 5 pages including 4 figures, uses REVTeX4; final version with some small extensions; to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Hydrologic Transport of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon and Its Control on Chemical Weathering

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    Chemical weathering is one of the major processes interacting with climate and tectonics to form clays, supply nutrients to soil microorganisms and plants, and sequester atmospheric CO2. Hydrology and dissolution kinetics have been emphasized as factors controlling chemical weathering rates. However, the interaction between hydrology and transport of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) in controlling weathering has received less attention. In this paper, we present an analytical model that couples subsurface water and chemical molar balance equations to analyze the roles of hydrology and DIC transport on chemical weathering. The balance equations form a dynamical system that fully determines the dynamics of the weathering zone chemistry as forced by the transport of DIC. The model is formulated specifically for the silicate mineral albite, but it can be extended to other minerals, and is studied as a function of percolation rate and water transit time. Three weathering regimes are elucidated. For very small or large values of transit time, the weathering is limited by reaction kinetics or transport, respectively. For intermediate values, the system is transport controlled and is sensitive to transit time. We apply the model to a series of watersheds for which we estimate transit times and identify the type of weathering regime. The results suggest that hydrologic transport of DIC may be as important as reaction kinetics and dilution in determining chemical weathering rates

    Encircling an Exceptional Point

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    We calculate analytically the geometric phases that the eigenvectors of a parametric dissipative two-state system described by a complex symmetric Hamiltonian pick up when an exceptional point (EP) is encircled. An EP is a parameter setting where the two eigenvalues and the corresponding eigenvectors of the Hamiltonian coalesce. We show that it can be encircled on a path along which the eigenvectors remain approximately real and discuss a microwave cavity experiment, where such an encircling of an EP was realized. Since the wavefunctions remain approximately real, they could be reconstructed from the nodal lines of the recorded spatial intensity distributions of the electric fields inside the resonator. We measured the geometric phases that occur when an EP is encircled four times and thus confirmed that for our system an EP is a branch point of fourth order.Comment: RevTex 4.0, four eps-figures (low resolution

    Coupled Cluster Treatment of the Shastry-Sutherland Antiferromagnet

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    We consider the zero-temperature properties of the spin-half two-dimensional Shastry-Sutherland antiferromagnet by using a high-order coupled cluster method (CCM) treatment. We find that this model demonstrates various groundstate phases (N\'{e}el, magnetically disordered, orthogonal dimer), and we make predictions for the positions of the phase transition points. In particular, we find that orthogonal-dimer state becomes the groundstate at J2d/J1∼1.477{J}^{d}_2/J_1 \sim 1.477. For the critical point J2c/J1J_2^{c}/J_1 where the semi-classical N\'eel order disappears we obtain a significantly lower value than J2d/J1J_2^{d}/J_1, namely, J2c/J1{J}^{c}_2/J_1 in the range [1.14,1.39][1.14, 1.39]. We therefore conclude that an intermediate phase exists between the \Neel and the dimer phases. An analysis of the energy of a competing spiral phase yields clear evidence that the spiral phase does not become the groundstate for any value of J2J_2. The intermediate phase is therefore magnetically disordered but may exhibit plaquette or columnar dimer ordering.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure
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