18 research outputs found

    Effects of the Convention on trade negotiations

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    peer reviewedThe UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions (CDCE) was adopted in 2005 and designed to allow States to protect and promote cultural policies. This book examines the effectiveness of the CDCE and offers ways by which its implementation may be improved to better attain its objectives. The book provides insight in how the normative character of the CDCE may be strengthened through implementation and increasingly recurrent practice based on its provisions. Hailing from various fields of international law, political and social sciences, the book’s contributors work to promote discussions on the practical and legal influence of the CDCE, and to identify opportunities and recommendations for a more effective application. Part One of the book assesses the effectiveness of the CDCE in influencing other areas of international law and the work conducted by other intergovernmental organizations through the recognition of the double nature (cultural and economic) of cultural goods and services. Part Two focuses on the practice of the CDCE beyond the recognition of the specificity of cultural goods and services in international law by addressing the CDCE’s call for greater international cooperation and stronger integration of cultural concerns in development strategies at the national and regional levels. The book will be of great use and interest to academics and practitioners in law, social and political sciences, agents of governmental and international organizations, and cultural sector stakeholders

    Border adjustment mechanisms :Elements for economic, legal, and political analysis

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    This paper examines, from a multidisciplinary perspective, plausible hypotheses for implementation of border carbon adjustment mechanisms, seen as a complement to strong environmental regulation. It highlights economic, legal, and political difficulties raised by border carbon adjustments. After thoroughly reviewing their economic practicability, it analyses these mechanisms from an International Trade Law perspective, particularly vis-Ă -vis the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, sustainable development, and the principle of shared but differentiated responsibilities. It concludes with an assessment of policy-related implications of such mechanisms and outlines, in particular, how border carbon adjustments may be used as an engine of economic and energy transition, for developed and developing countries equally

    La diversité culturelle et la précaution

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    Streaming platforme i profiliranje – rizici i prilike za otkrivanje raznolikoga kulturnog sadržaja

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    This contribution aims to address risks and opportunities for cultural diversity resulting from ‎platforms’ personalisation tools based on a legal analysis of the main provisions of the European Union‎ General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) on consumer profiling and automated decisions, as well as ‎a sample of data protection policies of selected streaming platforms. It examines how the latter may in‎ practice affect the protection of consumers’ personal data for the purpose of recommending personalised ‎audio-visual and music content online and how such provisions relate to the discoverability of a‎ diversified cultural offer online and, at the European level, the obligation for platforms to give prominence‎ to European works in their catalogues. The paper shows that a lot may still be done to improve the‎ transparency of algorithms used for personalisation purposes and to provide users with greater control of‎ their data, as required by the GDPR.‎Članak se bavi pitanjima rizika i prilika za kulturnu raznolikost koji proizlaze iz alata za personalizaciju ‎platformi, a temelji se na pravnoj analizi glavnih odredbi Opće uredbe o zaštiti podataka ‎Europske unije (engl. GDPR) o profiliranju potrošača i automatiziranim odlukama, kao i na analizi politika‎ zaštite podataka odabranih streaming platformi. U članku se ispituje kako potonji mogu u praksi‎ utjecati na zaštitu osobnih podataka potrošača u svrhu preporučivanja personaliziranih audiovizualnih‎i glazbenih sadržaja na internetu te kako se takve odredbe odnose na otkrivanje raznolike kulturne ponude‎ na internetu i, na europskoj razini, na obvezu platformi da istaknu europska djela u svojim katalozima.‎ Zaključuje se da još mnogo toga mora biti učinjeno kako bi se poboljšala transparentnost algoritama ‎koji se koriste u svrhu personalizacije te kako bi se korisnicima omogućila veća kontrola njihovih‎ podataka, kako to zahtijeva GDPR.

    Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions

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    peer reviewedaudience: researcher, professional, student, popularizatio