20,556 research outputs found

    Sunward-propagating Alfv\'enic fluctuations observed in the heliosphere

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    The mixture/interaction of anti-sunward-propagating Alfv\'enic fluctuations (AFs) and sunward-propagating Alfv\'enic fluctuations (SAFs) is believed to result in the decrease of the Alfv\'enicity of solar wind fluctuations with increasing heliocentric distance. However, SAFs are rarely observed at 1 au and solar wind AFs are found to be generally outward. Using the measurements from Voyager 2 and Wind, we perform a statistical survey of SAFs in the heliosphere inside 6 au. We first report two SAF events observed by Voyager 2. One is in the anti-sunward magnetic sector with a strong positive correlation between the fluctuations of magnetic field and solar wind velocity. The other one is in the sunward magnetic sector with a strong negative magnetic field-velocity correlation. Statistically, the percentage of SAFs increases gradually with heliocentric distance, from about 2.7% at 1.0 au to about 8.7% at 5.5 au. These results provide new clues for understanding the generation mechanism of SAFs

    Formation of Structure in Snowfields: Penitentes, Suncups, and Dirt Cones

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    Penitentes and suncups are structures formed as snow melts, typically high in the mountains. When the snow is dirty, dirt cones and other structures can form instead. Building on previous field observations and experiments, this work presents a theory of ablation morphologies, and the role of surface dirt in determining the structures formed. The glaciological literature indicates that sunlight, heating from air, and dirt all play a role in the formation of structure on an ablating snow surface. The present work formulates a mathematical model for the formation of ablation morphologies as a function of measurable parameters. The dependence of ablation morphologies on weather conditions and initial dirt thickness are studied, focusing on the initial growth of perturbations away from a flat surface. We derive a single-parameter expression for the melting rate as a function of dirt thickness, which agrees well with a set of measurements by Driedger. An interesting result is the prediction of a dirt-induced travelling instability for a range of parameters.Comment: 28 pages, 13 figure

    Perturbation theorems for Hele-Shaw flows and their applications

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    In this work, we give a perturbation theorem for strong polynomial solutions to the zero surface tension Hele-Shaw equation driven by injection or suction, so called the Polubarinova-Galin equation. This theorem enables us to explore properties of solutions with initial functions close to but are not polynomial. Applications of this theorem are given in the suction or injection case. In the former case, we show that if the initial domain is close to a disk, most of fluid will be sucked before the strong solution blows up. In the later case, we obtain precise large-time rescaling behaviors for large data to Hele-Shaw flows in terms of invariant Richardson complex moments. This rescaling behavior result generalizes a recent result regarding large-time rescaling behavior for small data in terms of moments. As a byproduct of a theorem in this paper, a short proof of existence and uniqueness of strong solutions to the Polubarinova-Galin equation is given.Comment: 25 page

    Evolution of an elliptical bubble in an accelerating extensional flow

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    Mathematical models that describe the dynamical behavior of a thin gas bubble embedded in a glass fiber during a fiber drawing process have been discussed and analyzed. The starting point for the mathematical modeling was the equations presented in [1] for a glass fiber with a hole undergoing extensional flow. These equations were reconsidered here with the additional reduction that the hole, i.e. the gas bubble, was thin as compared to the radius of the fiber and of finite extent. The primary model considered was one in which the mass of the gas inside the bubble was fixed. This fixed-mass model involved equations for the axial velocity and fiber radius, and equations for the radius of the bubble and the gas pressure inside the bubble. The model equations assumed that the temperature of the furnace of the drawing tower was known. The governing equations of the bubble are hyperbolic and predict that the bubble cannot extend beyond the limiting characteristics specified by the ends of the initial bubble shape. An analysis of pinch-off was performed, and it was found that pinch-off can occur, depending on the parameters of the model, due to surface tension when the bubble radius is small. In order to determine the evolution of a bubble, a numerical method of solution was presented. The method was used to study the evolution of two different initial bubble shapes, one convex and the other non-convex. Both initial bubble shapes had fore-aft symmetry, and it was found that the bubbles stretched and elongated severely during the drawing process. For the convex shape, fore-aft symmetry was lost in the middle of the drawing process, but the symmetry was re-gained by the end of the drawing tower. A small amount of pinch-off was observed at each end for this case, so that the final bubble length was slightly shorter than its theoretical maximum length. For the non-convex initial shape, pinch-off occurred in the middle of the bubble resulting in two bubbles by the end of the fiber draw. The two bubbles had different final pressures and did not have fore-aft symmetry. An extension of the fixed-mass model was considered in which the gas in the bubble was allowed to diffuse into the surrounding glass. The governing equations for this leaky-mass model were developed and manipulated into a form suitable for a numerical treatment

    Duality, thermodynamics, and the linear programming problem in constraint-based models of metabolism

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    It is shown that the dual to the linear programming problem that arises in constraint-based models of metabolism can be given a thermodynamic interpretation in which the shadow prices are chemical potential analogues, and the objective is to minimise free energy consumption given a free energy drain corresponding to growth. The interpretation is distinct from conventional non-equilibrium thermodynamics, although it does satisfy a minimum entropy production principle. It can be used to motivate extensions of constraint-based modelling, for example to microbial ecosystems.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, 1 table, RevTeX 4, final accepted versio

    Calibrating and monitoring the western gray whale mitigation zone and estimating acoustic transmission during a 3D seismic survey, Sakhalin Island, Russia

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    A 3D marine seismic survey of the Odoptu license area off northeastern Sakhalin Island, Russia, was conducted by DalMorNefteGeofizika (DMNG) on behalf of Exxon Neftegas Limited and the Sakhalin-1 consortium during mid-August through early September 2001. The key environmental issue identified in an environmental impact assessment was protection of the critically endangered western gray whale (Eschrichtius robustus), which spends the summer–fall open water period feeding off northeast Sakhalin Island in close proximity to the seismic survey area. Seismic mitigation and monitoring guidelines and recommendations were developed and implemented to reduce impacts on the feeding activity of western gray whales. Results of the acoustic monitoring program indicated that the noise monitoring and mitigation program was successful in reducing exposure of feeding western gray whales to seismic noise

    Exactly Solvable Pairing Model Using an Extension of Richardson-Gaudin Approach

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    We introduce a new class of exactly solvable boson pairing models using the technique of Richardson and Gaudin. Analytical expressions for all energy eigenvalues and first few energy eigenstates are given. In addition, another solution to Gaudin's equation is also mentioned. A relation with the Calogero-Sutherland model is suggested.Comment: 9 pages of Latex. In the proceedings of Blueprints for the Nucleus: From First Principles to Collective Motion: A Festschrift in Honor of Professor Bruce Barrett, Istanbul, Turkey, 17-23 May 200

    Thermodynamic properties of a small superconducting grain

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    The reduced BCS Hamiltonian for a metallic grain with a finite number of electrons is considered. The crossover between the ultrasmall regime, in which the level spacing, dd, is larger than the bulk superconducting gap, Δ\Delta, and the small regime, where Δd\Delta \gtrsim d, is investigated analytically and numerically. The condensation energy, spin magnetization and tunneling peak spectrum are calculated analytically in the ultrasmall regime, using an approximation controlled by 1/lnN1/\ln N as small parameter, where NN is the number of interacting electron pairs. The condensation energy in this regime is perturbative in the coupling constant λ\lambda, and is proportional to dNλ2=λ2ωDd N \lambda^2 = \lambda^2 \omega_D. We find that also in a large regime with Δ>d\Delta>d, in which pairing correlations are already rather well developed, the perturbative part of the condensation energy is larger than the singular, BCS, part. The condition for the condensation energy to be well approximated by the BCS result is found to be roughly Δ>dωD\Delta > \sqrt{d \omega_D}. We show how the condensation energy can, in principle, be extracted from a measurement of the spin magnetization curve, and find a re-entrant susceptibility at zero temperature as a function of magnetic field, which can serve as a sensitive probe for the existence of superconducting correlations in ultrasmall grains. Numerical results are presented which suggest that in the large NN limit the 1/N correction to the BCS result for the condensation energy is larger than Δ\Delta.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figures, Submitted to Phys. Rev.