3 research outputs found

    Issues relating to the statutory assessment of technology at key stage 3 (1989-93)

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    During this four year period an agency based at Middlesex University was contracted by the Schools Examination and Assessment Council to develop statutory assessment procedures for both design and technology and information technology. This paper will reflect on some of the issues faced by the development team and aspects of the research undertaken in attempting to resolve these issues. The paper will explore the context for the development work with particular reference to the constraints imposed by political decisions and the problems created in attempting to examine a National Curriculum Order whilst many schools were still grappling with its implementation. The paper will focus on design and technology and deal with issues relating to both practical tasks and written tests. The proposed presenter of the paper was director of the agency throughout the four year period. Participants should note that certain aspects relating to this research and development work remain confidential

    Teachers' beliefs about the value of making

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    This paper draws on the findings of an on-going research project, funded by the Crafts Council 'Learning through Making' project and the Technology Enhancement Programme, into the competencies and capabilities which young people develop by being involved in making activities. The first phase of this research has established a general model of teachers' beliefs about the value of making. This model has been established by undertaking case study research in a number of schools, selected because of the importance which they place on making. These schools cover all key stages and the participating teachers are drawn from across the curriculum, inclusion being determined by their use of making in the teaching context. Methodologies employed are described. Teachers' beliefs were sought in three different response modes which provided a measure of triangulation and validation. Key quantitative data is provided which highlights the hierarchical manner in which teachers view competencies and capabilities when they are categorised in to three discrete classes: practical competencies, cognitive abilities and personal attributes. Finally the paper proposes conclusions about the value of making in the school curriculum and provides possible reasons for the way in which teachers prioritise and focus their teaching on certain competencies and capabilities

    "Employability skills" - the contribution made by making activities

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    This paper draws on the findings of an on-going research project, funded by the Crafts Council 'Learning through Making' project and the Technology Enhancement Programme, into the competencies and capabilities which young people develop by being involved in making activities. Phase one was reported at IDATER 1997. The second phase of this research sought to establish the skills which employers look for when recruiting staff and compare these with the outcomes from phase 1. Employers' views were elicited via a structured interview using a variety of techniques. Forty employers took part in the process with 21% coming from the manufacturing sector, 47% from the service sector and 17% from the public sector. Interviews were undertaken with senior staff with responsibility for staff recruitment, who at the time of the interviews were unaware of the focus of the research. Key quantitative data demonstrate the hierarchical manner in which employers view competencies and capabilities and as in phase 1 they are categorised into three discrete classes: practical competencies, cognitive abilities and personal attributes. Finally the paper compares the outcomes of phase 1 and phase 2 and demonstrates that the practical skills acquired via making activities in schools are highly valued by employers