167 research outputs found

    Effects of Ascorbic Acid Deficiencies on Larvae of \u3ci\u3eLymantria Dispar\u3c/i\u3e (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae)

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    We assessed the effects of ascorbic acid and total vitamin deficiencies on growth, food processing efficiencies and survival of larval gypsy moths. Artificial diet lacking ascorbic acid did not alter performance of fourth instars, whereas diet lacking a total vitamin mix margmally reduced growth. All vita- min deficient diets substantially reduced survival of fourth-fifth instars. Mortality occurred primarily during molting periods. providing further evidence of the putative role of ascorbic acid in cuticle formation

    Effects of Aspen Phenolic Glycosides on Gypsy Moth (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) Susceptibility to \u3ci\u3eBacillus Thuringiensis\u3c/i\u3e

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    Performance of the gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar, on quaking aspen, Populus tremuloides, is strongly affected by foliar concentrations of phenolic glycosides. Because the microbial insecticide Bacillus thuringiensis is widely used against gypsy moths and has a mode of action similar to that of phenolic glycosIdes, we investigated the combined effects of the two toxins on gypsy moth larvae. The experimental design was a 2 x 2 factorial: two levels (0, +) of phenolicglycosides for each of two levels (0, +) of B. thuringiensis. The toxins were incorporated into artificial diets and bioassayed against first and fourth instars. Bacillus thuringiensis and phenolic glycosides ne~atively and addi· tively affected larval survival, growth and development tImes. Both agents slightly reduced consumption rates. In addition, B. thuringiensis reduced diet digestibility whereas phenolic glycosides decreased the efficiency with which food was converted to biomass. These results suggest that the efficacy of B. thuringiensis applications in aspen forests is likely to be affected by the allelo· chemical composition of foliage

    Toxic Phenolic Glycosides From \u3ci\u3ePopulus:\u3c/i\u3e Physiological Adaptations of the Western North American Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly, \u3ci\u3ePapilio Rutulus\u3c/i\u3e (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae)

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    The phenolic glycosides tremulacin and salicortin found in quaking aspen, Populus tremuloides, and other members of the Salicaceae, are known to be toxic to larvae of the Eastern tiger swallowtail butterfly, Papilio glaucus, but not to the Canadian tiger swallowtail, P. canadensis. Larvae of the western tiger swallowtail, P. rutulus, were not killed nor were their growth rates suppressed when fed a mixture of tremulacin and salicortin on black cherry leaves. When the Salicaceae adapted P. rutulus penultimate instar larvae were fed a combination of the two phenolic glycosides and the esterase inhibitor (DEF S,S,S-tributylphosphorotrithioate), growth was reduced more than 50OJo compared to controls, and half of the larvae died before completing the instaL Our results indicate that esterase detoxification mechanisms are involved in the western tiger swallowtail, P. rutulus, as is also known to be the case for the northern tiger swallowtail, P. canadensis. It is not known whether the same esterase isozyme is involved in both species. From an evolutionary perspective such information could help resolve whether the Salicaceae-adapted swallowtails species are a monophyletic group (perhaps due to isolation in the Beringial Pleistocene glacial refuge of Alaska)

    Toxic Phenolic Glycosides From \u3ci\u3ePopulus:\u3c/i\u3e Physiological Adaptations of the Western North American Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly, \u3ci\u3ePapilio Rutulus\u3c/i\u3e (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae)

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    The phenolic glycosides tremulacin and salicortin found in quaking aspen, Populus tremuloides, and other members of the Salicaceae, are known to be toxic to larvae of the Eastern tiger swallowtail butterfly, Papilio glaucus, but not to the Canadian tiger swallowtail, P. canadensis. Larvae of the western tiger swallowtail, P. rutulus, were not killed nor were their growth rates suppressed when fed a mixture of tremulacin and salicortin on black cherry leaves. When the Salicaceae adapted P. rutulus penultimate instar larvae were fed a combination of the two phenolic glycosides and the esterase inhibitor (DEF S,S,S-tributylphosphorotrithioate), growth was reduced more than 50OJo compared to controls, and half of the larvae died before completing the instaL Our results indicate that esterase detoxification mechanisms are involved in the western tiger swallowtail, P. rutulus, as is also known to be the case for the northern tiger swallowtail, P. canadensis. It is not known whether the same esterase isozyme is involved in both species. From an evolutionary perspective such information could help resolve whether the Salicaceae-adapted swallowtails species are a monophyletic group (perhaps due to isolation in the Beringial Pleistocene glacial refuge of Alaska)

    Growth–Defense Trade-Offs Shape Population Genetic Composition in an Iconic Forest Tree Species

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    All organisms experience fundamental conflicts between divergent metabolic processes. In plants, a pivotal conflict occurs between allocation to growth, which accelerates resource acquisition, and to defense, which protects existing tissue against herbivory. Trade-offs between growth and defense traits are not universally observed, and a central prediction of plant evolutionary ecology is that context-dependence of these trade-offs contributes to the maintenance of intraspecific variation in defense [Züst and Agrawal, Annu. Rev. Plant Biol., 68, 513–534 (2017)]. This prediction has rarely been tested, however, and the evolutionary consequences of growth–defense trade-offs in different environments are poorly understood, especially in long-lived species [Cipollini et al., Annual Plant Reviews (Wiley, 2014), pp. 263–307]. Here we show that intraspecific trait trade-offs, even when fixed across divergent environments, interact with competition to drive natural selection of tree genotypes corresponding to their growth–defense phenotypes. Our results show that a functional trait trade-off, when coupled with environmental variation, causes real-time divergence in the genetic architecture of tree populations in an experimental setting. Specifically, competitive selection for faster growth resulted in dominance by fast-growing tree genotypes that were poorly defended against natural enemies. This outcome is a signature example of eco-evolutionary dynamics: Competitive interactions affected microevolutionary trajectories on a timescale relevant to subsequent ecological interactions [Brunner et al., Funct. Ecol. 33, 7–12 (2019)]. Eco-evolutionary drivers of tree growth and defense are thus critical to stand-level trait variation, which structures communities and ecosystems over expansive spatiotemporal scales

    Small Mammal Activity Alters Plant Community Composition and Microbial Activity in an Old-Field Ecosystem

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    Herbivores modify their environment by consuming plant biomass and redistributing materials across the landscape. While small mammalian herbivores, such as rodents, are typically inconspicuous, their impacts on plant community structure and chemistry can be large. We used a small mammal exclosure experiment to explore whether rodents in a southeastern old field directly altered the above ground plant species composition and chemistry, and indirectly altered the below ground soil community composition and activity. In general, when rodents were excluded, C3 graminoids increased in cover and biomass, contributing toward a shift in plant species composition relative to plots where rodents were present. The plant community chemistry also shifted; plant fiber concentration and carbon : nitrogen were higher, whereas plant nitrogen concentration was lower in exclosure plots relative to access plots. While microbial community enzyme activity increased when rodents were excluded, no significant changes in the fungal : bacterial or potential nitrogen mineralization occurred between treatments. Our results show that rodents can rapidly influence aboveground plant community composition and chemistry, but their influence on below ground processes may require plant inputs to the soil to accumulate over longer periods of time

    A High-Resolution Genetic Map of Yellow Monkeyflower Identifies Chemical Defense QTLs and Recombination Rate Variation

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    Genotyping-by-sequencing methods have vastly improved the resolution and accuracy of genetic linkage maps by increasing both the number of marker loci as well as the number of individuals genotyped at these loci. Using restriction-associated DNA sequencing, we construct a dense linkage map for a panel of recombinant inbred lines derived from a cross between divergent ecotypes of Mimulus guttatus. We used this map to estimate recombination rate across the genome and to identify quantitative trait loci for the production of several secondary compounds (PPGs) of the phenylpropanoid pathway implicated in defense against herbivores. Levels of different PPGs are correlated across recombinant inbred lines suggesting joint regulation of the phenylpropanoid pathway. However, the three quantitative trait loci identified in this study each act on a distinct PPG. Finally, we map three putative genomic inversions differentiating the two parental populations, including a previously characterized inversion that contributes to life-history differences between the annual/perennial ecotypes.We thank M. Montenero and K. Keefover-Ring for assistance in phytochemistry sample preparation and HPLC troubleshooting, respectively. The KU EEB Genetics group provided valuable comments on the manuscript. We also thank Emma Huang and two anonymous reviewers for their comments. Funding for this research was provided by National Science Foundation grants DEB-0841609 (to RLL) and IOS-0951254 (to J.K.K.), by NIH grant GM073990 (to J.K.K.), and funding from the University of Kansas Botany Endowment Funds (to P.J.M.)

    Attosecond electron-spin dynamics in Xe 4d photoionization

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    The photoionization of xenon atoms in the 70-100 eV range reveals several fascinating physical phenomena such as a giant resonance induced by the dynamic rearrangement of the electron cloud after photon absorption, an anomalous branching ratio between intermediate Xe+^+ states separated by the spin-orbit interaction and multiple Auger decay processes. These phenomena have been studied in the past, using in particular synchrotron radiation, but without access to real-time dynamics. Here, we study the dynamics of Xe 4d photoionization on its natural time scale combining attosecond interferometry and coincidence spectroscopy. A time-frequency analysis of the involved transitions allows us to identify two interfering ionization mechanisms: the broad giant dipole resonance with a fast decay time less than 50 as and a narrow resonance at threshold induced by spin-flip transitions, with much longer decay times of several hundred as. Our results provide new insight into the complex electron-spin dynamics of photo-induced phenomena

    A comparative analysis of phenylpropanoid metabolism, N utilization, and carbon partitioning in fast- and slow-growing Populus hybrid clones

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    The biosynthetic costs of phenylpropanoid-derived condensed tannins (CTs) and phenolic glycosides (PGs) are substantial. However, despite reports of negative correlations between leaf phenolic content and growth of Populus, it remains unclear whether or how foliar biosynthesis of CT/PG interferes with tree growth. A comparison was made of carbon partitioning and N content in developmentally staged leaves, stems, and roots of two closely related Populus hybrid genotypes. The genotypes were selected as two of the most phytochemically divergent from a series of seven previously analysed clones that exhibit a range of height growth rates and foliar amino acid, CT, and PG concentrations. The objective was to analyse the relationship between leaf phenolic content and plant growth, using whole-plant carbon partitioning and N distribution data from the two divergent clones. Total N as a percentage of tissue dry mass was comparatively low, and CT and PG accrual comparatively high in leaves of the slow-growing clone. Phenylpropanoid accrual and N content were comparatively high in stems of the slow-growing clone. Carbon partitioning within phenylpropanoid and carbohydrate networks in developing stems differed sharply between clones. The results did not support the idea that foliar production of phenylpropanoid defence chemicals was the primary cause of reduced plant growth in the slow-growing clone. The findings are discussed in the context of metabolic mechanism(s) which may contribute to reduced N delivery from roots to leaves, thereby compromising tree growth and promoting leaf phenolic accrual in the slow-growing clone