117 research outputs found

    A whole blood monokine-based reporter assay provides a sensitive and robust measurement of the antigen-specific T cell response

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The ability to measure T-cell responses to antigens is proving critical in the field of vaccine development and for understanding immunity to pathogens, allergens and self-antigens. Although a variety of technologies exist for this purpose IFNγ-ELISpot assays are widely used because of their sensitivity and simplicity. However, ELISpot assays cannot be performed on whole blood, and require relatively large volumes of blood to yield sufficient numbers of peripheral blood mononuclear cells. To address these deficiencies, we describe an assay that measures antigen-specific T cell responses through changes in monokine gene transcription. The biological amplification of the IFNγ signal generated by this assay provides sensitivity comparable to ELISpot, but with the advantage that responses can be quantified using small volumes of whole blood.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Whole blood or peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from healthy controls and immunosuppressed recipients of solid organ transplants were incubated with peptide pools covering viral and control antigens or mitogen for 20 hours. Total RNA was extracted and reverse transcribed before amplification in a TaqMan qPCR reaction using primers and probes specific for MIG (CXCL9), IP-10 (CXCL10) and HPRT. The induction of MIG and IP-10 in response to stimuli was analysed and the results were compared with those obtained by ELISpot.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Antigen-specific T cell responses can be measured through the induction of MIG or IP-10 gene expression in PBMCs or whole blood with results comparable to those achieved in ELISpot assays. The biological amplification generated by IFNγ-R signaling allows responses to be detected in as little as 25 μL of whole blood and enables the assay to retain sensitivity despite storage of samples for up to 48 hours prior to processing.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>A monokine-based reporter assay provides a sensitive measure of antigen-specific T cell activation. Assays can be performed on small volumes of whole blood and remain accurate despite delays in processing. This assay may be a useful tool for studying T cell responses, particularly when samples are limited in quantity or when storage or transportation is required before processing.</p

    The phenotype of circulating follicular-helper T cells in patients with rheumatoid arthritis defines CD200 as a potential therapeutic target

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    Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a systemic autoimmune disease primarily affecting synovial joints in which the development of autoantibodies represents a failure of normal tolerance mechanisms, suggesting a role for follicular helper T cells (TFH) in the genesis of autoimmunity. To determine whether quantitative or qualitative abnormalities in the circulating TFH cell population exist, we analysed by flow cytometry the number and profile of these cells in 35 patients with RA and 15 matched controls. Results were correlated with patient characteristics, including the presence of autoantibodies, disease activity, and treatment with biologic agents. Circulating TFH cells from patients with RA show significantly increased expression of the immunoglobulin superfamily receptor CD200, with highest levels seen in seropositive patients (P=0.0045) and patients treated with anti-TNFα agents (P=0.0008). This occurs in the absence of any change in TFH numbers or overt bias towards Th1, Th2, or Th17 phenotypes. CD200 levels did not correlate with DAS28 scores (P=0.887). Although the number of circulating TFH cells is not altered in the blood of patients with RA, the TFH cells have a distinct phenotype. These differences associate TFH cells with the pathogenesis of RA and support the relevance of the CD200/CD200R signalling pathway as a potential therapeutic target

    The Cellular Location of Self-antigen Determines the Positive and Negative Selection of Autoreactive B Cells

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    Systemic autoimmune disease is frequently characterized by the production of autoantibodies against widely expressed intracellular self-antigens, whereas B cell tolerance to ubiquitous and highly expressed extracellular antigens is strictly enforced. To test for differences in the B cell response to intracellular and extracellular self-antigens, we sequestered a tolerogenic cell surface antigen intracellularly by addition of a two amino acid endoplasmic reticulum (ER) retention signal. In contrast to cell surface antigen, which causes the deletion of autoreactive B cells, the intracellularly sequestered self-antigen failed to induce B cell tolerance and was instead autoimmunogenic. The intracellular antigen positively selected antigen-binding B cells to differentiate into B1 cells and induced large numbers of IgM autoantibody-secreting plasma cells in a T-independent manner. By analyzing the impact of differences in subcellular distribution independently from other variables, such as B cell receptor affinity, antigen type, or tissue distribution, we have established that intracellular localization of autoantigen predisposes for autoantibody production. These findings help explain why intracellular antigens are targeted in systemic autoimmune diseases

    Combination CD200R/PD-1 blockade in a humanised mouse model

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    There is an increasing number of immune-checkpoint inhibitors being developed and approved for cancer immunotherapy. Most of the new therapies aim to reactivate tumour-infiltrating T cells, which are responsible for tumour killing. However, in many tumours, the most abundant infiltrating immune cells are macrophages and myeloid cells, which can be tumour-promoting as well as tumouricidal. CD200R was initially identified as a myeloid-restricted, inhibitory immune receptor, but was subsequently also found to be expressed within the lymphoid lineage. Using a mouse model humanised for CD200R and PD-1, we investigated the potential of a combination therapy comprising nivolumab, a clinically approved PD-1 blocking antibody, and OX108, a CD200R antagonist. We produced nivolumab as a murine IgG1 antibody and validated its binding activity in vitro as well as ex vivo. We then tested the combination therapy in the immunogenic colorectal cancer model MC38 as well as the PD-1 blockade-resistant lung cancer model LLC1, which is characterised by a large number of infiltrating myeloid cells, making it an attractive target for CD200R blockade. No significant improvement of overall survival was found in either model, compared to nivolumab mIgG1 monotherapy. There was a trend for more complete responses in the MC38 model, but investigation of the infiltrating immune cells failed to account for this. Importantly, MC38 cells expressed low levels of CD200, whereas LLC1 cells were CD200-negative. Further investigation of CD200R-blocking antibodies in tumours expressing high levels of CD200 could be warranted

    Immune Checkpoints as Therapeutic Targets in Autoimmunity

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    Antibodies that block the immune checkpoint receptors PD1 and CTLA4 have revolutionized the treatment of melanoma and several other cancers, but in the process, a new class of drug side effect has emerged—immune related adverse events. The observation that therapeutic blockade of these inhibitory receptors is sufficient to break self-tolerance, highlights their crucial role in the physiological modulation of immune responses. Here, we discuss the rationale for targeting immune checkpoint receptors with agonistic agents in autoimmunity, to restore tolerance when it is lost. We review progress that has been made to date, using Fc-fusion proteins, monoclonal antibodies or other novel constructs to induce immunosuppressive signaling through these pathways. Finally, we explore potential mechanisms by which these receptors trigger and modulate immune cell function, and how understanding these processes might shape the design of more effective therapeutic agents in future

    Splenic T Zone Development Is B Cell Dependent

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    Treatment with FoxP3+ Antigen-Experienced T Regulatory Cells Arrests Progressive Retinal Damage in a Spontaneous Model of Uveitis

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    FUNDING: This work was funded by Fight for Sight, The Eye Charity (CSO project grant award: 3031-3032), and The Development Trust of the University of Aberdeen (Saving Sight in Grampian) (Grant codes: RG-12663 and RG-14251). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: We thank the Iain Fraser Flow Cytometry core facility, and the Microscopy and Histology core facility of the University of Aberdeen.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    NDRG1 is induced by antigen-receptor signaling but dispensable for B and T cell self-tolerance.

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    Peripheral tolerance prevents the initiation of damaging immune responses by autoreactive lymphocytes. While tolerogenic mechanisms are tightly regulated by antigen-dependent and independent signals, downstream pathways are incompletely understood. N-myc downstream-regulated gene 1 (NDRG1), an anti-cancer therapeutic target, has previously been implicated as a CD4+ T cell clonal anergy factor. By RNA-sequencing, we identified Ndrg1 as the third most upregulated gene in anergic, compared to naïve follicular, B cells. Ndrg1 is upregulated by B cell receptor activation (signal one) and suppressed by co-stimulation (signal two), suggesting that NDRG1 may be important in B cell tolerance. However, though Ndrg1-/- mice have a neurological defect mimicking NDRG1-associated Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT4d) disease, primary and secondary immune responses were normal. We find that B cell tolerance is maintained, and NDRG1 does not play a role in downstream responses during re-stimulation of in vivo antigen-experienced CD4+ T cells, demonstrating that NDGR1 is functionally redundant for lymphocyte anergy

    Transplant Recipients and Anal Neoplasia Study: Design, Methods, and Participant Characteristics of a Prevalence Study

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    Kidney recipients have anal cancer rates 3 times higher than the general population in Australia and New Zealand. High-risk human papillomavirus (HPV) genotypes are implicated in the majority of anal cancers. Establishing the epidemiology of anal HPV infection and precursors of anal cancer in transplant recipient populations is 1 consideration in any potential screening program. The Transplant and Anal Neoplasia Study is a cross-sectional study of the prevalence of anal cytological abnormalities and HPV deoxyribonucleic acid in kidney transplant recipients, as well as evaluating the acceptability of an anal cancer screening intervention. The study aims to recruit 100 kidney transplant recipients, older than 18 years, in Australia. Transplant recipients at- tending for a protocol biopsy at 3 and 12 months and annually posttransplant are approached to participate. Participants undergo an anal swab, which is then analyzed using liquid-based cytological examination and tested for the detection of 37 anogenital HPV deoxyribonucleic acid genotypes. Participants also complete a demographic and behavioral questionnaire that covers sexual be- havior, history of anal symptoms, and possible anal cancer risk factors. Associations will be tested using multiple regression anal- ysis. Recruitment for the study began in 2015 and is ongoing. To date, 96 (77%) of 125 kidney transplant recipients approached have consented to the study. The mean age is 48 (median, 47 y; range, 20–76 y), 59% are male, and Northwest European (58%) represented the largest ethnic group. No participants self-identified as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander. High consent rates and positive qualitative results suggest that a larger screening program may be well received by kidney transplant recipients, with in- creased resources and some modification to the timing of approach. Further results of the study will inform the possible implemen- tation of a larger screening trial for prevention of anal cancers in kidney and other solid organ transplant recipients

    Aberrant mucin assembly in mice causes endoplasmic reticulum stress and spontaneous inflammation resembling ulcerative colitis

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    BACKGROUND: MUC2 mucin produced by intestinal goblet cells is the major component of the intestinal mucus barrier. The inflammatory bowel disease ulcerative colitis is characterized by depleted goblet cells and a reduced mucus layer, but the aetiology remains obscure. In this study we used random mutagenesis to produce two murine models of inflammatory bowel disease, characterised the basis and nature of the inflammation in these mice, and compared the pathology with human ulcerative colitis. METHODS AND FINDINGS: By murine N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea mutagenesis we identified two distinct noncomplementing missense mutations in Muc2 causing an ulcerative colitis-like phenotype. 100% of mice of both strains developed mild spontaneous distal intestinal inflammation by 6 wk (histological colitis scores versus wild-type mice, p , 0.01) and chronic diarrhoea. Monitoring over 300 mice of each strain demonstrated that 25% and 40% of each strain, respectively, developed severe clinical signs of colitis by age 1 y. Mutant mice showed aberrant Muc2 biosynthesis, less stored mucin in goblet cells, a diminished mucus barrier, and increased susceptibility to colitis induced by a luminal toxin. Enhanced local production of IL-1b, TNF-a, and IFN-c was seen in the distal colon, and intestinal permeability increased 2-fold. The number of leukocytes within mesenteric lymph nodes increased 5-fold and leukocytes cultured in vitro produced more Th1 and Th2 cytokines (IFN-c, TNF-a, and IL-13). This pathology was accompanied by accumulation of the Muc2 precursor and ultrastructural and biochemical evidence of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress in goblet cells, activation of the unfolded protein response, and altered intestinal expression of genes involved in ER stress, inflammation, apoptosis, and wound repair. Expression of mutated Muc2 oligomerisation domains in vitro demonstrated that aberrant Muc2 oligomerisation underlies the ER stress. In human ulcerative colitis we demonstrate similar accumulation of nonglycosylated MUC2 precursor in goblet cells together with ultrastructural and biochemical evidence of ER stress even in noninflamed intestinal tissue. Although our study demonstrates that mucin misfolding and ER stress initiate colitis in mice, it does not ascertain the genetic or environmental drivers of ER stress in human colitis. CONCLUSIONS: Characterisation of the mouse models we created and comparison with human disease suggest that ER stress-related mucin depletion could be a fundamental component of the pathogenesis of human colitis and that clinical studies combining genetics, ER stress-related pathology and relevant environmental epidemiology are warranted. The Editors’ Summary of this article follows the references