1,724 research outputs found

    Negative circuits and sustained oscillations in asynchronous automata networks

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    The biologist Ren\'e Thomas conjectured, twenty years ago, that the presence of a negative feedback circuit in the interaction graph of a dynamical system is a necessary condition for this system to produce sustained oscillations. In this paper, we state and prove this conjecture for asynchronous automata networks, a class of discrete dynamical systems extensively used to model the behaviors of gene networks. As a corollary, we obtain the following fixed point theorem: given a product XX of nn finite intervals of integers, and a map FF from XX to itself, if the interaction graph associated with FF has no negative circuit, then FF has at least one fixed point

    Fixed point theorems for Boolean networks expressed in terms of forbidden subnetworks

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    We are interested in fixed points in Boolean networks, {\em i.e.} functions ff from {0,1}n\{0,1\}^n to itself. We define the subnetworks of ff as the restrictions of ff to the subcubes of {0,1}n\{0,1\}^n, and we characterizes a class F\mathcal{F} of Boolean networks satisfying the following property: Every subnetwork of ff has a unique fixed point if and only if ff has no subnetwork in F\mathcal{F}. This characterization generalizes the fixed point theorem of Shih and Dong, which asserts that if for every xx in {0,1}n\{0,1\}^n there is no directed cycle in the directed graph whose the adjacency matrix is the discrete Jacobian matrix of ff evaluated at point xx, then ff has a unique fixed point. Then, denoting by C+\mathcal{C}^+ (resp. C−\mathcal{C}^-) the networks whose the interaction graph is a positive (resp. negative) cycle, we show that the non-expansive networks of F\mathcal{F} are exactly the networks of C+∪C−\mathcal{C}^+\cup \mathcal{C}^-; and for the class of non-expansive networks we get a "dichotomization" of the previous forbidden subnetwork theorem: Every subnetwork of ff has at most (resp. at least) one fixed point if and only if ff has no subnetworks in C+\mathcal{C}^+ (resp. C−\mathcal{C}^-) subnetwork. Finally, we prove that if ff is a conjunctive network then every subnetwork of ff has at most one fixed point if and only if ff has no subnetwork in C+\mathcal{C}^+.Comment: 40 page

    Random curves on surfaces induced from the Laplacian determinant

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    We define natural probability measures on cycle-rooted spanning forests (CRSFs) on graphs embedded on a surface with a Riemannian metric. These measures arise from the Laplacian determinant and depend on the choice of a unitary connection on the tangent bundle to the surface. We show that, for a sequence of graphs (Gn)(G_n) conformally approximating the surface, the measures on CRSFs of GnG_n converge and give a limiting probability measure on finite multicurves (finite collections of pairwise disjoint simple closed curves) on the surface, independent of the approximating sequence. Wilson's algorithm for generating spanning trees on a graph generalizes to a cycle-popping algorithm for generating CRSFs for a general family of weights on the cycles. We use this to sample the above measures. The sampling algorithm, which relates these measures to the loop-erased random walk, is also used to prove tightness of the sequence of measures, a key step in the proof of their convergence. We set the framework for the study of these probability measures and their scaling limits and state some of their properties

    Random two-component spanning forests

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    We study random two-component spanning forests (22SFs) of finite graphs, giving formulas for the first and second moments of the sizes of the components, vertex-inclusion probabilities for one or two vertices, and the probability that an edge separates the components. We compute the limit of these quantities when the graph tends to an infinite periodic graph in Rd{\mathbb R}^d
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