32 research outputs found

    Laparoscopic management of ruptured non communicating rudimentary horn in second trimester of pregnancy

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    Rudimentary horn is a developmental anomaly of the uterus. Pregnancy in rudimentary horn is rare occurrence with incidence of less than 1 in 150,000. Prerupture diagnosis of rudimentary horn pregnancy with USG is technically difficult, with sensitivity of 30%. It is often not diagnosed unless it terminates by rupture in the second trimester leading to catastrophic haemorrhage and hence high incidence of maternal mortality. Management of such cases is a challenge till today due to diagnostic dilemma. Expertise in ultrasonography and early resort to surgical management is life saving in such cases. Here we present a case of ruptured non-communicating rudimentary horn pregnancy at 15 weeks presenting in our emergency department as a case of pain abdomen. Laparoscopic resection of the rudimentary horn was performed for the patient

    Effect of metal ions on amylase production

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    Amylase producing fungi were isolated from different soil samples. About 11 fungal isolates were isolated which were screened for Amylase production on starch agar medium using iodine test. Of the 11 isolates, three isolates showed clear zones and the isolate showing maximum clearance zone was selected for further studies. Identification of isolate showed that it belonged to Genus Aspergillus. The effect of different metal ions on the production and activity of Amylase was studied. Five different ions were used for the study. Starch agar medium was prepared with different metal ions and inoculated with the culture and incubated. It was seen that maximum mycelial growth was observed with MgSO4 followed by KNO3 but very less or negligible growth was seen when grown with CaCO3. Therefore, Mg ions were considered to be the best ion for optimum growth of the fungus and thus considered the best inducer for Amylase production as maximum enzyme activity was observed with Mg ions but Ca and Cu ions showed less activity and therefore might be showing inhibitory effect on Amylase production

    Kloniranje, izražajnost i pročišćavanje bjelančevine 28 iz vanjske membrane Salmonelle enterice serovar Typhimurium za razvoj podjediničnog cjepiva - kratko priopćenje

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    Salmonella Typhimurium, a major gastrointestinal pathogen, poses a global threat to human health. Public health problems associated with this organism have increased to the extent that it has become a major issue. The bacterium is becoming resistant to the commonly available antibiotics, and vaccines also suffer from limitations such as short lived immunity. Therefore, there is an urgent need for the development of an effective vaccine. The outer membrane proteins (Omps) of Salmonella have proven their capability to be developed as a vaccine candidate for prevention of salmonellosis. With this aim, in the present study the Omp28 gene of Salmonella Typhimurium was amplified, cloned and expressed under an IPTG induction system. The recombinant protein thus produced was purified and tested for its antigenicity. The antigenicity of the purified protein was confirmed by western blotting with antiserum raised in rabbit against Omps of S. Typhimurium. The Omp28 gene was amplified as a 330bp product. The expressed protein was found to be of approximately 28kDa and it produced a strong signal in western blot analysis. This study concluded that Omp28 may be proven to be an effective candidate for the development of r-DNA vaccine against salmonellosis.Salmonella Typhimurium glavni je gastrointestinalni patogen koji je globalna prijetnja ljudskome zdravlju. Javnozdravstveni problemi povezani s ovim organizmom povećali su se do te mjere da je postao glavno pitanje na koje se traže brojni odgovori. Bakterija postaje otporna na najčešće dostupne antibiotike, a ograničavajuća uporaba cjepiva povezana je s kratkotrajnim imunitetom. Zbog toga postoji hitna potreba za razvoj učinkovitog cjepiva. Vanjske bjelančevine membrane (engl. Outer membrane proteins, Omps) salmonele dokazale su svoju sposobnost kandidata za razvoj cjepiva koje bi se koristilo u prevenciji salmoneloze. S tim je ciljem u ovom radu, pod uvjetima IPTG indukcijskog sustava, provedeno umnažanje i kloniranje te provjerena izražajnost gena za Omp28 iz Salmonelle Typhimurium. Tako dobivena rekombinantna bjelančevina pročišćena je i testirana s obzirom na antigenu sposobnost. Antigena sposobnost pročišćene bjelančevine potvrđena je uporabom Western blot metode s antiserumom protiv Omps-a iz S. Typhimurium dobivenim od zeca. Genom Omp28 umnožen je kao 330bp produkt. Bjelančevina je imala približno 28 kDa i Western blot analizom pokazala je izraženost jakog signala. Ovim je istraživanjem zaključeno da Omp28 može poslužiti kao učinkoviti kandidat za razvoj r-DNA cjepiva protiv salmoneloze

    Synthesis of antioxidative anthraquinones as potential anticancer agents

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    Antioxidant and antibacterial activities of natural anthraquinones namely chrysophanol (1) and emodin (2), and synthesized anthraquinones viz. 2-methylanthraquinone (3), anthraquinone (4), 2-bromoanthraquinone (5), rubiadin (6), chrysophanol diacetate (7), rubiadin diacetate (8) and 1,8-dimethoxy-3-methylanthraquinone (9) were investigated. Anthraquinones 9, 3, 6, 5 and 2 exhibited a high DPPH• radical scavenging capacity (IC50 = <500 μg/mL) showing their therapeutic potentiality for the treatment of cancers. These anthraquinones 1-9 have also displayed a weak to moderate antibacterial activity against Bacillus subtilis. Chrysophanol diacetate (7) including emodin (2) have been appeared as the valuable antibacterials. BIBECHANA 18 (2) (2021) 143-15

    Synthesis of antioxidative anthraquinones as potential anticancer agents

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    Antioxidant and antibacterial activities of natural anthraquinones namely chrysophanol (1) and emodin (2), and synthesized anthraquinones viz. 2-methylanthraquinone (3), anthraquinone (4), 2-bromoanthraquinone (5), rubiadin (6), chrysophanol diacetate (7), rubiadin diacetate (8) and 1,8-dimethoxy-3-methylanthraquinone (9) were investigated. Anthraquinones 9, 3, 6, 5 and 2 exhibited a high DPPH• radical scavenging capacity (IC50 = <500 μg/mL) showing their therapeutic potentiality for the treatment of cancers. These anthraquinones 1-9 have also displayed a weak to moderate antibacterial activity against Bacillus subtilis. Chrysophanol diacetate (7) including emodin (2) have been appeared as the valuable antibacterials. BIBECHANA 18 (2) (2021) 143-15

    Structure-based virtual screening methods for the identification of novel phytochemical inhibitors targeting furin protease for the management of COVID-19

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    The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) virus, is a highly contagious respiratory disease with widespread societal impact. The symptoms range from cough, fever, and pneumonia to complications affecting various organs, including the heart, kidneys, and nervous system. Despite various ongoing efforts, no effective drug has been developed to stop the spread of the virus. Although various types of medications used to treat bacterial and viral diseases have previously been employed to treat COVID-19 patients, their side effects have also been observed. The way SARS-CoV-2 infects the human body is very specific, as its spike protein plays an important role. The S subunit of virus spike protein cleaved by human proteases, such as furin protein, is an initial and important step for its internalization into a human host. Keeping this context, we attempted to inhibit the furin using phytochemicals that could produce minimal side effects. For this, we screened 408 natural phytochemicals from various plants having antiviral properties, against furin protein, and molecular docking and dynamics simulations were performed. Based on the binding score, the top three compounds (robustaflavone, withanolide, and amentoflavone) were selected for further validation. MM/GBSA energy calculations revealed that withanolide has the lowest binding energy of −57.2 kcal/mol followed by robustaflavone and amentoflavone with a binding energy of −45.2 kcal/mol and −39.68 kcal/mol, respectively. Additionally, ADME analysis showed drug-like properties for these three lead compounds. Hence, these natural compounds robustaflavone, withanolide, and amentoflavone, may have therapeutic potential for the management of SARS-CoV-2 by targeting furin

    Effect of boiling on the antidiabetic property of enzyme treated sheep milk casein

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    Aim: Sheep milk-born bioactive peptides have been found to exhibit various physiological activities. The present work was designed with the aim to evaluate the effect of boiling on antidiabetic property of peptides derived from sheep milk caseinate on hydrolysis with three different proteases. Materials and Methods: In this investigation, casein prepared from raw and boiled sheep milk was hydrolyzed by three commercially available proteases (trypsin, pepsin, and chymotrypsin). These hydrolysates collected at different hydrolysis times (60, 120, 160, and 240 min) were assayed for their antidiabetic activity. Results: Among the three different enzyme hydrolysates, casein treated with chymotrypsin shows the highest antidiabetic activity among other enzymes. While the antidiabetic effect of raw milk-derived casein hydrolysates always exceeds than effect shown by boiled milk casein hydrolysates. Conclusion: The result obtained hence shows that the effect of boiling on the properties of bioactive peptides released during different enzyme digestion depends largely on the enzymatic formulation used and treatment conditions. Chymotrypsin treatment of raw casein yields peptides with maximum antidiabetic activity as compared to pepsin and trypsin. Moreover, the peptides produced after enzymatic treatment of boiled casein show reduced antidiabetic properties. Therefore, enzymatically treated raw milk casein hydrolysates may be used as effective nutritional supplements for diabetic patients, as it causes a significant inhibition of α-amylase activity

    HPLC Quantification of Phenolic Acids from Vetiveria zizanioides (L.) Nash and Its Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activity

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    Extraction procedure was standardized and for the soluble, glycoside, and wall-bound fractions of phenolic acids from Vetiveria zizanioides. The water soluble alkaline extract which represents the cell wall-bound fraction contained the highest amount of phenolic acids (2.62 ± 1.2 μM/g fwt GA equivalents). Increased phenolic content in the cell wall indicates more lignin deposition which has an important role in plant defense and stress mitigation. Antioxidant property expressed as percentage TEAC value obtained by ABTS assay was correlated with the amount of phenolic acids and showed a Pearson's coefficient 0.988 (significant at 0.01 level). The compounds p-coumaric acid, p-dihydroxybenzoic acid, and ferulic acid were detected in the acidic extracts by HPLC analysis. The plant extracts exhibited considerable antimicrobial activity against tested bacterial and fungal strains

    Neuropsychological deficits in elderly with depression

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    Background: Depressed patients are preoccupied with unhappy thoughts which reduce their capacity to focus on attention, memory, and other cognitive performance. Aim: The aim of this study is to assess neuropsychological deficits in elderly depressive and compare it with matched normal controls. Methods: After consideration of inclusion and exclusion criteria, the sample of 30 elderly depressive patients diagnosed on the basis of International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Edition criteria and 30 normal controls were selected. The selection of sample was by purposive sampling from private psychiatric clinic of Bhopal. The age range of sample was 60 years and above. All participants were administered the Geriatric Depression Scale, and the Luria–Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery-1 (LNNB form-1). Results: On the Geriatric Depression Scale, 21 patients were at mild level and nine patients were at severe level of depression. None of the normal controls were depressed. On LNNB form-1, depressive patients showed significant elevation on receptive speech, arithmetic, memory, reading, writing, and expressive speech as compared to normal controls. Conclusion: Older depressive patients showed significantly more neurocognitive deficits as compared to normal controls. It is important that these deficits are identified and addressed for the holistic treatment of late-onset depression

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    Not AvailableVariability, character association, and path analysis were carried out in 599 individual plants of F2 population derived from an intra-specific cross of Cucumis melo x Cucumis melo var. Momordica. The observations were recorded on nine horticultural traits viz. number of branches/plant, vine length (cm), number of fruits/plant, polar circumference and equatorial circumference of fruit (cm), flesh thickness (cm), fruit weight (kg), total soluble solid (%) and yield/plant (kg). The analysis of variance revealed remarkable variation within population for concerned characters. The maximum range of mean value was recorded in vine length and minimum in flesh thickness. Regression analysis revealed that number of fruits contribute maximum towards increase of fruit yield, followed by fruit weight and polar circumference of fruit. Yield has positive and significant association with all other characters except total soluble solids (TSS). Number of fruits had the highest direct effect on yield followed by fruit weight. Therefore, number of fruits and fruit weight should be considered during selection for yield. These populations will be converted into Recombinant Inbred Lines (RILs) by selfing following the Single Seed Decent (SSD) methods will be very useful to map the Quantitative Trait Loci (QTLs) for horticultural traits and TSSNot Availabl